Standing for Truth is a divisive undertaking and I share here some examples of Conspiracy Denialists showing how their stance can be deceptive logical fallacies and therefore are intellectually bankrupt. Joe Rogan lashes out at the ‘lies’ of CNN who then deceives about their “deception”; our local rag the Taumarunui Bulletin promotes only the official COVID-19 vaccine story; Jordan Sather comments on the Commenters, a MSM journo denies the “Fuck Joe Biden” chant and Patrick Bet-David’s denies the Moon Landing Hoax but doesn’t want to say what he really thinks. I throw in my bonus analysis of a Christchurch-based Christian commentator’s immoral reframing of Conspiracy Denial for good measure. Enjoy.
1. Joe Rogan – CNN “lies” over Ivermectin
Those who take their news from a corrupted media deserve to be deluded. I have friends who clearly represent the globalist’s agenda. You can smell it as they speak it out . . . ABC, ABC, ABC, CNN, CNN, CNN. Their credibility is in tatters now that these kinds of posts showing an agenda from the MSM, get out.
The older generation lapped it all up from the BBC and hate the Japanese; the Germans and the Chinese as a result. My father took his news and global viewpoint from the NZ Herald. Forget research or independent thought when the journalists at these outfits present their puppetmasters’ agendas day in day out.
2. COVID-19 Vaccine Hoax Denial
You will never see any mention of alternative viewpoints in the local rag here in Taumarunui with Mark Ebrey’s censorship. His view is that the COVID-19 Vaccine is the only solution to an exaggerated global hoax, should be known by all for what it is . . . hoax denial.
Personally I think that many of the vocal conspiracy deniers know (or at least suspect) the truth but fear speaking out because of financial losses, or being tarred as conspiracy kooks!
3. Jordan Sather’s “Revelations” – Michael Baxter/Tuffin
I’ve done a lot of research into one of the subjects of Jordan Sather’s debunking hit-pieces, Michael Baxter/Tuffin. I think Jordan is dead right that MB is actually MT. The point though is that if MB has interviewed his own keyboard to get the stories he writes, then it is one of the best hoaxes I’ve ever seen. My take is that Michael Baxter’s wild fantasies dovetail into other events perfectly and that he has secured an [unofficial] ‘official’ Gitmo backdoor intel release source.
Have you seen rubber masks and evidence of deception such as body doubles surrounding the Clintons and others MB has spoken about? I have. I’m certainly open to the possibility that this is all fake news but RNN has my vote until proven otherwise.
4. Fuck Joe Biden/Let’s Go Brandon Meme
The above graphic shows a meme in a creative presentation. I love the way that the artist has intertwined the two. Seeing the original clip though brings clarity. What is talked of “the crowd chanting” is more like one dude in a crowd to me, and it sure looks like the reporter knew full well what she was covering up!
Funny how the truth gets twisted by all eh, when you want to achieve something political?
5. Patrick Bet-David’s Moon Landing Hoax Denial
Once you get over yourself, it takes only ten minutes to work out that they never sent adult males to the moon in those flying bathtubs lifetimes ago!
Anyone who thinks that NASA did this is just deluded – Hint: LEO!
I find Patrick’s contempt oozing from his interview downright obnoxious.
Bonus (6) Ron McKenzie – Christian Reframing.
I return to a subject previously discussed, the deception employed by a Christian blogger whom I deeply respect in some regards, Ron McKenzie, from Christchurch. In previous posts I showed how his anti-conspiratorial thinking belied reality. He had told his audience that there was no Election Fraud in the US 2020 Election and so I challenged Ron, directly. He blew me off and then took down his original posts – naughty, naughty!
One of the ways that deception occurs is through reframing another’s arguments, technically called Straw Man logical fallacy. Ron does not accept that there is a conspiracy to rule the world, and a recent post explains his thinking, calling it “passive synchronisation”. Call it whatever you like, it is still evil!
I have been criticised by acquaintances on social media, because I do not take what they believe to be conspiracies as seriously as they do … I note that the acquaintances on social media who believe in conspiracies tend to assume that if the deep state is at work, it must be led by a few conspirators who are in league with each.
No, Ron. It is nothing to do with “taking something seriously” nor is it any “assumption”! You are reframing many of our positions so that you can argue against them. Truthseekers look at evidence and assess it coming to logical conclusions that yes, indeed there is a conspiracy to hide things from Ewen Me. Not everyone who sees conspiracy agrees in all matters and there is not necessarily “assumption” inherent but this is the core Christian message – that God created good and bad entered, which you also teach. IMHO it is your philosophical conspiracy denial that causes you to err.
Having worked for the government, I understand the power of passive synchronisation. I understand how government agencies can work together towards a common cause without the need of a conspirator controlling them. I understand the working of the spiritual powers of evil and their ability to work through government organisations to establish a stronghold in their nation. When bad things happen in the world, many Christians see a conspiracy at work. I see passive synchronisation of various government agencies, pushed along by the spiritual powers of evil.
Reframing an issue is a form of deception and as such is a conspiracy to deceive for personal benefit. The more mature and honest way of dealing with correction is to admit error, correct it openly and honestly, and then get on with life. While Ron worked in a relatively benign area of the civil service in New Zealand and AFAIK he has not participated in evil – either as a crook, crim or crazy, nor has he taken it on to the extent that I have. If my book US Election Fraud UNMASKED!! didn’t show it, my upcoming book The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! shows this all too well!
For the record, there was and is indeed a widespread effort to deceive for political ends, and the US Election did contain serious fraud. Calling this a conspiracy is pretty accurate IMHO. Calling it “passive synchronisation” by governments is just obfuscation. For the record, while I cannot see eye to eye with Ron’s geo-political take, his understanding of spiritual authority, times and seasons [eschatology], money and respect of the Law are IMHO utterly exemplary.
Conspiracy Denial is intellectually bankrupt. It is essentially saying that one source of information is correct and another isn’t. Putting all our eggs in one basket is a dangerous activity. It takes a lot more work to investigate each and every claim but patterns can show us reality. Sure, maybe we may get one or two wrong and maybe we can get sucked in to stories at times but the truth will always out in the end.
Chin up people . . . the Truth does exist. Let’s go on with our lives seeking it eh wot?
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