MH370 search reveals hidden undersea world

MH370 search reveals hidden undersea world


PUBLISHED: 15:46 +10:00, 20 July 2017 | UPDATED: 15:46 +10:00, 20 July 2017

[I have # beside aspects of the article below. My comments will appear at the end, referenced against the relevant # Declan Curran]

The painstaking search #1 for missing flight MH370 has uncovered a previously unknown undersea world of volcanoes, deep valleys and soaring ridges, according to detailed maps released by Australia.

Although no trace of the Malaysia Airlines plane was found #2 during the search in the southern Indian Ocean -- the most expensive ever of its kind -- large volumes of data showing a detailed picture of the sea floor had to be collected to guide the probe.

Scientists are hopeful the new maps will give their community greater insight into oceans.

"It is estimated that only 10 to 15 percent of the world's oceans have been surveyed with the kind of technology used in the search for MH370," Geoscience Australia's environmental geoscience chief Stuart Minchin said late Wednesday.

"(That makes) this remote part of the Indian Ocean among the most thoroughly mapped regions of the deep ocean on the planet. #3

"So this data is unique both because of the remote location of the search area, and because of the sheer scale of the area surveyed."

Minchin said the maps would also be useful for future scientific research, such as oceanographic and habitat modelling. #4

Australia, Malaysia and China suspended the deep sea hunt in January, almost three years after the Boeing 777 disappeared #5 with 239 people on board.

The hunt -- based on satellite analysis of the jet's likely trajectory after it diverted from its flight path #6 -- covered a 120,000 square-kilometre (46,000 square mile) designated zone, an area slightly smaller than England.

Two shipwrecks were discovered during the search but no trace of the plane, deepening one the most enduring mysteries of the aviation age. #7

However, the data revealed ridges six kilometres (3.73 miles) wide and 15 kilometres long that rise 1,500 metres above the sea floor, as well as fault valleys 1,200 metres deep and five kilometres wide.

A second set of data will be released in mid-2018. #8

While the search for the missing plane has been called off, Canberra has said it could be restarted if new evidence about the specific location of the aircraft emerges. #9

"We remain hopeful that new information will come to light and that at some point in the future the aircraft will be located," Australia's Transport Minister Darren Chester said. #10

Australia's national science body CSIRO released a report in April confirming that MH370 was "most likely" north of the former search zone. #11

Three fragments from the plane have been recovered washed up on western Indian Ocean shores, including a two-metre wing part known as a flaperon found on La Reunion island. #12

Speculation on the cause of the plane's disappearance has focused primarily on possible hijacking, rogue pilot action or mechanical failure, but nothing has yet been proved. #13


Declan Curran's comments -

#1 “Painstaking Search.” They could have saved everyone the pain and effort – if they really wanted to. The most pain in this conspiracy has been experienced by the loved ones of the passengers, who were waiting with some glimmer of hope for positive news when MH370 was reported as being overdue. Try looking in Ukraine for some pieces!

#2 “No trace was found.” So, that then validates that the pieces of wreckage ‘alleged’ to be from MH370, were not associated in any way to airframe 9M-MRO. But what about the six pieces I noted along the journey of discovery? Oops, their article claimed 20 pieces of wreckage. The same article had a map which only showed 6 pieces – exactly the same count as mine. Something doesn’t add up, unsurprisingly.

#3 Maybe the entire search was for the purpose of an expensive mapping exercise. It would then make it easy to obtain funds on the premise that it’s for a search, and would then add validation to the 120,000 sq km search zone; and who would complain about that!

#4 Refer to #3

#5 “Disappeared?” No it did not. We can tell you exactly where it went and how it got there.

#6 “Satellite analysis of the jet’s likely trajectory after it diverted from its flight path.” If you are doing a satellite analysis you may as well get the REAL satellite data. It will be there, if one wishes to retrieve it. There is no ‘likely trajectory.’ The Malaysian Military post at Butterworth, near Penang, will be able to provide evidence of exactly where MH370 went on its tiki-tour to.

#7 “Two shipwrecks were discovered.” How deep? I recall them saying they didn’t have equipment capable of getting to the ocean floor; or did they simply miss large patches of ocean? I think not.

#8 Why does it take so long to release the second set of data? I bet it will be released on March 08 2018. They seem to like timing their press releases and reports on the anniversary of any event. Rather sick in my opinion.

#9 “Restarted if new evidence about the specific location of the aircraft emerges.” Interesting to see comments made that they now think they should have been searching an area immediately north of, and starting where they left off. Yet they called the search off in January 2017. So why not just go and search that area? I can provide evidence about the specific location of some of the parts, and it isn’t in the Southern Indian Ocean. Try heading well north for that one.

#10 “We remain hopeful that new information will come to light and that at some point in the future the aircraft will be located.” What a load of hogwash Mr Chester. I’ve tried telling your CEO and Commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, Greg Hood, that I can provide him with information pertaining to locating MH370. Naturally, I received no reply. But I did note [and I mentioned in my email,] that you informed your employees that if they released information to the media or the public, any information associated with the ocean search and the undersea data, they would be subject to 2 years imprisonment. Woah…. Wait just a minute! Don’t you want to find MH370? Why would you not want any of that information getting out to the public? Is this REALLY a fully transparent investigation? Just what are you lot hiding?! I’ll tell you what – I’ll arrange for a team of AD Agents and top aviation lawyers to file a lawsuit, which will mention Australia as being complicit in a cover-up of MH370 [9M-MRO,] but make you sure you bring authentic verifiable evidence, because we will be!

#11 Refer to #9

#12 Refer to #2. You state that “3 fragments from the plane have been recovered washed up...” in point #12. Yet in point #2, you claim that no “trace was found.” So, are you telling us that you have no bloody clue, cos that’s what it sounds like. Oh, and when are we going to get the written report about the flaperon? To my knowledge it hasn’t been prepared or released, so where is it? And why is Boeing refusing to comment on it? My understanding is that the flaperon had a clearly visible serial number on it, so why not approach Boeing and ask for part validation as to what air frame it came off. Remember, we’re looking for 9 – M – M – R – 0….. Is that slow enough for your authorities to get your head around?!

#13 “Speculation….. on possible hijacking…… nothing has yet been proved.” Actually – there is no speculation needed, and secondly – yes, it was hijacked but not by anyone aboard the aircraft. As for speculation – you and your associates know exactly what happened to MH370, so don’t pull that bullshit with us!

“Nothing has yet been proved.” Well, not by your lot anyway, but I can give you the evidence if you ask and play nicely. I’ve even offered to show your ‘professional’ investigator’s where they have fallen on their faces in finding the truth; alas to no avail.

I’ve also reminded you that if this case ever makes it to a court, aviation lawyers will have sufficient evidence to expose the truth. I followed up with the comment, “Think about that very carefully.”

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