Ever heard of the Boeing/Airbus Un-interuptable Auto Pilot? No? Then you NEED to know this!
What systems were aboard Malaysia MH370, which could have commandeered the flight from outside the aircraft? (And aboard almost every other computer-controlled, glass cockpit, Airbus and Boeing commercial aircraft in service today,)
Do you even think it's possible that this was how MH370 went "missing?"
No??? ...........Think again - You need to see this, along with anyone who flies.
This short video clip was made the day MH370 essentially seemed to have vanished....
It will reveal what we are up against with modern aircraft in the skies today. What's even more scary is not only do the passengers not know about these systems - neither do most pilots. When there's knowledge of the systems aboard, you have all the tools you need to put a video out the same day of the event. Abel Danger has that knowledge firsthand. The only Private Intelligence Worldwide Network that pulls no punches and tells it exactly as it is. No other source even comes close!