*** THERE'S ALSO A FACEBOOK PAGE *** It has information on Lion Air JT610 & Ethiopian Airlin


But, you'll still get the usual updates on here - Minus Lion Air & Ethiopian, as this site was set-up with the intention of being a source of data for the other four flights. Check out the FaceBook page - things are just starting to get rather interesting - especially when I've sent Boeing an email inviting them to make contact, along with the NZ Herald and NewsHub, also in NZ. Boeing don't know what I want them for; they've simply been asked to get the relevant Vice President's and Presidents to make contact, and told that it is urgent information re Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines. That's all they know at this stage. Since I had completed a "Contact Us" form, I need them to reply with an email address in order for me to have direct access to them.

When that happens - they will get the link to check out the Civil Court Case which was filed by a Captain (Ret.) McConnell who took it on ALPA and Boeing.

It challenges them to reveal the patent for the BHUAP which, believe it or not was mentioned in the press in March of 2007.

Ever been charged for Involuntary manslaughter, Boeing, or as being an accessory after the fact? No?

Then maybe this could be a first. Because when the shit-storm that was MH, MH, GW, and KGL hits the fan - along with JT and ET - I wouldn't want to be within throwing distance of their Company - nor an employee with any prominent managerial position.

Somehow, I feel that no matter how low a setting Boeing chooses to set on the air conditioners - the heat is still ramping up.

And, the sad thing is that so much of this could have been avoided a long time ago.

I guess the value of a life ain't what it used to be, anymore.

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