MALAYSIA AIRLINES MH370 - Five years on, and we get THIS!

So here's the brief - This Indonesian fisherman says he saw MH370 go down 'like a broken kite,' and consumed in black smoke. Claims he saved the GPS co-ordinates in his GPS device. But he's only now presenting them to authorities, and swearing on the Koran before his testimony. PLEASE! Save it for the more gullible. He shouldn't need to swear on anything, though I wouldn't mind swearing AT him.

Here's the issues as I see them -

This guy supposedly has these co-ordinates but hangs on to them for five years whilst thousands of hours are spent searching for essentially 'Tinkerbell,' not to mention the millions in resources. Why is he only now presenting them? Could it be because we are approaching the five year anniversary of MH370? Just another way to ramp things up again into the spotlight - which the friends and relatives of those aboard don't want nor need. Not unless it actually is admissible evidence and we get some answers and closure.

Once again, I reiterate heading to Ukraine for a closer inspection of the MH17 crash location[s] and the reconstruction hangar. Refer to my page 'MH17 Images' on this wixsite page for the conflicting wreckage photos of the left rear fuselage of MH17 - one image is on page 153 of a 279 page the Dutch Safety Board [DSB] wrote. This is what they claim was at the crash location. The other is the [allegedly] same piece of wreckage, clearly marked as the airframe which was stated as servicing MH17. It's retrieved off Getty Images and shows it sitting in the wreckage reconstruction hangar. Only problem is that the pieces are directly conflicting in damage. Oh dear - stuffed that one up didn't you! Jeez, they can't even falsify evidence properly.

Which leads me to my next concern -

Within a few weeks of the initial 'event,' [notice I didn't say CRASH - cos I don't believe it ever did.] we have the Malaysian Minister of Transportation, Hussemudin, on video at a press conference confirming a reported sighting of an aircraft matching the size and description of MH370, including the white fuselage and stripes down the side matching perfectly. It was reported by fishermen shortly after 0600hrs on the day of the 'event,' in the Maldives.

Hussemudin confirmed but then negated the sighting with the following insulting load of crap - "We've had a report from some fishermen in the Maldives seeing an aircraft matching the size and description of MH370, and fitting in with the time-lapse, however, they wouldn't know what they saw, aren't credible witnesses, and as such we're not reading anything into it. He later went on to claim that the aircraft in question was actually a Maldivian Airlines Dash 8 flying a scheduled service. Only one problem Husse - the Dash 8 seats about 50 and is a twin turbo-prop. Go figure that one out!

The Malacca Strait between Malaysia and Indonesia is the claimed location from the recent revelation - H O W E V E R - by their own admission [authorities] the aircraft performed a right turn and proceeded up the Anderman sea and then executed a left turn and was sighted over the Southern Maldives. So, my question to them is - if it crashed in the Malacca Strait, which this latest 'revelation' claims - how the hell did it manage to overfly the Anderman sea and subsequently, the Maldives?!

It's also been claimed that the aircraft flew over or past Langkawi International Airport, which is near Penang and Butterworth Military Installation off the north- western coast of Malaysia.

There was some media mention about it possibly intending to land there if there had been a fire aboard, yet the one point they DON'T make is that the aircraft was reported crossing over Marang, which is on the opposite coast.

Mahmud Sultan International Airport is slightly to the north of Marang, has a runway long enough for a landing AND departure of a B777, and has an unobstructed over-water access from the north-eastern coast. If there's an issue that needs dealing with, why not land or ditch close to there? In fact - there are eight international airports in total within Malaysia.

I shall be watching with close interest to see how the media, Malaysian government, Malaysia Airlines, and the general public react to this latest 'development.'

You should be too if you are wanting to see justice appropriately served and apportioned to the actual guilty parties behind the whole entire MH370 saga - which, like a spiderweb, branches out a lot broader than just 9M-MRO, the airframe which serviced MH370.

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