MH370 - Snippets from the ATSB First Principles Review. Any comments I add will be in brown and with
Data analysis was also performed by the ATSB’s quality assurance manager based in the USA and finally by independent highly experienced sonar data experts also based in the USA. [Given that the AUSTRALIAN Transport Safety Bureau is there to investigate AUSTRALIAN cases, am I barking up the wrong tree or should this person be based in AUSTRALIA - not USA? Would it not be better to have the people in Australia who are involved in receiving the sonar data analyzing it? But I'm n

Here's a wee gem - Damage control by the ATSB! This off their website....
This is an interesting attempt by ATSB to defend themselves. Sorry but it just ain't doing it for me! Correcting the Record Inaccurate media reporting on search for MH370 9 September 2016 An article, Inquiry into MH370 to probe ‘years of wasted effort’ by Byron Bailey which appeared in The Australian on 8 September 2016 contains inaccuracies that require correction and clarification. Firstly, the article says that “the Australian Transport Safety Bureau decided on an unrespon

MH370 First Principles Review and CSIRO reports
Above Photo Credit ~ Justin Kane, Los Angeles. [GREAT IMAGE!] [I will be highlighting and making a few comments/observations and I'll put a number beside each area of comment/observation and then provide my content relative to that number at the conclusion of the media release. Declan Curran.] Media release MH370 First Principles Review and CSIRO reports Date: 20 December 2016 Today the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) released its report MH370 – First Principles Rev
![MH370 - FIRST PRINCIPLES REVIEW [November 2-4 2016]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b621fc_8b90948a79d1474e80a9343204c6a231~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90/b621fc_8b90948a79d1474e80a9343204c6a231~mv2.jpg)
MH370 - FIRST PRINCIPLES REVIEW [November 2-4 2016]
This is the latest report from the Australian Transportation Safety Bureau, as far as I. The link will take you to the report but I've copied some of it below. The expected completion is March 2018, as highlighted below. Question - Why do all the updates and reports/situation releases always have to come out on the anniversary? Surely this makes a mockery of the entire investigation. Just release the reports and stop pissing around playing childish games with people's emotion

Ever heard of the Boeing/Airbus Un-interuptable Auto Pilot? No? Then you NEED to know this!
What systems were aboard Malaysia MH370, which could have commandeered the flight from outside the aircraft? (And aboard almost every other computer-controlled, glass cockpit, Airbus and Boeing commercial aircraft in service today,) Do you even think it's possible that this was how MH370 went "missing?" No??? ...........Think again - You need to see this, along with anyone who flies. This short video clip was made the day MH370 essentially seemed to have vanished.... It will

The two Australian documentaries ~ 60 minutes and ABC' Four Corners. "Opponents in the same
Check out these two documentaries which also appear on the main Malaysia MH370 page. I'll let you decide which "flavor" [Content] you like the best! [UPDATE APRIL 06 2019: The Australian 60 Mins video has been deleted. Someone, somewhere must be feeling threatened and insecure about the truth getting out?!] Above ~ 60 Mins Australia [23:28] Above ~ ABC Four Corners [45:37] What you are about to read is transcribed directly from the ABC documentary, and

What flew over the Maldives that the fishermen reported seeing.... and what didn't fly over, if
Above ~ The Malaysia Airlines B777-200, Above ~ A Maldivian Bombardier Dash Regn 9M-MRO as MH370, March 08, 2014. 8, capable of seating 50. I have just finished reading CNN Aviation Correspondent, Richard Quest's book - The Vanishing of Flight MH370. It's extremely well worth reading. Richard writes with a passion for the aviation world. He presents and addresses the multiple deficiencies in the investigation in the hours immediately after MH370 appeared to vanis

Malaysia Airlines MH370 Facebook ~ Flaperon Comments & Images
The 777 flaperon was discovered on the east coast of Réunion. Observe the direction and lengths of the shadows in this sequence of pictures. Which is the correct sequence of these pictures? Also, why would the flaperon, having been carried from the pebbled beach to the grassed area be carried back to the beach to be loaded on the vehicle? What does this tell us about how the flaperon got on the beach? MH370 One Voice - Effective Action ~ Clearly, from the length of the shadow

Malaysia Airlines MH370 Final ATSB 'Search' Report. January 11 2017
Operational Update At the request of the Malaysian Government, Australia has accepted responsibility for the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) is leading the underwater search for MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean. Joint Agency Coordination Centre
MH370 Operational Search Update 11 January 2017 This operational report has been developed to provide regular updates on the progress of the search effort for MH370.