In this post I share the gory details of yet another court case I've lost. Today we all got the news I've been dreading for yonks, that I've "lost" a court battle for over $300k and one of my companies is going down . . . Clarence William Withers has got his long awaited liquidation of Clarence William Withers (Professional Swindler) Sting Operation Ltd. Now Darn! That's two … [Read more...] about Oh Darn – I Just Hate Losing!
Crooked Cops UNMASKED!! I Just Want My Steel
This case study reveals many teaching points relating to harassment by Corrupt Taumarunui Cops with a political agenda, overzealous, forceful, overbearing - that kind of thing. I also show how to deal with this unwelcome pressure along with analysis of the law, and advisable Christian conduct. This is the important core post that describes the events from which subsequent more … [Read more...] about Crooked Cops UNMASKED!! I Just Want My Steel
Crooked Cops UNMASKED!! Mens Rea
This post, part of a series and a chapter in the book "Crooked Cops UNMASKED!!" highlights the Latin phrase, "mens rea", meaning "a guilty mind". Enjoy … [Read more...] about Crooked Cops UNMASKED!! Mens Rea
Musings 4 – A Canadian Reader Thanks Me – I cry!
In this post I quote a digital communication word for word received recently from a Canadian reader that brought me to tears, literally. I share my personal response to her appreciation (anonymously) and explain the impact that just one person doing the right thing can have, indeed does have on others. For those seeking to save the planet this post has HUGELY important lessons. … [Read more...] about Musings 4 – A Canadian Reader Thanks Me – I cry!
Pants Down – Govett Quilliam Cover-Up Ltd
Top Taranaki Lawyers Govett Quilliam have now been caught out in court . . . and this post summarises and explains the core circumstances surrounding their legal chicanery and utterly immoral covering up. Enjoy. … [Read more...] about Pants Down – Govett Quilliam Cover-Up Ltd
Musings 2 – A Wrong Sudoku is Right
In this post I share an experience getting a Sudoku puzzle right by the rules, but not the correct or expected answer. It's an interesting situation which the boffins should be thinking twice about, methinks. Nothing personal here, guys! Promise. … [Read more...] about Musings 2 – A Wrong Sudoku is Right
The Best Currency is …
In this post I share the conclusions of my long-term analysis of [alternative] currencies. True money is only ever a unit of measure (it is never a commodity that can be issued or controlled) and is technically only ever a "record of a half completed transaction". Taking this knowledge then deep into the discipline of biblical guidance, we find that personal accountability is … [Read more...] about The Best Currency is …
FAKE NEWS! WHO to trust?
Hillary Clinton was hanged in April 2021. Bill Clinton was found guilty of treason & more and was sentenced to life in prison. He is a Guantanamo Bay resident, for life. Faucci, Podesta, Schiff, Comey, Barr and many, many others have also been dealt to. The Arizona audit has shown substantial fraud and set the pattern by way of a gold standard in ethics and transparency. … [Read more...] about FAKE NEWS! WHO to trust?
Evil UNMASKED!! Stretching the Rules
In this post I use the story of a 'crooked operator' that I have crossed swords with here in Taumarunui, to demonstrate the consequences of entertaining evil by way of stretching the rules. I explain how deception always comes out in the end and how and why deceivers hate so much - especially those that stand up to them, and their crimes. Enjoy. … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Stretching the Rules
In this post I warn the residents of the King Country region that they have the potential to be victims of a global conspiracy actively promoted by politicians at a national level and supported by the local vested interests relating to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated medical treatments. Please exercise caution when making your medical decisions and engage your natural … [Read more...] about PUBLIC WARNING: COVID-19 Vaccine Truths
Evil UNMASKED!! Satanic Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia
I define evil as 'anything that falls short of God's desires' but Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) & Pedophilia are widely seen as the pinnacle of evil. Even murderers treat pedophiles with contempt - all this makes perfect sense when the original sin is seen as a sexual act. In this post I discuss the trial and conviction of President Clinton, noting that his confession should … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Satanic Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia
Withers & Crooked Taranaki Lawyers Hiding
This post reveals defamation from Clarry Withers (New Plymouth) and explains how his lawyers Govett Quiliam appear to now be in hiding following exposure of their crooked conduct. In this post I continue to explain what Clarry did by way of defamation; why (when seen in proper context) it is so bad but what his lawyers did which is a magnitude worse. Those who have gotten their … [Read more...] about Withers & Crooked Taranaki Lawyers Hiding
Evil UNMASKED!! Understanding Global Geopolitics
Hopium, fearmongering, disinformation and human nature make a toxic mix deliberately designed to confuse mere mortals like us into compliance with an ungodly agenda. Fortunately there is a simple solution to this deception, but this requires humility. In this post I analyse and quote from Benjamin Fulford, a widely respected long-time journalist who has an inside seat on global … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Understanding Global Geopolitics
Evil UNMASKED!! Escape The Church
