What flew over the Maldives that the fishermen reported seeing.... and what didn't fly over, if
Above ~ The Malaysia Airlines B777-200, Above ~ A Maldivian Bombardier Dash Regn 9M-MRO as MH370, March 08, 2014. 8, capable of seating 50.
I have just finished reading CNN Aviation Correspondent, Richard Quest's book - The Vanishing of Flight MH370. It's extremely well worth reading. Richard writes with a passion for the aviation world. He presents and addresses the multiple deficiencies in the investigation in the hours immediately after MH370 appeared to vanish (which it never did); and in the confusion and deliberate attempts at evading the truth. At one of the media conferences, authorities claimed that there was a report of a group of Maldive Islands fishermen fishing on the water the morning MH370 went "walkies."
They had reported seeing a large white jet aircraft which looked like a Jumbo Jet[Boeing 747] flying overhead. It was particularly noticeable for the screaming engines and that it was flying a lot lower than approaching jets normally would be. The aircraft could easily have been mistaken for a Boeing 777 from the water looking up as they are similar sized aircraft and they wouldn't have been able to see the hump on the top which 747's are easily recognized by. Of particular note was that they described the red and blue horizontal stripes running down the side of the fuselage. I would expect that the flaps would have been extended substantially for extra lift at low altitude. This would have accounted for the engines operating at high revolutions and combined with the lower than usual flight level would have made those engines seem even louder again.
It was stated in the media conference that the aircraft matched the size, description and colors of Malaysia MH370 of which the fishermen had reported on the morning of March 08, 2014. They went on to say that these people wouldn't know what they actually saw, are not credible witnesses and as such we are not reading anything into it.
In Richard Quest's book, he says that the authorities described the aircraft as a Bombardier Dash 8, which is depicted in the image above on the right side.
Unless they have smaller Boeing 777's which only seat 50 passengers and have two PROPS - NOT JET ENGINES, I think we can safely say we can cut through the deceit of the conference statements extremely easily.
Just one more piece to add to the collection as damning evidence, in the event that this case makes it into an International Court of Law.
Have hope people.