MALAYSIA AIRLINES MH370 - Will anyone in the industry open their minds!

Over the last five years of extensive investigation/research into MH370 and MH17 I feel I've built up an intimate understanding of so many elements of both. I don't profess to know everything about them, and some of my statements are based on probability due to the fitting together of the pieces. God, will anyone other than those directly involved ever truly discover the absolute and complete truth? The two flights are definitely connected as are the two aircraft which featured prominently - 9M-MRO in the case of MH370, and 9M-MRD in the case of MH17. But among all this, I've encountered a couple of aspects of MH17 which lead me to fairly confidently believe that 9M-MRC also made an appearance on the 'stage of illusion.'

After gaining a good understanding of both cases, but mainly wanting to communicate my findings on MH370, I one by one approached - by email and some by phone - various retired pilots, aviation journalists, investigators, consultants, authors, radio announcers, TV media and various other people within the industry who I thought would be seriously intent upon finding the truth?!

I naively thought that anyone genuinely wanting to resolve the mystery of MH370 would take the opportunity to discuss what I had uncovered. How deluded must I have been to think that!

Every single one of them has shown no interest in replying or wanting to discuss anything to do with either case and that leads me to question why that is. Are they afraid of their careers being crushed, being ridiculed, don't want to face the potential of an amateur finding answers before they have; or maybe it's simply they think that all I have is 'Conspiracy Theories."

And that bugs me - enough to want to discuss it here.

The sad thing about the people who dismiss anything and everything which fits outside the mainstream media spiel as being a Conspiracy Theory, is that it rubs off on others who are frightened to have and share their own views. This accordingly leads to the societies we have bred or allowed to cultivate today, by people being afraid to question and challenge anything and everything.

One of the things I've discovered over the past five years is that things aren't always as they seem and that the truth often is stranger than fiction. If they tell and show enough things from within the entertainment industry then it makes it so much easier for people to pass things off as nothing sinister, when aspects of the movies morph into a deluded reality.

So, the big question burning, no...... etching itself, into my mind, is why are these so-called experts and professionals so dismissive? Surely if their intent to find the truth was genuine they would listen to anything which is presented to them. After all - they haven't been very productive in presenting any validating pieces of evidence, and all they are being asked to do is to listen with an open mind and decide for themselves. If they think what I have is nothing they can simply walk away.

And the thing which amazes me is that even with no concrete evidence to present to support their 'theories' they are so insistent they've got it correct. Maybe cos they might have '' after their names. A kind of degree and ABC letters they got to validate they stayed the required number of years, got their brains reprogrammed and numbed down and then left thinking they had all the answers. Yet time and time over all I've seen is the changing of their minds from catastrophic mechanical failure, decompression of fuselage, fire, pilot suicide, pilot hijacking, hypoxic event. They appear to have no bloody clue, yet they won't show any interest in looking at or hearing anything I've uncovered.

There's the absence of three major elements we should be staring at in the area they estimate MH370 crashed in [which it didn't] -

1/ Wreckage from an aircraft with approx 3 million parts

2/ Bodies

3/ Luggage and cargo.

We see nothing but conflicting reports of what was located and where - even to the point of putting an article in New Zealand's Herald newspaper showing a map of the entire area they allege to have located aircraft pieces from. The article states 20 pieces. I only recall seeing 6 at that stage when the item appeared in print. Coincidentally, the map only had 6 pieces marked on it - and remember this was over the total area they claim had been searched.

It seems no officials or people in the aviation industry or journalistic professions are interested in the truth.

It doesn't give me any confidence in believing that we are seeing anyone with any intelligence involved in the debacle of MH370 and accordingly the search for it. Not when statements are made to the effect that they are absolutely certain that no wreckage from MH370 is in any of the 120,000 sq km they have searched, and yet are "almost certain" that what they have recovered is from MH370.

My question to them is - "How can you be so sure about what you DON'T HAVE and almost certain about what you DO have."

Oh, and while they're at it - maybe they'd like to extend an invitation to Boeing, Rolls Royce and Inmarsat to attend any tribunal hearing in a law court. Those three should be able to answer a substantial number of questions we have, and I'd definitely like to have a front row seat to watch the proceedings unfold. Maybe, just maybe, I'll one day see that dream become a reality - but I'm not holding my breath any time soon.

In my eyes, the entire 'so-called' experts, both within and outside of the aviation industry, are complicit in the cover-up of this case - simply by refusing to open their minds to the possibility that some of us do have some important and relevant data and evidence to bring to the table.

Such a pity that table is so small - and so exclusive to a select few.

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