Declan Curran (aka Agent Kiwi) went to meet his Maker last week. His body was cremated by Dil Funeral Services on the North Shore and his sister Joanne has taken over his affairs as his NOK. I am his editor and publisher and we agreed that in the event of his ‘demise’ the project to publish his book Deception would be done posthumously. That will now occur in due course. This post is a mixture of sadness and satisfaction for a job well done. Enjoy!

Declan knew his time was passing and August 2022 was a “bastard” of a month for him, constantly fighting off COVID-19 symptoms and desperate to complete the book before he ‘karked it’. His capacity to engage mentally reduced in proportion to his health issues. He did sufficient to complete the book and his legacy will remain once it is finally published, printed and out there. I expect it to be available on Amazon and available by other means for the Christmas sales period, 2022.
Although I am not a quack, for those of you into Conspiracy Theories my advice would be to chalk Declan’s death up as another adverse COVID-19 vaccine consequence.
In the following reproduction of Declan’s 2022 Facebook posts in relation to his book you can see the urgency that he had, desperate to deliver, but privately telling me that it was important to get a good product. As the ultimate arbiter of publishing quality I will continue to work on the manuscript to the point that it is indeed something that he can be proud of.
In this regard, I can concur with Agent Kiwi’s analysis:
- The book is solid, well researched and contains a remarkable internal consistency;
- It is quite big, actually a double book containing a detailed summary of the two events; and
- Will be well worth the money (I will make sure of that).
IMHO the best way to honour Declan is to let him finish this obituary with his own words, and he was never short of them.
Declan’s Facebook 2022 Posts
This page is dedicated to the memory of all those people who were aboard these airliners – innocent souls caught up in the evil acts of others.
10 May 2022
**** Deception – The Stories of MH370 and MH17 ****
My book has been finished and I’ve been proverbially given a butt-boot as I want the book released as soon as we can.
When it is ready it will be available to order through a print service and we are offering the option of a full-color version or for those wanting to save a wee bit the B&W version will be exactly the same, just without the color images. We’re anticipating it will be $10USD less, but prices haven’t yet been finalized.
Once it’s ready to hit the press I will let you all know here and will see if I can create something image-wise of the front cover on this FB page top banner area.
When I let you know it’s ready I will supply a direct URL to the website to order it from. They do everything, including post and packaging and ship directly to you.
I’m about to tell my editor that I want the final proof ready to roll in time for the 8 year anniversary of MH17 which is on July 17.
I might put a couple of pages on this FB page so you can get a sniff at some of the content before ordering. [Assuming you want a copy!] A few pages of temptation.
I don’t hold back on my findings. Most books only give theories and scenarios; I shoot straight from the hip. The findings of my investigations will reveal many aspects of both cases and supply proof. I’ve never been interested in theories right from day one and I’ve made sure that everything sequentially and logically fits together. On the odd instance where I have suspicions but no definite proof I will be straight-up and say what I think happened – these are few and far between.
This book not only gives the evidence and answers to some serious questions – it will show you BOTH cases in the one book [which is split into MH370 in part one and MH17 in part two] and show the connections between the two.
Some of elements you will be exposed to consist of:
Who took MH370?
Where did it go?
Why did it go there?
What was aboard? – people and technology
What happened to the passengers and crew?
What were the ATSB, Australia, Malaysia, and some other countries so desperate to hide and cover-up?
Where’s the 3 MILLION+ pieces of wreckage – let alone cargo, bodies, luggage and personal possessions.
Why did the search reveal very little – both in answer to the above question and anomalies of parts and marine life?
Why did TWO people genuinely trying to find answers be stalked, intimidated and BOTH receive death threats? For an aircraft that supposedly had a tragic ‘event’. [MH370]
Why were the Malaysian authorities, The ATSB, and the Australian government so vague, dismissive and non-cooperative?
