Yesterday I sent an email to Greg Hood, the CEO/Commissioner for the ATSB. It read - Mr Hood, I understand you are the CEO/Chief Commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau; and I understand you recently made a statement that any employee of the ATSB who releases any information pertaining to the 'search and recovery' of Malaysia Airlines MH370, [including any data from sonar exploration,] would be subject to a jail term of 2 years. Why would that statement be made if you had told the world the truth in the beginning! What are you aiding and abetting in the COVER-UP of Malaysia Airlines MH370? Is it so hard to find a commercial aircraft with upwards of 3 million parts? I think not; especially when it was never in the ocean to begin with. I am sick of listening to the bullshit coming from Australia, Malaysia, and The United States over this incident. [Notice I DIDN'T say 'Crash,' because it didn't.] There are so many glaringly obvious aspects that even an amateur like me can uncover and EXPOSE. I, [among numerous others around the world], have sufficient EVIDENCE to nail those connected to this incident in ANY court which grows balls and takes this case on; and you can be sure I will be advising Aviation Lawyers of exactly what they need to know. Start thinking about that carefully. Because it will eventually happen. Check my website below, since your lot obviously need severe assistance to locate the truth, even as professionals, who should be able to solve a case that is nothing it has been purported to be, and everything it hasn't. If you want to find out more about the systems aboard MH370 which were instrumental to it's 'vanishing act', contact Retired U.S. Marine, Field McConnell as per fieldmcc@yahoo.com or by cellular +1 715 307 8222

Keanu Penn

Abel Danger Private Intelligence Global Network. -- --

Tonight, June 27th, I was scheduled to have a conversation with an aviation journalist/author/consultant who lives in the United States. She was "Bcc" into the above email. So, given that I have conclusive evidence of what happened to MH370, I was naturally looking forward to sharing my findings with her. I would have expected her to at least be open-minded enough to at the very least listen to what I have discovered; but no, she graciously bowed out with this wee beauty.....

Forgive me, but having spent some time on your website, in preparation for our conversation, I realized I must have had your name confused with someone else when I agreed to talk to you.

There are many people who want to engage me in discussions about MH 370 without being aware of the research I have done and the opinions I hold, all of which can be found in The Crash Detectives. It is my practice not to have conversations with people about Malaysia 370 if they have not already read my book.

In reviewing your website and reading your letter to the ATSB, I can see that a wide gulf exists between your view of the events and my own, leading me to conclude a further conversation would not be fruitful.

Again I apologize for suggesting we have a conversation.

Maybe she thought I was referring to her when I talked about the "bullshit coming out of the United States". I can assure everyone that I wasn't, and I'm thinking that my including her as one of the recipients of my email to the ATSB might not have been such a good idea. After all, the email was rather blunt - to say the least.

So, like all good correspondents, I did just that - responded to her email. Politely of course, but with a tinge of sadness in thinking that here just might have been someone with some in-depth aviation experience who would be happen to listen, and learn some facts behind MH370. They think it's a terrible event that what has happened to MH370, but explain their "theories", taking great pains to reiterate that "It's just their theory."

Well theory ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH. No one wants nor needs to hear half-baked dream't-up "recipes" of what a person THINKS happened. It's just not fair, and it's simply not good enough. It's not about being the one who gains fame and fortune by revealing the truth; it's about integrity, honesty, and letting the world know just how nefarious are the bastards caught up in this conspiracy. No theory. Just, conspiracy......... which it is. I think the families and friends of those who were aboard MH370, deserve far better.

Here's my reply to this "expert" in the U.S -

"Thanks [redacted] for letting me know. There are substantial pieces of evidence to support my claims which I would have liked to have shared with you.

I am intending to purchase your book but haven't as yet.

I respect your decision, though disappointed you don't wish to‎ hear what I have found. All of it can be validated. I assure you. I wouldn't have contacted you otherwise."

Wherever you find yourself, and wherever you call home, may you be blessed to live in a peaceful and loving part of the world. There is too much hate and not enough love and truth.

Thank you for your support, and for caring - even though you, like me, probably don't know anyone who was on board any of these four flights.

I head to bed in the wee small hours - disappointed and disillusioned.

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