A friend recently asked for advice on how she should talk about the concept of “God watching her”. This is in essence a theological question (which is not a specific area of my expertise) but I give my understanding of reality here as best as I can. In some ways you get to theological truth from life experience thus my answer here may also assist others. Enjoy.

The short answer is, yes, He is watching us, but not because He is “up there looking down” but because He created time and is therefore outside of time. He knows all. All this of course assuming that He exists.
Huge amounts of exposure of evil is currently turning the world upside down. JAB Questions is my latest contribution to this global trend as the population awakes from its gullible trusting of authorities. My previous efforts at exposing reality include the books and blogging revealing information attempted to be suppressed – Evil UNMASKED!!; the US Election Fraud, the arrest and execution of leading corrupt political and business figures such as Hillary Clinton, Barr, Comey and others. Apparently Bill Gates has now got his come-uppance thanks to his ex-wife’s betrayal tricking him into attending his Myrtle Beach property (owned under an alias of course) where the US Miltary nabbed him last week. He too will surely meet a fate worse than death, but most likely death itself first. Shout it from the rooftops why don’t you!
Corruption at a local level too will continue to be exposed with my book Corrupt Cops UNMASKED!!, and an ongoing revelation of crooked Kenyan businessman wannabe Yusufa (Tom) Faye, and more.
So if the truth comes out in the end, despite the censorship, power of the political elite to suppress information and corrupt individuals all out to benefit personally in some way, wassup with God? Is He too up there somewhere watching down on us? Is this the right way to say it, the question my friend asked of me? And does He even exist at that?
My answer is yes to both questions. Yes He exists, simply because logically evidence of design indicates the existence of a designer. I see evidence of design, therefore there must be a Designer.
If He designed, it is logical that He created, and if He created then He should be acknowledged and probably best obeyed and that means worshiped. Taking the Christian worldview makes the most sense to me having done extensive research into the alternatives.
My answer to the God thing, is that yes, indeed He is watching us, but not in the sense that He exists up there and we’re down here, with Him watching from a distance. He is much closer to us than that. I continue, sharing some life experiences and then give it a biblical understanding.
I got zapped when I was 20. I became a Christian but while some people change into angels overnight when they “get God”, I wasn’t instantly perfect. So sad!
I learned the extent of my pride and was embarrassed at being caught lying, both at the age of 23. I gave up lying and deceiving as a mug’s game then and there.
At the age of 29, I stopped stealing from others when the Holy Spirit tapped me on my left shoulder and said to me, “Oy, that’s wrong!”, as if I didn’t know it all the time! Even though I knew it deep down, I gradually learned that He actually wanted 100% of me, not 10% of “my” money and that He actually wanted me to do what I was good at, and what I enjoyed doing. Wow! And what a revelation that was!
I also learned that it was better for me and those around me that I did what He asked of me, then and there!
The point of all this is that using logic . . . seeking truth . . . learning and growing into maturity is a process, not an event. We get smarter, learning about the world around us, how corrupt it is and how much we truthers are hated, even targeted by those out to get us, even as we learn who God is and what His nature is and how He works. There is no Nirvana, nor one point of enlightenment, nor levels of learning. Our continuum of life differs from another’s and while we all have to deal with the same issues such as who are we, who is God, we do not all follow the same track to “get there”.
So the Christian worldview means that we view the world as God’s creation; dominion passed over to mankind (who promptly screwed up) then that relationship with the Father reinstated by the act of His Son, Jesus, who then sent the Holy Spirit to earth to work in and with us. This last aspect is the secret that enables wisdom when talking about “God watching us”. It was the living, breathing, Holy Spirit who told me that what I was holding in my hands way back when, the bible, was not only true but that it was the Truth. It was the same voice that showed me my pride and tapped me on the shoulder at the age of 29 and told me what I already knew. It was the Holy Spirit that gave me the wisdom to know the truths that I learned about ministry and purpose and who led me right into the centre of the corrupt political power in Samoa, right the heart of the South Pacific.
Yes, God is watching us all right, but it is not “from a distance”. No, it is from within. He knows it all for He created it. He created time and is thus outside of it, but He dares to live within us. He is not distant. He is watching us . . . from within.
I am reminded of the observations from many that view, analyse and contemplate the bible. They start, if they are brave, from the outside looking in, but eventually if they humble themselves, they find that the Bible ends up judging them. From the inside. Oh, He’s very much alive and watching us friends . . . and He’s within, whether we like it or not. Thank God that He’s good, godly and worthy or our trust.
Onwards and upwards again today huh?
[…] once. I’ve variously called him a crook, an idiot, immature, inexperienced in business and a fool because he clearly is – all of this and more. He might be a wonderful lover and a great […]