Almost a year ago I warned of manipulation in regards to COVID-19. Whistleblowers continued the theme throughout 2021 with the local rag censoring free speech. Now child vaccination has arrived. When child illnesses increase as a result, and they surely will, there will be more craziness as the vaccinations are increased – thus causing even more trauma. It is a perpetual spiral of death. To the aware this is an oft-repeating and highly predictable scenario. Learn from this, even if you can’t actually enjoy it!
COVID-19 Whistleblowing
Thank goodness there are still some people out there who understand and ‘get it’ despite the largest propaganda exercise in the history of mankind. In mid 2021, Steve Bannon interviewed an ex-Pfizer manager Dr Michael Yeadon, until then a hugely respected and experienced medical expert. He identified multiple concerns with the mainstream story and I repeat his damning words here.
The reason I’ve spoken out is that everything our governments are telling us about the virus, treatments, vaccines and measures to take are all wrong. Now normally we talk courteously when we disagree. Mistaken. We’ll use words like that and I’m afraid that the people advising my government and yours are clever and I know that they know that what they are telling you is wrong. In other words, it’s lies.
I prefer to talk about “deception” but the word lies will do!
They’re actually lying and I think the objective in lying is to frighten people and to frighten people to accept these really strange gene based vaccines and I think the purpose of that ultimately is to force us to have electronic vaccine passports which is really a digital ID. That’s the long and short of it and that’s why I am speaking out.
Having researched the COVID-19 concerns deeply I cannot counter these statements at all. I concur with the lot. Many of the links on my website also validate much of this.
I would say there are about six, seven, eight main narrative points that all governments tell their people
1. Not all viruses emerged from China;
2. You have no immunity; and
3. It’s unusually lethal.
Those things are not correct. It’s actually closely related to four common cold causing corona viruses. Lots of people have immunity. That’s in the literature and it’s not unusually lethal according to John Ioannidis, the most cited epidemiologist. That was an exaggerated oppression/pressure.
Fear. Used by manipulators since time immemorial!
4. No treatments.
That’s not true. Hydroxychloroquine … zinc, Ivermectin … and others – you can find them on the American Association of Physicians & Surgeons website. That stuff’s being hidden and anyone who has raised those treatments has been smeared. As a result people have died when I think they could have been treated … there are areas in India where the governments were handing out Ivermectin just routinely and this was no big deal. It’s a cheap generic, safe drug they use for treating parasites, so they had huge supplies of it already and in those territories where they were handing it out they have very very low illness and mortality. In addition to that there are four more studies (they are not the normal placebo controlled trials that normally pharmaceutical industries have but nevertheless there have been totals of thousands of patients treated or not with each of the drugs I mentioned and I would say definitely passes the standard of these drugs that you ought to use rather than the position that lots of regulators have taken to say well, the evidence isn’t sufficient so they actually suppress or smear the drug but there are some really good scientists like Dr Peter McCulloch, Piere Korey and others. These are top notch people in their fields and it’s their work that I am citing.
5. PCR Testing.
… I think it’s been over amplified. You don’t take a count of the false positive rate. You can just can just get misleading number of cases and death attribution but here’s the three that I think go together that we have been persuaded that even though you have no symptoms you can spread this infection to other people. You are going to be a respiratory health threat to others, even though you have no symptoms. This is simply not true and I can explain why it’s not true. When you’ve got – to be a good source of infection you need to have an airway full of virus. If you do you will have symptoms because the virus is destroying your airway lining and your immune system is fighting back. Those two things without any question produce symptoms. You can’t be a good source if you ‘re not symptomatic. So, if you are symptom free, you are not going to be spreading this virus. That’s what was also found in formal studies, so it’s both what your mother would have told you and also what the empirical data will tell you, yet we’ve been told that is happening and as a result you have to wear masks which don’t work and are not necessary and we’ve also been told, and this is the really big one I need to emphasise.
6. Lockdown . . . the points are simply not correct. Because the people saying it are smart . . . they must be deliberately telling an untruth, but here’s the killer observation … all the countries around the world simultaneously adopted the same six falsehoods – all of them at the same time. .. I found that frightening because I recognised early on that some of them were just not right and now I am saying that all of them are incorrect.
