Last night I sent a message to the organisation, Ocean Infinity.
I’d seen an item in the media, claiming that their ship and services would be involved in any new search and that they were better prepared this time to locate the aircraft that serviced MH370 on the morning of March 08 2014.
What better timing than to communicate this now. I expected all this flurry of activity leading up to and on the fifth anniversary of the case of MH370. [Notice I don’t refer to it as a crash, because I believe there is sufficient evidence to prove it never crashed, and just as importantly, what did happen to it.]
In my message to Ocean Infinity I recommended they contact Rolls Royce, Boeing, and Inmarsat to assist in a search; one of which they would be better playing cards and drinking rum – and I used those exact words. And I challenged them as to how those who have had overall control of the searches – the Authorities – be “absolutely certain” that MH370 airframe is not within the area that has been searched, yet are “almost certain” that the pieces of wreckage belong to the airframe of 9M-MRO!
The interesting thing is that the Malaysian Government – the new, ‘informed’ Administration, has said that they have no intention of commencing another search, without “credible information.”
The exact same sentiments of the ATSB [Australian Transport Safety Bureau.]
So who decides what is and isn’t credible information? Those responsible for maintaining the illusion? Or maybe those who could potentially be holding the Malaysian Government under duress to say and do what they are instructed. The Malaysian Government has made reference to investigating other aspects of MH370, and when you’ve done the investigating I’ve done, and have confidence they know a lot of what I know, then this has to be the main reason for the truth not being revealed.
Retired Captain, Field McConnell claims he sent my files and his knowledge of the systems aboard the B777-200 [and other aircraft] to the new Malaysia Government, so I sent an email earlier this week to the Malaysian Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, asking whether this was something they could validate. I’ve yet to receive a reply, but that could be for numerous reasons; either way, it’s something I needed to do. And the timing couldn’t be better when everyone involved has focus on this now, being the five year anniversary – if you could call it that.
The Prime Minister is well aware of the potential of external hi-jacking. I know this for fact because I have a copy of the two page item he wrote which moots this exact scenario. This was within weeks of the event of MH370, whilst he was in opposition.
What I find most disturbing is that the aviation industry in general seems rather apathetic to the entire purpose in getting the truth and opening their minds. Those within the industry, be they retired pilots, retired investigators, so-called consultants, experts, search organisations, media etc, are a joke. If you want some evidence of this, take a look on Prime TV, Sunday, March 10 2019, from 2230 – 2335hrs “MH370, Inside The Situation Room.” This is when a group of 5 “Muppets” gather around a table and discuss the case. Please. Spare me the details. I’ve seen this shortly after it came out in Australia. These people can’t even agree on the same scenario- and like so many others let their emotions take over, and at that point when they start squabbling, they’ve lost the plot - literally.
I have valuable information which I can’t get someone in authority to even reply to me with an interest enough to say, “Ok. What have you got to share?”
They don’t even do that.
Is it because they don’t want to admit they’ve got nothing; but rather than concede that an amateur such as myself may just have the answers, they’d rather ignore me for the sake of their egos?
Which leads me to the next and final question - “Is this about seriously finding and releasing to the world the truths behind MH370, or rather some desperate industry insiders wanting to save face?
Personally, I’m ashamed of the lot of them.