This post explains how the organised [Christian] church can be a dangerous place for genuine truth-seekers; not because they are wrong theologically; nor because they may have faulty leadership but structurally because ALL churches by their very nature provide a spiritual covering - an error since Christ's sacrifice which is akin to idolatry. … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Escape The Church
Evil UNMASKED!! A Living Christ Challenges
In this post I discuss the challenges that a living Jesus brings to those who deny or twist the simple biblical understanding of evil. According to scripture, Jesus nailed it on the cross, and the uncomfortable truth for evil is that He's very much alive and well today, here and now! … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! A Living Christ Challenges
The Clarry Withers Visit – Analysis
Yesterday a dude that I'm suing for $16k made an unannounced and unscheduled visit to me in Matapuna. It started off all chatty and pleasant but it ended still chatty and rather tense. My take here is best summarised that Clarry Withers of New Plymouth does indeed have some form of Autism; is a weetbix short of a breakfast' (if you know what I mean}; is clearly out of his depth … [Read more...] about The Clarry Withers Visit – Analysis
Evil UNMASKED!! Logical Failure & Cover-ups
If deception is key to evil then identifying logical failures and cover-ups helps us in understanding the godliness of truth. In this post I share DC Dave's wisdom and extract the words of a whistle-blower that a high profile US lawyer Lin Wood has shared with the world. Enjoy. … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Logical Failure & Cover-ups
Open Letter: Nicholas Veniamin – QFS Ponzi Scheme
This post is an open letter to Nicholas Veniamin a young man recently (2021) mentored into 'the truth business' by Charlie Ward, who is a likable, informed but gullible truther who is actively promoting the QFS Ponzi Scheme. Nicholas impresses me with his dedication and humility, which has been rewarded recently with an amazing coup - a 'world-first' - he got, finally, a … [Read more...] about Open Letter: Nicholas Veniamin – QFS Ponzi Scheme
Evil UNMASKED!! Fessing & Speaking Up
In this post, part of a series) I share the process of admitting fault and speaking up about evil. Generally people do neither and the result is that evil perpetuates. I use examples from around me currently where I have taken an unpopular position but eventually this has good/godly ramifications. Enjoy. … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Fessing & Speaking Up
PUBLIC WARNING: Debbie Daldy, Taumarunui SPCA
This post shares my negative experiences dealing with the manager of Taumarunui's SPCA Debbie Daldy. After giving a big picture view of what happened I give the 'takehomes' which are not good for people seeking ethical conduct from this crooked outfit. Enjoy, well perhaps "appreciate" more than enjoy, this time. … [Read more...] about PUBLIC WARNING: Debbie Daldy, Taumarunui SPCA
PUBLIC WARNING: Charlie Ward & the QFS Ponzi Scheme
If crooks, crims & crazies use deception to trick others into their evil how then do the 'good' people get caught up in the same traumas? And why does the hopium addiction catch us when we can see evil so clearly when it comes to Satanism and pedophilia? In this post I zero in on Mr Hopium himself, a 'pom' living in Spain, Charlie Ward and his QFS - the Quantum Financial … [Read more...] about PUBLIC WARNING: Charlie Ward & the QFS Ponzi Scheme
Evil UNMASKED!! Conman & Hypocrite, Paul Bolte
This post gives more details of the history of a highly talented Aussie conman Paul Bolte, currently located in the USA and masquerading as an ethical Christian motivational speaker & CEO of integrity in a business involving trust. This post follows my recent claims in a previous post (and a chapter of my latest book Evil UNMASKED!!) that his true character is less than … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Conman & Hypocrite, Paul Bolte
Evil UNMASKED!! Business Deception
Legion are the ways that evil can manifest but it is always based upon deception. This is why Christ's claim to BE the Truth was so stunning. So too in business, and the deceptive practices of Commercial Barter companies (like BBX, Bartercard and others) demonstrate this perfectly. Enjoy. … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Business Deception
Evil UNMASKED!! The New Confessions…
I quote here extensively from John Perkins' updated classic, The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and show how his first work, while solid lacked the depth that any study of evil requires. Insidious, comprehensive, deceptive, ubiquitous, tempting are all suitable descriptions of this form of corporate evil that puts profits ahead of process. John's solution (although … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! The New Confessions…
Evil UNMASKED!! Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Part of a series & book, this post quotes extensively from a classic by author John Perkins who self-identifies as an EHM, a term used by those in his industry. These quotes ably describe the way that Evil is outworked in the business & political sectors. In this post I take quotes directly from John's first-released 2004 edition and in the next post quote from his … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Evil UNMASKED!! Divining Truth
This post uses two stories about the arrest of Generals Milley and Hokanson on 14 April 2021 to demonstrate the process and skills a truth-seeker can use to establish reality. I write because evil attempts to deceive and identifying truth reveals evil. Truth identification requires the application of sound logic onto fact. … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Divining Truth
EVIL UNMASKED!! Introduction
What follows is the Introduction to my latest book, 'EVIL UNMASKED!! Understanding Widespread Systemic Satanic Pedophilia', ISBN: 978-0-473-56629-6. … [Read more...] about EVIL UNMASKED!! Introduction
Evil UNMASKED!! Power Is Shifting
