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The statement below was made by the Chairman of the Dutch Safety Board [DSB,] Mr T H J Joustra.

It relates to the bringing down of Malaysia Airlines MH370 and is part of a short video


“….* The findings are conclusive and support each other best from multiple sources. To that end, **we have been able to draw well supported conclusions about the flight and the causes of the crash.

Calculations have demonstrated that the missile’s trajectory commenced somewhere within a ***320sq km area in eastern part of Ukraine. The Russian Federation concurs with the conclusion that the crash was caused by the ^detonation of a warhead, but has reservations regarding the missile and warhead type.

^^However, in our judgment, the arguments in the report overwhelmingly support the conclusions as presented.”


My thoughts ~

*The findings may be conclusive to the DSB, but remember that they are the ones who presented the entire Buk missile theory from the beginning; starting with the theory and then work the case back to feebly attempt to justify it.

** 'well supported conclusions' - supported by who?

*** 'a 320sq km area'..... - is this the best and closest they can come up with, even with the precision of radar and satellites in the modern world?

^ 'detonation of a warhead, but has reservations regarding the missile and warhead type.' -

It's interesting to see the wording of that comment made by the Russian Federation. It doesn't surprise me, given that Russia offered to supply radar imagery which would have exonerated them from any blame, and put this blame squarely back on Ukraine, and ultimately the United States. This appears to me that Russia is subtlety hinting that a Buk missile wasn't involved - and with good reason to hold that viewpoint.

^^ 'However, in our judgement, the arguments in the report overwhelmingly support the conclusions as presented.' -

In their judgement? The DSB produced their reports totalling 788 pages harping on about a Buk missile that was a figment of their minds. 'Arguments?'

There is nothing in the DSB reports which overwhelmingly supports the conclusions as presented. - If anything, it is overwhelming and obviously negligent for the conclusions it makes of which it cannot support, and which are totally ludicrous. The actual facts and evidence which can be supported, are what the DSB should be focussed on. They simply have no credibility as far as I am concerned and after my extensive investigation into just exactly what DID happen - or didn't.

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