MALAYSIA AIRLINES MH17 - Your third anniversary.

It's three years today [in the southern hemisphere] since you met your demise.

There are still a huge number of people who are waiting for and expecting answers for what happened; more-so to see justice being dealt in this evil tragedy bought about by the childish political games involving numerous countries.

Here's my complete list of offenders, conspirators, accessories after the fact, those without conscience, those who know the truth but are too piss-weak to do the correct thing, those covering up their own "disasters," and those who have blood on their hands..... and so on.........

Australia - you're not immune. Shame on you for ever getting involved.

America - your previous Commander in Chief - YOU'RE NOT IMMUNE either!

Ukraine - Miss Scarlet in the library with the gun - P L E A S E - you pricks couldn't lie straight in a bed; even with supports.

Netherlands - Aiding and abetting - Wonder what the international punishment for that is? BTW, your 788 pages of total utter bullshit is nothing short of a joke. Check out page 153 of your 279 page report. No, seriously.... go on. Then check the reconstruction hangar. Oops.... More bullets for the gun!

Belgium - Why the heck were you brought into the pathetic non-disclosure agreement with four other Muppet Countries." You don't need to disclose anything; unless you know something you're not telling us. I'm sure you have something to share. Maybe the Russian radar images of the time MH17 crossed Ukrainian airspace.

But that's enough of me calling to task those mongrels. The main intention of this post is to remember MH17, lest we forget. But, three years of suffering and pain for those relatives and friends left behind essentially "picking up the pieces in their lives and carrying on, is a disgrace.

For the "Survivors" -

I will not give up seeking exposure of the bastards responsible;

The murders of your nearest and dearest will not go unchallenged;

Nor will they be forgotten;

I send my heartfelt condolences to you with love and light in this time of your remembrance and grieving.

May you find peace and solace in the memory of your lost ones, whilst we seek justice.

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