Witness of The Missing Jetliner MH370 Malaysian Airways

Published: March 12 2014 (Youtube | Sugeng Wahyudi)

Description: Several eyewitness reported of sightings flights MH370 after plane last recorded on Air Traffic Control at 1.30 a.m. Some villagers from the *Marang area heard the loud noise sound like fan of the aircraft and blinking lights coming from direction of Pulau Kapas on saturday night same time of the missing plane. [As I have previously noted in my first report. Agt. Keanu]

Bus driver said he saw a low-flying plane at Penarik at about 1.45am the same time flight MH370 went missing, he saw the blinking beacon of the plane. A local businessman saw sighting of lights in the air at Kota Bharu about 1.45 a.m same night flight MH370 went missing.

March 8 2014: Sighting claim: Kota Bharu, Malaysia

Fisherman Azid Ibrahim and a friend had taken people fishing that night off the coast of Kota Bharu.

"I was fishing when I saw the plane -- it looked strange. Flying low. I told my friend that's not normal. Normally, it flies at 35,000 feet. But that night it touched the clouds. I thought the pilot must be crazy," Ibrahim said.

"It was really low. I saw the lights they looked like the size of a coconut," he said.

Their fishing grounds lay under a flight path, but the predawn plane was unusual to see because of its low altitude, they said.

The fishermen filed a police report about their sighting, but Malaysian officials haven't commented.

[My understanding was that the report was filed with the Police circa 10-30am the same morning. The Malaysian Police said they would hand it to Malaysian Military. This is the last I had heard anything about it.

[Comment added by Declan Curran]

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