Why were ‘they’ so ‘absolutely positive’ about MH370 not being in the 125,000sq km search area, yet they were ‘almost certain’ that the parts they found came from MH370. Seriously?! There’s only one 777 that’s mooted to have crashed into any sea.
Spoiler alert: The Malaysian Prime Minister said that “MH370 ended its flight in the Southern Indian Ocean”. Maybe the insertion of the word ‘region’ would be more accurate – somewhere extremely close to the water – like 13ft above sea level! So, he’s not lying. He’s just being deceptive; and if you want to see how dodgy he is – check out the Netflix series, “Dirty Money”. He has his own episode!
Then there’s MH17. That’s another story in itself. The conflicting wreckage, bodies, eye-witnesses and – spoiler alert, again… No BUK missile was ever launched at MH17 and Russia wasn’t involved in any way. But America, Ukraine and The Netherlands all played their individual parts.
As a final mention… MH17’s previous flights never traversed the terrain that MH17 was directed to take on July 17th by whose ATC..
I’ll let you work that out for yourself, but don’t let the current happenings between Ukraine and Russia cloud your judgement.
This book is the one crime investigation you won’t want to miss or put down.
All the players you thought weren’t in the game – were;
and all the players you thought were in the game – weren’t.
This may be the most revealing and shocking Exposé you will have encountered in a long time – maybe, ever.
Hopefully [editor permitting!] you won’t have too much longer to wait!
24 June 2022
Apologies Guys and Gals….
I haven’t posted anything of recent as I’ve been intensively working with my book editor to finalize and provide the finishing touches that the book, “Deception. The Stories of MH370 and MH17” needs.
It is much more improved from when the original book was written and my editor/publisher contacted me after hearing my 2 hour Zoom connection discussing both flights with Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot TV.
I will of course be putting notification on here with a link for where to buy the book from. I’ve told my editor I want this ready to go by July 17th. It should be. MH17 is essentially complete other than a couple of minor ‘touch-ups.’
The finishing touches are being completed for MH370.
This book will be unique due to it incorporating both cases into the one book; part one for MH370 and part two for MH17.
You will see findings on both flights involving multiple nations, you will get to see some of the documents and will be exposed to the connections between both flights.
To my knowledge, there is no other book that covers both flights, nor steers away from conspiracy theories and provides you with some concrete substance. Some present some strong information for MH370 flying (no pun intended) in the face of the ‘official spiel’ the world was dished out.
I briefly address each potential scenario with MH370 and explain why it has been dismissed. By the end of the book you should have a good understanding of both cases.
The book will be circa 415 pages and 7×10 inches in size.
There will be a Black and White version for those wanting to go a bit cheaper for whatever reason, but I recommend the color one as it does both cases much more justice and I think is essential for understanding when it comes to aspects where color is needed for definition and delineation.
I thought I’d better pop back in here, cos there’s something I should add and want to share with you…
I had some negative comments from an individual in Malaysia stating that I was out to earn millions from the miseries of others and that he wasn’t going to buy the book and would tell others not to. He believed that after years ‘the world is over MH370 and MH17’ and claimed my book would only contain my assumptions. I could detect the annoyance/anger or whatever you want to label it; and I got to thinking….
Maybe he had family aboard either flight, friends, or a loved one of someone he or someone in his family knew, so if that is the case – he has every right to be upset. I want him and others to receive an explanation for why I’ve spent 8 years on these two cases, and why a book, and why only now.
It hit me that was something I hadn’t thought about, so I want to write a bit here and tell you why I’ve gone down the 8 year path of both flights, why the book is the final piece to be completed, and more importantly my motive and reasons behind venturing into any of this.
When I was first told of MH370 disappearing I watched the media for some answers and see what progress there was. After a week of media and officials from multiple countries not seeming to have anything to share with the public and the search area relocating to the Southern Indian Ocean, I decided that I wanted to see if I could carve through the lies and deception and see if I could find anything. It was tough going and I nearly gave up in the first few months. Then MH17 happened and it seemed a strange co-incidence. I knew I had to forge on. It was only ever meant for it to be me finding something somewhere that made sense.
