MH370 - Snippets from the ATSB First Principles Review. Any comments I add will be in brown and with

Data analysis was also performed by the ATSB’s quality assurance manager based in the USA and finally by independent highly experienced sonar data experts also based in the USA. [Given that the AUSTRALIAN Transport Safety Bureau is there to investigate AUSTRALIAN cases, am I barking up the wrong tree or should this person be based in AUSTRALIA - not USA? Would it not be better to have the people in Australia who are involved in receiving the sonar data analyzing it? But I'm no expert, so just bringing up a point of question.]

Sonar contacts (anomalous features) identified in the sonar data were classified in three ways: level 3 contacts were marked but assessed as unlikely to be related to the aircraft, level 2 contacts were marked but assessed as only possibly being related to the aircraft, and level 1 contacts were of high interest and warranted immediate further investigation. To date, 605 level 3 contacts, 39 level 2 contacts, and two level 1 contacts have been identified. The two level 1 contacts were investigated and found to be the iron remains of a timber shipwreck and a scattered rock field. In total 74 sonar contacts have been investigated and eliminated (as being related to MH370) by the AUV, ROV, or a deep tow system (using lower range scales/higher frequency sonar/optical imaging). [WELL - Doesn't that make a complete mockery of the search. So once again, we are "Almost certain" springs to mind. They would have had more credibility if they'd made no comment. "Open one's mouth and put your foot right in it." Or, "Better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."


Throughout the search, data from a communications satellite along with aircraft performance data has been used to attempt to reconstruct the flight path of MH370 from the time of the last radar contact. Information recorded by a satellite ground station at the time of handshakes2 with MH370 was used to estimate the track of the aircraft. SATCOM information from two unanswered ground to air telephone calls was also available. This information showed that the flight continued for approximately five and a half hours after the last radar data. [My understanding was that "they" claimed they had to bring a specialised Chinese satellite into the area, but this statement above says to me that they had that data IMMEDIATELY AFTER MH370 [9M-MRO] did it's "magic vanishing act." When they state from the time of the last radar contact - are we talking about the secondary radar from ATC, or the military's last claimed primary radar pings?]

The DST Group provided expert analysis of the available SATCOM data relating to MH370. The analysis used models of the Inmarsat SATCOM data, aircraft dynamics, and meteorological data to determine likely flight paths. The DST Group analysis has been published in the book, Bayesian Methods in the Search for MH370. The methodology was subjected to a set of validation experiments to ensure that the set of predicted flight paths aligned with actual flight data for previous flights of the accident aircraft (registered 9M-MRO) and other flights in the air at the same time as the accident.

[What the hell does the statement highlighted in red even mean? How can the flight paths of previous MH370 flights be aligned? We know the aircraft made a substantial and critical deviation from the assigned corridor. So, I can't see how the data from previous flights of this aircraft can be compared. Also, did MH370 [9M-MRO] even fly this route previously, or regularly?]

The latest ATSB report of 2 November 2016, MH370—Search and debris examination update, provided new information relating to the end of flight. This new information included: • The analysis of the debris recovered from MH370 indicating that the flaps were likely in a retracted position. • The analysis of the BFO from the final two SATCOM transmissions which indicated that the aircraft was likely to be on an unstable flight path.

[Unstable flight path? Yes - multiple changes in direction and altitude would perhaps qualify as "on an unstable flight path."]

More than 20 items of debris have been recovered and identified as likely to be, almost certainly or definitely originating from MH370. The first of these was the flaperon, found on La Réunion Island on 29 July 2015. [This poses many questions and doubts for me. They claim more than 20 items of debris was recovered and identified. An article I recently found showed a map with only SIX pieces marked on it. The map covered the wide area often shown referencing debris reclaim. Yet my investigation only encountered SIX pieces of debris - exactly the SAME number their map showed.

So what and where are the other fourteen, and why aren't they shown on the map?! Also, that tired worn out "almost certainly," rears it's ugly head again. As I've said on multiple occasions - You are either CERTAIN or you have absolutely no credible evidence and NO BLOODY IDEA! If any wreckage has been positively identified as coming from 9M-MRO, can we see the official written statements from technical sources who examined the parts, as to the authenticity of the piece(s)? To my knowledge NOTHING has come out of the metallic testing laboratory in Toulouse, France, which was where the Flaperon was whisked away to be examined.

This point was raised by an Australian journalist at one of the media conferences in Malaysia. The event is in one of the video reports I have put on this website. 60 minutes was the report from memory. When the reporter presented this question to the podium he received a non-committed response from the minister which entirely skirted the question. At this point in the media conference a female official stepped up to a podium to the rear right side of the room and announced that the minister would not be taking any more questions and that the conference was over. So where's the transparency?! Answer - there is none. Zip - zero - diddly-squat! But there was no intention of transparency and truth - well before 9M-MRO was externally manipulated to an alternate destination from that which was originally entered into the Flight Management Computer. [FMC]

The following is a summary of the results from the CSIRO drift analysis: 1. From the number and size of items found to date from MH370 there was definitely a surface debris field,

[How can they be so DEFINITELY sure there was a surface debris field when they've only found SIX pieces of 300,000,000 which comprise a Boeing B777-200 aircraft; and this statement is made on top of the fact that HAVEN'T found ANY surface debris field. Yet, once again, the pieces they have found are "almost certainly" from MH370.


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