As awareness of the manipulation used by nefarious, Communist, Socialist, Deep State proponents (aka the Cabal) increases there is now a real potential for a nasty backlash that has the potential to hurt. I share aspects of this, describing the Christian viewpoint again and warning against a division that hurts, as opposed to a godly division – one that ultimately heals. Enjoy!
Cameron Slater is a conservative blogger with sticking power. He has run a wild ride in his career, pushing a few buttons in his time, some of which I’m sure that he now realises that he shouldn’t have. He is however an intelligent astute political animal and while well known for pushing right-wing/conservative values his take politically is always valuable.
In a recent post at ‘his’ resurrected website, Cameron summarises this sentiment with a great comparison of NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Adern’s handling of the COVID-19 ‘crisis’ with Hitler & Goebbels approach to manipulating public sentiment. This matches my early take from two years ago (March 2020) on how COVID-19 scaremongering was being used to manipulate us.
Leaving aside the accuracy of his take on the German wartime leaders (I don’t fully subscribe to the mainstream take that these guys were always pure evil) and assuming that Cindy and her team are likewise not always evil (they are politicians first and foremost of course) Cam’s comparison IMHO is astute and accurate.
You can read his post in full with the link above but his conclusion has some gold in it and is worth repeating:
It was all a lie, designed by Ardern, following the playbook of Adolf Hitler and Paul Joseph Goebbels, in order to force people into vaccinations against their own free will or better judgment. Who would want to be ‘them’?
Those of us who experienced the results of this mass formation will never forget what was done to us. Only now are people waking up to the fact that for the last two years they’ve all lived a lie so big that they all believed it.
Cam’s mention of mass formation: refers to indoctrination, explained more in his linked article.
Those chickens are now coming home to roost, as the hospitals fill up, not with the unvaccinated, but with those who believed, through the effects of mass formation, that they were “doing the right thing”.
This is the inconvenient truth that is coming to light more and more as conspiracy simultaneously becomes more credible and mainstream credibility tanks. I’ve personally witnessed five individual events in the last few days alone, none of which I could have ever dreamed about a year ago, let alone two years ago, and I really don’t actively engage with society much any more.
First, I witnssed anti-mandate protesters in the centre of town (Taumarunui). “Toot to stop the mandates” almost tempted me . . . almost!
Secondly I drove past a house that had put their anti-mandates message outside for all to see. That was a first!
Thirdly I stopped in the Supermarket car park to buy some bread and milk and the car I parked beside had a sign in the window, complaining that Jacinda [and/or her mandates] was “destroying our country”.
Fourthly I excused myself from a family social event earlier today when ‘COVID conspiracy’ was aired by a friend. She full well knew my take on COVID-19 matters and was probably baiting me to ‘get contentious’. That was a brave move on her part!
Lastly I had a conversation with an online contact who has reportedly been reading my materials with great interest – his awakening really only occurring in the last year or so. My analysis that, “None of this conversation would ever happened a year or two ago!” was reinforced heartily when he replied, “Yeah, back then I would have called you a right royal nutter!”
Woah, this has all happened so quickly!
It turns out though, that doing the right thing should have been standing up against the totalitarianism of a Government concerned more about control than real health outcomes.
Doing the right thing was researching mRNA vaccines and highlighting the significant problems.
Doing the right thing was refusing mask mandates.
Doing the right thing was protesting on Parliament’s lawn.
Doing the right thing was saying no to vaccine mandates, no matter the personal cost.
The vast majority of New Zealand fell for the mass formation. Now they should do the right thing and say no more to the Ardern regime.
This coming from a political advocate of course!
No to masks, no to scanning, no to vaccine mandates, no to vax passports and no to this uncaring and ultimately evil regime that has followed the teaching of actual Nazis, to the letter.
We need to tear down the virtual and real walls that the Ardern regime has built in our society.
Just say no. Just say no more. Make your stand, because if you don’t this won’t end well.
It ends now because we say it ends.
This above is all true. Apart from the voting advice which endorses a political solution to a spiritual problem, I’m 100% with Cam on this.
The Dangers
So the two biggest dangers I see as we work our way through these changing times are that:
- Depression or disillusionment kicks in as a result of this awakening, and apathy and worse prevents our real learning, and
- Continuing to seek a political solution for a problem with a spiritual root cause (pride) will set humanity right back on the very same treadmill that it so desperately seeks to avoid.
The Christian worldview is essentially quite simple, basically that there is a God who created good, but mankind messed up. The Jesus thing is much more than simply believe and go to Heaven, whatever that is or where ever it is. The Christian message is intricately woven around God’s Word, variously spoken in person in the Garden of Eden, through His prophets up until Jesus’ birth and ministry when He demonstrated God’s ways practically and then through the power of His Holy Spirit upon His death , resurrection and then outpouring at Pentecost, potentially empowering us today, here, now.
While we can all argue the existence of a Creator, or the nature of Jesus’ life and Ministry until the cows come home, the rubber hits the road when it comes to the impact and work of God, working through the Holy Spirit today, here and now. The essence of the Christian world-view to me is that when we listen up and trust that God does have control of things – ALL things; when we do the right thing (as Cam alludes to in his post quoted above) that He has the authority to outwork His plan and purposes.
Now this is the crucial thing that differs from Cindy and her cohorts’ ways, which is that it is not a power thing, nor does it contain any form of deception, trickery or force.
There are two ways I see that we can look at this thing, positive and negative but they both come down to the same thing – it is when we hear and obey that He can use us to do what He wants. The Cabal uses money to bribe. It uses power to deceive and then to control. The alternative way is to simply speak truth, and hopefully in love. As with one little boy who cried out, “But Mummy, the Emperor has no clothes on!” it does not need an army of foot soldiers hell-bent on pushing a vaccine agenda to achieve equilibrium.
I feel for those who have gone all in with the COVID and vaccination thing, especially if they believe it. I shared with a mate today that the local rag the Taumarunui Bulletin has nothing contrary in its pages. No number of protesters will ever convince the owner Mark Ebrey that he’s been deceived. As with all with vested interests though, it will all come out, eventually! Why? You may ask this . . . it’s personal. Any questions of the government narrative have the potential to affect his paper’s income streams – from COVID advertising of course! Bigger, less partisan outfits may have an editorial freedom, but little papers like Mark’s could be out of business overnight if they don’t tow the government line. That potential makes any threat to a one-man-band operation personal! Of course don’t expect to get any apology or accountability from those who caused others pain or loss. They will always have an answer at hand!
It is my take that worship of politicians will reduce in intensity as awareness of the corruption and impotency of the political class continues to grow. I see this as a healthy and necessary step forward. Cam and others have done and continue to do an amazing job and the tide is turning and in many parts of the world has completely turned. Yes, there will be many who turn off as a result of their disillusionment in political leadership but this vacuum like all before it will be filled.
In way more than 50 years of searching for truth, I have found the Christian belief to hold the most validity of any belief system that is out there. For nigh on 43 years I have tested, tested and tested as many aspects of the Christian world-view as I can and have found it to be robust. There is a God who does love us. He cares sufficiently to have inbuilt incredibly powerful, intricate and effective immune systems. The planet has a self-healing property that just stuns me. His Spirit gives us sufficient knowledge, wisdom and understanding to navigate all of life’s challenges. We’ve just got to humble ourselves, listen up and do the needful – as Cam says, “the right thing”.
Sure, this is a divisive opinion but if true then this (like those observations of manipulation and pesky little questions of a few years ago) will eventually unite.
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