Malaysia Airlines MH370 - The investigation that wasn't.
MALAYSIA AIRLINES MH370 – ‘THE ROCK’ - The Investigation that wasn’t. On Monday June 04 2018, my interest in a program which I rarely view [The Project on the TV3 network], had me firmly focused on the screen. Thane and Dunc, drive-time shock DJ’s on The Rock, a radio station in New Zealand, discussing with the TV panel their upcoming private search mission on Mauritius to locate Malaysia MH370. Their ‘vacation’ was one week from leaving NZ to returning again. There are some

MALAYSIA AIRLINES MH370 - Looking at aspects of the book, "The Vanishing of Flight MH370,"
BEFORE WE BEGIN, Some important comments to make. I will be quoting pieces from Richard's book, then placing my response which is based upon my own private investigation. This investigation has been achievable through the numerous pieces of evidence available to anyone who wants to go looking for it. Once it's laid out alongside other data/images/reports and personal statements, both official and public, a clear picture starts to develop; one which cannot easily be dismissed
![JOINT INVESTIGATION TEAM [JIT] RIDES INTO ANOTHER PRESS CONFERENCE - but don't get too excited.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b621fc_6977cb57ee1d4e6c83ef908e0ffaf084~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90/b621fc_6977cb57ee1d4e6c83ef908e0ffaf084~mv2.jpg)
What shits me BIG TIME is that in the JIT Conference video they claim to be so sure of all the details pertaining to the transportation of the Buk missile and right down to it being a truck with a white cab and red articulated trailer [Volvo], yet [and they said themselves] that they can't be totally sure of WHO fired it and from where! SAY WHAT?!
https://youtu.be/mE4tyHBer1k [The link to the JIT Conference.] Full article access: http://www.stalkerzone.org/vladimir-kornilov-

Dutch Foreign Minister ‘can’t rule out’ Kiev’s liability in downing of MH17 as it didn’t close airsp
Published time: 1 Jun, 2018 12:53 Edited time: 1 Jun, 2018 13:34 Source: Russia Today The Netherlands cannot exclude Ukraine’s liability in the downing of flight MH17, Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok said on Thursday amid the ongoing probe, local media reports. Blok said that although there was no “hard legal ground” to hold Ukraine responsible for the tragedy, he could not “rule out anything.” The question as to why Ukraine was not held responsible was raised at the lower h

No Russian missile system ever crossed into Ukraine: MoD rejects Dutch MH17 claims. [Sourced by Agen
Published time: 24 May, 2018 14:07 Edited time: 25 May, 2018 09:32 https://www.rt.com/news/427669-mh17-russia-ukraine-dutch/ The Russian Defense Ministry has rejected new claims that flight MH17 over Ukraine was downed by a missile from a Russian unit, urging the Dutch-led probe to focus on studying hard facts instead of social media images. “Not a single anti-aircraft missile system of the Russian Armed Forces has ever crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border,” the defense minis