MALAYSIA AIRLINES MH17 'TRIAL' IN THE HAGUE -Commenced Monday, March 09 2020 at 10am local time.
Tuesday, March 10 - * Prosecutors explained the situation for the hearing in the days ahead. * Court will go to the location where the reconstruction of the MH17 wreckage is. * Questions from witnesses to be asked in a safe place. * Mention made re the Russian comment that there were manipulations of the presented videos of the crash/scene. * Council for Russia spoke and asked if there was an interpreter for the Russian Council. Russia expressed concerns that the case file wa

Remembering those lost aboard airframe 9M-MRO, and those left behind still struggling to make sense of what happened and still looking for answers. March 08 - Sunday - marks the sixth anniversary of the 'event' which was MH370. May we never forget this because it, if left unchallenged and unexposed, could send a clear message to the perpetrators that they can - literally - get away with murder. I am still awaiting responses from seven publishers and have three more to email s