For some reason I recognise patterns really well. Maybe it is a result of the strong IQ I inherited from my father or the artistic or creative bent from my mother but the patterns of control to me were so obvious that, like with Mike as he reports here, the alarm bells rang for me big-time when all countries jumped onto the same COVID-19 bandwagon at the same time. Manipulation appeared to be present to me from day one and my first post warning of this was early (Q1,2020), timely and has been well proven to be dead-right.
7. Variants . . . this virus mutates and is the product of mutations – we call them variants and that’s true. It’s one of these things that is adjacent to reality.
I like this phrase and will use it more myself. Meaning, true in part but missing the point.
When this virus mutates it makes typographical errors but it is a huge virus genetically and it makes a handful of errors so I went back to the databases and tried to work out what percentage of the virus had changed over 18 months. It is 0.3 %. The most different variant is 99.7% identical to the Wuhan sequence. And if you are thinking well that doesn’t seem likely to escape my immune system” then you are absolutely right. Not only is it not likely theoretically … but it’s actually proven not to escape … they are really all the same. .. the literature evidence and really good immunologists have shown that there is nothing to fear from these variants and yet the governments everywhere are telling you that you might even need additional vaccines.
8. Vaccines.
9. Vaccine Passports.
Steve’s video truncates these last two but for June 2021 this is all revolutionary stuff.
COVID-19 Truth Suppression
Suppression of information (regardless of the validity of the information) is a low-intellect activity that only has the desired effects short-term. The reason is that it shows that the source of the COVID-19 BS is crooked when reality kicks in. Those of us who deal with truth always, I mean always prevail, in the end anyway!
In 2022, expect the COVID-19 narrative to change, and the whole thing to disappear (perhaps miraculously) as those who are out to control, centralise, manipulate and to do this for their own interests to lose their grip on power. Right, left it matters not. Catholic, Protestant the same. Pro-vax or anti-vax will become a non issue when health matters move away from the ungodly focus on money, money and more money.
While I cannot predict the timing of this, it does seem to me that this year is the year that the final dominoes in the geo-political power struggle that has been occurring will fall into place for the foreseeable future anyway. Benjamin Fulford‘s recent letter shares this same thought as does Simon Parkes’ commentary (Something big is about to happen).
After a year of reeling under a fake COVID 19 pandemic attack, the good guys are on the offensive around the world against the Khazarian Mafia (KM). This is happening in Europe, the United States, Japan, China and elsewhere. The results are reflected in such things as the rebirth of the Soviet Union, the collapse of Hollywood, the liberation of Japan etc. If all goes according to plan, humanity will be liberated in 2022.
Ben Fulford
Let’s hope so!
From a Christian perspective this is simply a changing of the guard, or rearranging the deck chairs on the Olympic [oops, Titanic, I mean!]. Until the people turn away from their worship of democracy and return their allegiance to Him, they will continue to go around and around in circles. To prove this is the case and that the New Age and Conspiratorial ALT Right still misses the point, I’ll leave you with one last question, “To whom is the interest on our money payable?”
You see, whoever sets the interest rate controls the money, and the Lord totally, emphatically and one hundred per cent prohibits usury, period, end of story. It’s a trick question because for over 1500 years the charging of Interest (and this means also the receiving of interest) was considered an immoral activity and therefore an ungodly practice. No question about it. A “mortal sin” is a serious thing.
It’s an utterly serious matter and what the Roman Catholic church identified as a “mortal sin”. I’ve blogged previously about this. That all changed in the early 1500s but all Legal Tender money across the globe incurs interest and even after the so-called Global Reset it still will. Please don’t try to tell me that there are no alternatives – there are, most definitely . . .
I digress, onto one of my pet peeves – usury!
Don’t be deceived people. Deception is the norm. Suppression of truth is the norm. Speaking it is not, but the massive rewards of doing so are out of this world – literally and figuratively!
UPDATE []: This guy rolled his car. He woke up. He was trying to get out. EMT knocked him out with drugs. They loaded him onto a chopper. 8 hours later he woke up on a vent and and managed to remove the catheter, the IV, and the intubation. He was FINE, there was no reason for it. Hospital told him he had COVID. He was not a sleeper, he knew what they did and GOT THE HELL OUT OF THERE with them attempting to refuse him to leave.
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