Once I started to find some ominous things I decided to document it in files just for my reference. There was no intention to do anymore than that at the start. I then realized the stuff I had discovered needed to be out there for the world to see and I found an online group by sheer fluke who were hellbent on exposure of numerous nefarious crap occurring around the globe, as David Winter rightly points out – ‘Oligarch corruption and greed’ – plus so much more.
I was welcomed into the group with open arms and became recognized and referred to by the group heads as the expert on the Malaysian cases. Thanks, but I simply wanted some truths. Seeing on the media the grief and pain of the people awaiting news of MH370 drove me on. I was determined to find something useful, and I had the time and (apparently) the ability to seek stuff, analyze it and piece it together to make sense.
But it had to be accurate and fit together on its own. I had to have no opinions, preconceived ideas, or prejudices. I stuck solely to what I found.
It took years to do both flights, plus I delved into GermanWings and MetroJet, though they were relatively easy to piece together.
Other than receiving emails and info/data from contacts around the globe, I’ve this solely until my editor/publisher contacted me and wanted to publish the book. At this point I was resigned to the fact it may not get to print because most publishers would run a mile and not touch it. But my editor saw I had something that had serious components to it. He saw in me things I hadn’t and never thought of.
So, even before the book idea came about which was not my original intention, I set up a Wixsite website for my files so they were public for those who wanted them. I set up this FaceBook page for the same reason. Johno, who I met through the group made contact and we’ve become great mates. He’s often the one to bring other crashes media reports back to the page, so when it looks like it’s me liking my own page, it’s him using his log-in.
At this stage, I was done. It was heading into mid 2017 and I reckon to date I’ve spent the equivalent of maybe 4 years of full-time equivalent work on these cases. Believe me, I can think of a lot of other things I could have done with that time; but these stories had to at least be accessible on the internet – somewhere and somehow.
A friend hassled me for months pressing me to write the book saying it was the final piece and that a lot of people could be helped by at least getting some answers and seeing the aspects they never knew or heard about. I mean, who gets death threats simply because they are searching for and trying to find wreckage. Two people did, and the Malaysian Ambassador to Madagascar who was to meet with one of them was assassinated merely 8 days apart.
I kept telling my lady friend, NO!
I told her I wanted to finish up and walk away.
But she convinced me in the end. It’s been a shitload of work, the draft needed MAJOR editing work and content, I was pushed to the limits of frustration and at times becoming pissed off with my editor. It’s been a long hard road and thankfully it’s almost over so I can have my life back again. Having no partner nor family or work has enabled me the time to do what I’ve done, despite typing at times with health issues and pain.
I want to reassure everyone, and the man from Malaysia who posted his direct comments attacking what I’m doing in publishing this book, the following…
The road has been long and hard. Would I go through the same again? Most likely no. I don’t care if I make nothing from this book; that has never been my intention from the start, and I certainly don’t want ANY fame or fortune. Truth be said, I loathe the media, along with the thieving slimy bas**ards who think it’s their god-given right to rule and do whatever they wish even when it involves MASS-MURDER. The book has no connection with any organization, publishing company or otherwise. If media get wind of the book and want to promote it, my sincere intention is to tell them I want a sizeable amount to be donated by them directly to somewhere, group or individuals who were caught up in these two flights. I don’t want nor need money. It never will be and never has been any priority in my life.
This book (price not yet finalized) I have discussed with my editor who has agreed that it needs to be priced affordably, with maybe a few dollars for our work. As long as the printing cost is covered, I really don’t care about getting anything out of this other than to see it available to the world. That is reward enough. I’ve put over $1,000 NZ into this plus the hours of unpaid work and heaps of printing costs on drafts etc.
Some books have rushed onto the market and seriously do capitalize on the misfortunes of others. That has NEVER been my intention; nor will it ever. It is more important to put the final touches on the product which you can then obtain if you wish to, but at least some honest truths can be presented to the world.
