Malaysia Airlines MH370 - The investigation that wasn't.
MALAYSIA AIRLINES MH370 – ‘THE ROCK’ - The Investigation that wasn’t.
On Monday June 04 2018, my interest in a program which I rarely view [The Project on the TV3 network], had me firmly focused on the screen.
Thane and Dunc, drive-time shock DJ’s on The Rock, a radio station in New Zealand, discussing with the TV panel their upcoming private search mission on Mauritius to locate Malaysia MH370. Their ‘vacation’ was one week from leaving NZ to returning again.
There are some interesting and disturbing aspects behind this ‘mission’, and it never seems to amaze me the number of people who think they have all the answers, yet no evidence to support their claims. Yet, when someone such as myself presents my findings, anything I uncover [with evidence to support such] is criticized as a Conspiracy Theory, because I’m not a professional investigator. It’s only a Theory when there is no evidence to support it.
I contacted Thane and Dunc a few days later and talked briefly with them off-air. They asked me whether I thought Boeing and Inmarsat knew anything [yes!], also where I thought the aircraft had ended up. They asked their questions from a serious and what appeared to be a genuine interest. None of what I discussed was presented on air - to my knowledge. I asked them whether it was the outgoing Malaysian Administration which had approved their entry to Malaysia and on to Mauritius for their search; it was the new administration, which was no surprise to me. And what happened to the Australian guy, Peter McMahon, who said he had the co-ordinates to where he assured them he was confident they would find the hull of 9M-MRO, AND the black box. Hang on boys – there’s a CVR and an FDR to be located! But the interesting thing is that the Australian Government canceled his passport; more disturbing is that they refused to say why. Sounds like Australia may have more hands-on involvement or knowledge of what happened to Malaysia Airlines MH370 [9M-MRO] and they sure are playing their cards close to their chest!
Peter McMahon stated he had been studying the co-ordinates he had for some time and that there appeared to be a U.S satellite parked over the area which hadn’t moved. He passed the co-ordinates to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau [ATSB] who weren’t interested and relegated them to the pile of ‘fantasies’ they currently had.
So, I listened to their updates throughout the rest of the week, which was prior to their departure on the following Sunday, June 10 2018. Initially Media Works, The Rock, executives refused to partake in this ‘search’, saying they were effectively on their own and would need to fund it themselves. Which Thane and Dunc did via the Give-a-Little crowd funding web page. Their listeners donated a whopping $38,000 NZD – bigger fool them. Finally The Rock executives came on board and provided a 50 page Health & Safety document for them to read and sign prior to their departure. Not to mention all the hoop jumping and paperwork to enter Malaysia on their mission. Comprehensive insurance was also undertaken, and based on my knowledge of this area of the world and some of the officials there, it wasn't unexpected. Even the support crew received a debrief. A comment on Thane and Dunc’s part of the station’s web page said their manager had said, “why can’t we just give away more CD’s instead?” Most of what I heard seemed to be akin to the self-appreciation society; and whilst they claimed they weren’t acting in bad taste and had the approval of families in NZ who were directly affected by this case, they also claimed it wasn’t a promotional or publicity stunt. I find this difficult to believe and difficult to attach with any form of credibility. How about meeting up with me and getting some real evidence to share with listeners? Maybe this was just a public relations exercise after all.
So….. was this a mission which had the station support all along; and why are people so afraid of hearing the truth, especially when evidence can be supplied to validate my [and other people’s] findings. This is NOT a simple matter of finding a plane; and such as Thane and Dunc quoted in their own words, that when they locate the plane at least they will know what happened and can provide the relatives with some closure. You think?! I have never heard such nonsense and if there was ever a serious intent to locate this aircraft then surely better planning should have gone into this. In my opinion they have no idea as to the magnitude of what they entered into, and certainly not something to be completed in one week.
So, on to the ‘vacation’ itself – or ghost mission if you want to call it that.
There was a helicopter flyover of Mauritius and a radio station appearance on the 1.2 million residents number one station – Radio One. From what I saw, it was a fairly short appearance but was certainly commented upon with what appeared to be such narcissism by these two shock jocks. This isn’t all about them!
The first day out didn’t quite go to plan. The boat was too small and the conditions too rough to continue throughout the day and so they returned to shore; but not until after claiming they had sighted what appeared to be a man-made item below the surface, and of roughly 3mtr and of oval diameter. But they stopped short of identifying it or indeed retrieving it.
As the journey progressed, anxiety hit one of the crew and their spirits seemed to be emptying faster than a bottle of Jack Daniels at a roadside Police checkpoint.
A one and a half hour drive was made to secure a boat which they thought would suit their mission requirements. When they got there and met the skipper, he didn’t have the keys and they resorted to obtaining their own access – without any keys. The ‘sonar’ device they were needing, was broken, so they did a wiring exercise to get it working again. But, in a twist……. It turned out to be a fish finder.
Not quite what they were expecting. There was meant to be a $150,000 underwater sonar device with their crew, so did that get left behind – along with Peter McMahon?
So, what with substandard and unsuitable equipment and vessels, this entire one week mission was doomed to fail before it even began; and that’s before the sickness crept in.
They returned empty handed and what appeared to be their tails between their legs.
Not much enthusiasm that I saw, and certainly the egos sporting large dents.
On the weekend of their return National Radio presented a 9 minute segment commenting on Thane and Dunc’s mission, and not being gentle with these two in any way.
One of the pieces of recorded content had Thane and Dunc saying this could be a conspiracy involving Chinese organ harvesting. Really?!
Who’s the Conspiracy Theorist now!
Needless to say I found it totally enjoyable listening!
Before they departed on their mission, I sent them an email giving the contact details for an experienced retired aviator in the U.S who knows exactly what systems are aboard today’s modern computer controlled aircraft. When I made contact with this person he said “No they haven’t contacted me. Just tell them they will not find 370 there.”
When they returned, I sent them an SMS saying that 370 didn’t initially end up in any ocean, and that if they wanted to know the truth….well….. “you know where to find me.”
If nothing else, all that’s come out of this pathetic mission conducted, clearly, by two shock jocks who, quite frankly and in my opinion, knew bugger all about this case right from the beginning.
And that’s a disappointment for their listeners, and those who have no option but to be involved in Malaysia Airlines MH370 - such as those surviving relatives of those who were aboard.
Maybe, if nothing else Thane and Dunc would choose to listen to the evidence behind this incident for which others have offered up – solely for the purpose of educating themselves and their listeners.
That they haven’t, conveys a message that they were never really that serious in their mission.
Maybe the only trip out of this was for their Ego’s.
Nothing seems to have changed with radio announcers and their stations, and this incident is not up for experimentation by uneducated wanna-be amateurs who appear to seek the glitz and glory and instead come back with nothing more than less credibility that they ‘may’ have had before they departed.
Shame on you!