What shits me BIG TIME is that in the JIT Conference video they claim to be so sure of all the details pertaining to the transportation of the Buk missile and right down to it being a truck with a white cab and red articulated trailer [Volvo], yet [and they said themselves] that they can't be totally sure of WHO fired it and from where! SAY WHAT?! [The link to the JIT Conference.]
Full article access: The Buk missile head they present is rusted and damaged, yet the main body/shaft is in perfect condition; paint intact. The JIT claim that this was representative of the Buk missile; they couldn't locate the original. How bloody convenient. It helps if ANY official scene search team actually does the job of recovering ALL the wreckage - and furthermore, present it!
My understanding [recently] is that a substantial amount of wreckage and some bodies, remain on the scene to this day. The entire JIT presentation harps on about the Buk missile and launcher and describing them down to an intimate detail. They then have the audacity to ask anyone with any information as to who was responsible for the downing of MH17, or any witnesses with evidence or who saw the Buk missile launch to contact their JIT team via their website. But, the sad and disgracefulness of this circus act is that they STILL HAVEN'T SAID WHETHER IT WAS RUSSIA, UKRAINE, RUSSIAN SEPARATISTS OR, MAYBE EVEN SOMEONE ON OR NEAR THE SCENE. They now expect Russia to admit liability. What a total utter bunch of conspiring amateurs. When JIT were questioned about where and when the case would come to a court, they claimed they are still working on the case and a fair amount of work still to complete. No surprises here; but in a Dutch Court? Why have I little faith in a fair and impartial trial?! As one of his final comments - Fred Westerbeke, Chief Prosecutor of the National Prosecutor's Office of The Netherlands, says, [and I quote] "First of all, sorry that we sound desperate because we are not desperate. We are progressing in our investigation, in a good way, and we are very confident we are going to finish this investigation in a good way. I think that the fact that we are asking for this information now, also shows that we're entering the next phase of the investigation, which is really now progressing towards the people who were responsible, and a lot of our work in the last years, has been all the forensic work and all the work around the wire taps - everything WE FOUND ON THE INTERNET. And now we are narrowing down and narrowing down to finding the perpetrator's. We see this as a confident call for the next phase." Yet, Russia is still being accused. What a joke; And they have the audacity to refer to us as Conspiracy Theorists.
My sincere appreciation to all of those Globally who are assisting in any of the four investigations I am working on, in the providing of articles and links. [MH370, MH17, GW 4U-9525, KGL 7U-9268.]
My work could not be done without your continued support - even if it's only in showing your support and interest in these cases.
Thank You!