To everyone out there – first and foremost those directly impacted by the loss of lives aboard these flights – I give you my sincere condolences for your losses through what has happened which has been through no fault of yours or theirs, and I will not sit back and see these rich slimy bastards and governments behind these events get away without exposure.
You also deserve at the very least to see what you haven’t been told and what they have lied about. It’s disgraceful at best.
There are two boys out there in Australia who lost their dad at 18 months old and 3 years old. I remain in contact with their mum and Aunty.
The other which will remain with me forever is the family from West Australia who sent their 3 children home from Amsterdam with their grandfather on MH17.
There’s nothing in this for me. This book has been written because it’s the right thing to be able to give something back from what I’ve been exposed to in these investigations – including seeing some images I rather wouldn’t have. This book has been written for the world. No other reason.
I hope this helps those who are grappling with grief, trying to understand why this book has been written; and why it has taken till now to be released.
16 July 2022
*** MH17. July 17 2014. Eight years later ***
Just a quick note tonight.
On the eve of the eighth anniversary I wanted to drop in to say to surviving family and friends that I’m thinking of you.
Also, to everyone waiting for my book on MH370 and MH17, rest assured that my editor and I are sprucing up and adding the finishing touches.
I was hoping to have it available for MH17 anniversary but we have extra powerful additions which make the book even more complete.
Some of these things I hadn’t previously seen and one provides an extremely interesting connection which for me was mind blowing as it connected even more things and reinforced what I had already found.
I will let you know when it’s ready.
It’s not too far from being ready to release.
7 August 2022
‘Deception’ book: An overdue update.
The book is looking substantially better than when I first ‘thought’ I’d completed it (which was March last year). There was so much more to enter and clarify and though it’s been emotionally draining and frustrating I’ve realized the end result is substantially better.
My editor and I are in the process of completing the Topic Index. He has been working full time getting the changes and additions in the book. We have him to thank for the professional end result.
We anticipate completion within a few weeks. I worked all day yesterday with a painful head and a Covid diagnosis feeling like crap but committed to the task in hand. [What’s in a painful head when body pain is ‘just another day at the office’]
A few more things we’ve found and are tidying up, but as a result we’ve discovered some things we hadn’t previously, which is only going to add value to the original. These were ‘spit your tea back into your mug’ moments.
To give you a couple of examples:
We found images of the MH17 ‘bodies’ which blows the lid off the case even more. The way they are positioned and the ‘state’ or lack of their condition.
The number 40 came up in MH370. It also appeared in MH17.
Two independent sources who have never spoken or met the other made claim. One said his info was from an ‘inside source’. Both mentioned exactly 40 when referring to the topic in question. Then less than a week ago I came across a piece of journalism and the number 40 appeared again.
Not 39 or 41 or any other number. That’s 40 from 4 independent sources!
A shocking revelation was when my editor asked me to find the FIR regions for ATC radar in the vicinity of where we positively know MH370 went. We got more than either of us bargained for!
I couldn’t find the immediate area FIR’s but went back to him with a global map – which is in the book. Suddenly the penny dropped. It explained why MH370 took the long track it did and why the ACARS switched back on briefly, then went dead again. If the book had been released to the public already, we wouldn’t have seen it or included it. It’s a vital part of understanding the tracking. VERY vital.
The Malaysian Military knew EXACTLY what was happening that night/morning MH370 went ‘walkabout’. I don’t entirely place blame on them; I think higher and more controlling people/countries were ‘pulling the strings’. Both the military and the Malaysia government had no option but to ‘follow the script’.