This post shares the events leading up to the 2020 US Presidential Elections in which it appears to me that there is and has been a huge power shift going on - DUMBs getting cleared out along with the Vatican, Buckingham Palace & Washington DC being vacated; Hillary Clinton's recent judgment and execution; The Fed getting folded into the Treasury and even an official … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Power Is Shifting
Evil UNMASKED!! The Solution
Exposing and explaining evil is only a step in the right direction. Having got there, one needs to know and understand the solution in order to move on forward constructively. Christ's example and teaching puts the responsibility for dealing with evil onto us, individually. Thassrite, EwenMe! Assuming that evil is built upon deception and that Jesus' claim to be the Truth has … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! The Solution
EVIL UNMASKED!! The Depopulation Agenda
In this series I have shared aspects of how evil is manifested. A major focus of this aspect of life is death. It is the essence of evil to kill; to destroy; to take and to curse . . . the opposite of godliness which is to create, to love, give and bless. Central to evil is the "depopulation agenda" of which the COVID-19 vaccines are currently being rolled out, as we speak. … [Read more...] about EVIL UNMASKED!! The Depopulation Agenda
Evil UNMASKED!! Hillary Clinton Hangs
This post shares the news that a Military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay has sentenced Hillary Clinton to hang on April 26, 2021. According to Real Raw News the decision by a two-man three person panel took only 5 minutes to send her to her death. I share here the two latest reports from Real Raw News and provide commentary. How can you enjoy this Illuminati/Deep State sickness? … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Hillary Clinton Hangs
A Comedy of Legal Errors for Clarry Withers
This post provides commentary of the legal BS surrounding a New Plymouth businessman Clarry Withers, called a Professional Swindler (and worse) by the local business-people, and his attempt to avoid paying his bills and to secure monies due to his own bungling and therefore not due to him. I summarise both the scenario that brought on this legal stuff, and the legal events … [Read more...] about A Comedy of Legal Errors for Clarry Withers
Evil UNMASKED!! The Wisdom of Circumspection
The bible records a Creator God that retains some things to protect his creation from certain [evil] knowledge. In this post I dive into the current human frenzy to throw discretion to the winds, and dive into the gory details. I use reports of the second day of Hillary Clinton's trial as the basis for this topic. Enjoy, but not too much! … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! The Wisdom of Circumspection
Evil UNMASKED!! Revenge Belies Biblical Teaching
Hillary Rodham Clinton was arrested on 2 March 2021 and charged with a multitude of crimes too long and horrendous to list here. The charges include treason, conspiring with the enemy, destruction of government property, money laundering and conspiracy to commit murder. Her trial started last week (on the 8th April, 2021) at Guantanamo Bay and once the news gets out (the MSM is … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Revenge Belies Biblical Teaching
Evil UNMASKED!! Aliens & the ET Thing
ET's existence is now going mainstream. The secret to understanding Aliens and indeed anything to do with ET's is to recognise patterns and to seek out the source of this 'advanced' knowledge. These belief systems always have a spiritual base and is almost always New Age and/or Occultic in nature. Without actually stating that Aliens do not exist I explain that the Christian … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Aliens & the ET Thing
Evil UNMASKED!! Advanced Information Warfare
This post discusses Advanced Information in the context of the current Information War. It explains how the New Age concept of [spiritual] Ascension is a falsehood (an ego trap) and how logically it is impossible to prove a negative. It touches upon the concept of how Alien (ET) warfare and advanced technology is also a party to information warfare. It's a heavy & serious … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Advanced Information Warfare
Advice For Clarence William Withers, New Plymouth
This post gives advice for Mr Clarence (Clarry) William Withers of 353 South Road, RD4, New Plymouth who is suing an impecunious company for more than $300k - a company that I owned but that ceased trading a year ago, Clarence William Withers (Professional Swindler) Sting Operation Ltd (formerly 2004 Holdings Ltd). Get ready to sue your own lawyers Clarry because they have … [Read more...] about Advice For Clarence William Withers, New Plymouth
Evil UNMASKED!! Ten Truth Theses for Easter 2021
I share here, ten truth theses, established from the school of hard knocks. Enjoy! … [Read more...] about Evil UNMASKED!! Ten Truth Theses for Easter 2021
Swapping Ignorance Seminars – Kick Off
What is really happening around us? Which Conspiracy Theories actually stack up? My seminars are entitled "Swapping Ignorance". These seminars give the local Taumarunui public the opportunity to engage with someone who has actually done the research. The Swapping Ignorance Seminar series is designed to bring stability and hope to those of like mind, helping people to understand … [Read more...] about Swapping Ignorance Seminars – Kick Off
A Lying Lawyer Fools a Lazy Judge
This post analyses an interaction I recently had in a District Court setting where a lawyer twisted facts to fool a District Court judge who had not done any homework, in fact she hadn't even read the core documents! "But isn't this 'situation normal' in the legal world where truth and justice come second, or third?" I hear you ask mockingly. Maybe so! Enjoy. … [Read more...] about A Lying Lawyer Fools a Lazy Judge