Remembering Air New Zealand TE901 loss on Erebus, November 28 1979

Remembering New Zealand's worst air disaster, TE901, 39 years later.

This crash was totally preventable and occurred due to lack of communication in advising the flight crew of a flight plan which had co-ordinates differing to what the crew briefing told them merely a few weeks earlier.

The resulting disgrace between the Government of the day and Air NZ, saw a commission of inquiry, headed by Justice Peter Mahon.

Such was the conspiracy to cover up the truth, that Justice Mahon made the now infamous statement of calling their evidence, collectively -

"An orchestrated litany of lies!"

I recall that balmy day in Fall, walking home from my Year 11 [3rd year of high school] exams. I remember it was hot - much like today; and I remember standing on the front deck at home and telling the guy finishing off the top of the new concrete water tank, that an aircraft was missing on a flight to Antarctica.

As I type this looking out the window at a day closely matching the weather of that fateful day, I reflect, and a wave of sadness has just flowed through me.

For On November 28 1979, 257 people perished in one of the most desolate, rugged and lonely places - despite its beauty. The day was a Wednesday.

On November 28 2001, I experienced the trauma of a psychotic manic episode, brought on by a Doctor's request to change my anti-depressant medication to 3 tablets together at the same time of day, instead of staggered throughout the day. I was later diagnosed with a Bi-Polar Affective Disorder, now stable, and which I strongly feel has given me the ability to dig deep and find truths behind numerous events. I remember on that day sitting in a Police station cell and seeing a movie reel replaying over and over again in my head -as if I was hovering in the air - and seeing TE901 repeatedly slamming into Erebus. It wasn't pretty, and It too was a Wednesday.

November 28 is a significant date of remembrance for me - with both events. Not only were all dates a Wednesday, including today - but I had the privilege of coming back from MY ordeal. Tragically and sadly, 257 souls never did. That in itself sends shivers down my spine; but what equally disappoints me is that both an airline and a government were prepared to lie and attempt to cover Erebus up to save themselves.

I now do what I do with my focus on aviation events - not to find faults or a conspiracy in the making - but merely to ascertain if there are any anomalies which flag a concern that we aren't being told the truth. If it all checks out then great, off to the deck to read and relax. But if things don't stack up we owe our voice to those aboard who lost their lives, who don't have a voice or the luxury of investigating for themselves.

Not only for Justice but also for the preservation and safety of future generations - that they not be inclined to walk the evil path those before have ventured down.

In memory of TE901, MH370, MH17, GW9525, Metrojet 9268 and many others -

I do what I do to give you back your voice.

It is an honor and pleasure to serve on your behalf and to attempt to discover what really happened.

Surely everyone deserves that - at the very least. I just wish the circumstances were different - in each and every case.

The linked article below will tell you more about TE901, which if still a service today would be NZ901.

Declan Curran

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