Multiple sources and validating admissions from the Malaysia Military openly stated that they detected MH370 flying through their MILITARY airspace near Penang. Butterworth handles the ATC for Penang and the immediate area, yet they did nothing. The (at the time Minister of Transport), Hishammuddin Hussein, made a fatal mistake in his cocky and smug comments on video in an interview over 2 years later. In the documentary produced by ABC Four Corners Australian media he made claim while smirking all the way through, that they detected MH370 flying through Military airspace on the night/morning in question. He gave multiple reasons for not acting on intercepting and identifying an aircraft which was not scheduled to be flying anywhere near the area. In fact it was WAY off course in the opposite direction. He openly claimed, “It was a commercial aircraft.” How do you identify a commercial jet from ONLY a primary radar blip? Yet no fighter jets went up. Why? The reason is obvious. They openly admitted in more than one source I located, that they knew it was flying through and did NOTHING. They let it travel unimpeded without fighter jet interception.
I managed to find and print the entire ACARS report from the departure gate of MH370 to the final transmission. I printed the entire report and put it into a ring binder, not referring to it again until a few months ago and spotted the glaringly obvious discrepancy once I flicked through it. The answer was ‘hidden in plain sight’. Interestingly, there are frequent messages coming and going from ground to air, then mysteriously one page shows nearly an hour of missing data, even though the pages are labelled similar to “‘Page 167 of 180’. The page numbers follow in sequence. Where’s the missing data? I have included screen shots of these anomalies in the book.
It’s been a long road getting the book completed but the delays have been worth it and have produced a few extra ‘surprises’ I didn’t initially know about. The few missing links revealed the reasons for what happened and why, and explained what we earlier couldn’t. Things like, why the direction of travel wasn’t the shorter more direct route. Suddenly, it became crystal clear.
After an eight year emotional roller-coaster, the public will have the opportunity to see both cases for what they really are.
It is first and foremost for the deceased and surviving friends and relatives.
If I can provide some much needed and deserved answers I will have achieved what I intended to – and you can’t make the kinds of discoveries I have and keep them from others.
That’s just a waste of resources. It’s not about ‘maybe’ getting some recompense for the work – it’s about doing the right thing, and I’m now getting sad just thinking about what others endured through no fault of their own. I think the full emotion will hit when this is complete.
At that point and when everyone has been advised of the book availability, I will most likely need a small vacation to ‘reset’.
It’s been a challenging and often tough eight years and I’ll be glad when it’s over.
Knowing I have given something back to the world and helped the deceased get their story out is rewarding enough beyond anything.
I will forever remember the MH17 passengers whose stories I vividly recall – such as Evie, Mo, and Otis Maslin and their grandfather; and MH370 passenger Paul Weeks, among others, who finally have their story told.
I will remember the video footage and feel the sadness and some of the pain of the Chinese lady who had buckled and was supported out of one of the initial press conferences by two people. The pain on her face will stay with me forever.
NEVER should any person be exposed to such trauma through the evil of others, and if I lose my life for telling the truth – that’s a risk I’m prepared to take. It will all be worth it.
Now I have to go. The tears are there just thinking about it as I type. Love to you all. I’ll be back closer to the book being ready.
Thank you so much for posting this. I was so saddened to hear of Declan’s passing. He was a sweet man and I was looking forward to his book. I promised to buy one as soon as it was out. He said not much longer.
Thanks Tammy
His passing has caused a few holes and problems for sure.
I’ll be doing what I can to finish it and get it out, but not sure when, hopefully before Christmas.
Any nearer.
Yes, and No. Nearer in that I have determined to continue the work regardless of Declan’s sister’s non-co-operation. No, in that I spent most of March hospitalised ( and it may be months before I am back to work. The good news is that I’ve completed 100% the first 125 pages plus probably the bulk of the rest of the 370pp and the covers, blurb and so on and the physical printout/draft from Amazon is good. The bad news is that the last little bits are critical and may take a while, mainly writing about MH17 and getting it 100%. Expect this year but some months away Jim.
I’ve only just found out, thanks to this site, that Declan passed away last September. I first met him in Auckland in 2009, and we were in contact for some years. How sad.
Agreed. Sadder still though is his sister’s contempt for his life’s work, bills not paid and his book left pending!