MALAYSIA AIRLINES MH17 - "Survivor" discovery.
The world, whilst the stage for so much evil, occasionally throws some miracles our way.
A few weeks ago I was searching for a short series of You Tube videos on MH17, which I had previously viewed, but wanted to add to this page; but before I found them I came across a totally different documentary.
It was about a 23 year old British guy who was on the search for answers behind the downing of MH17. His uncle, who he was very close to, had been aboard. His journey was both varied and interesting, but I couldn't help but think, "This guy's being shown some deceptive and simply incorrect 'evidence.'" Yes, he was shown a photo of the piece of cockpit fuselage with the holes in it. Now, I may be having a dizzy moment, but if I recall correctly, the fuselage on the Captain's side is shown in the reconstruction hangar as totally "munted." It reminded me of one of those tree leaves that looks like a skeleton. The young guy on a mission for answers is Justin [surname redacted for privacy.] He's 25 years old now, and still searching for answers; answers of which we ALL deserve. The man showing Justin the fuselage damage was telling him that the Buk missile had caused the butterfly shaped holes. The thing is, the butterfly shaped holes weren't consistent with those which should have been formed by the model of Buk missile ALLEGED to have been used. There were numerous round holes, along with these odd-shaped tears in the fuselage; on both sides. What we see when an object enters through metal is a simple hole which exhibits an inward tearing of the metal. So essentially, it's a clean entry. When the object exits the metal, we see the tears externally in the wreckage, as the projectile exits out the other side. These were exhibited on both sides of the cockpit fuselage, and were of matching size to 30mm cannon ammunition. We have ground witnesses from villages in the area that MH17 was flying over, who have all independently and separately identified two MIG-29 jets tailing the Boeing 777-200. I am satisfied that this evidence is credible when factored in with other aspects of this case, and from numerous written and video sources.
So, back to the mission of Justin in getting answers to his uncle's death. I didn't see much evidence of him receiving honest positive answers; if fact, I think it left him with maybe some comfort, but definitely no resolutions.
I managed to track down more information about Justin and eventually located his aunt, whom I was able to FaceBook message. She has apparently passed my message on to him for him to make contact, but his phone has been in for repair, so for the moment I sit and wait for some form of contact, even through Skype.
Where things get interesting is what his uncle did for a career. He worked in HIV/AIDS research and was aboard the flight on his way to a conference in Melbourne. I had heard there were 100 people on board who were traveling to that same conference, but earlier reports I had encountered appeared to debunk that as a myth. Now, we have good evidence directly from someone extremely close to the truth that this original information was in fact correct. So, maybe Justin's uncle and the other 99 or so people, were about to reveal some major breakthrough? Who knows.
So is this another aspect of this macabre tragedy? What else is likely to appear from behind the veils of secrecy? Remember, there were reports of the blood being absent from the bodies at the crash scene, and I definitely saw intact bodies [in videos and photos,] which had no torn clothing, no decapitations, positioned in the most weird positions, and what was most noticeable was the absence of blood.
How is it possible for so many bodies to be grouped together with such anomalies? The crime scene [which is what it is,] does not match with what we are told, nor what we see.
I'm waiting for you to make contact Justin, but there's no hurry; after all, when you've waited over three years and still have numerous questions with no answers, I kinda think patiently waiting is the least I can do.
May I leave you all with the solace of knowing that if, no WHEN this case eventually hits a Court of Law, I want to be a consultant or advisor to the Aviation Lawyers and their prosecution team - preferably in person, but I'll settle for a Skype connection and email at best.
But the opportunity to be present to see those responsible for MH17, [indeed with all the cases involving nefarious interference of flights,] face due justice, is an opportunity which in itself is reward enough for what I've put together of which couldn't have been achieved without the timeless hours of research and evidence numerous others around the world have given and fought to have presented to the world, via the Internet amongst other avenues. I kinda get the feeling it'll be a crowded court though, and maybe something akin to the lineup that was at the Nuremberg Trials. A then 27 year old man, Benjamin Ferencz, was a prosecutor at those trials and he's still alive today, aged 97! I saw him being interviewed on a TV documentary and I really like this guy! He's a man I have a lot of pride and admiration for; and he can join me on a prosecution team anytime he wants to. He has a lot of wisdom and deep philosophy that the 'leaders' of the world would do well to listen and learn from. One of his sayings is, "War makes murderers out of otherwise decent people. All wars, and all decent people." You can see some of his other statements at this link And, to the perpetrator's of the demise of MH17 and many other flights - we ain't finished with you by a long shot.
In fact, as Karen Carpenter sung - "We've only just begun."
As the saying goes, "Be careful to sleep with a light on."