If crooks, crims & crazies use deception to trick others into their evil how then do the ‘good’ people get caught up in the same traumas? And why does the hopium addiction catch us when we can see evil so clearly when it comes to Satanism and pedophilia? In this post I zero in on Mr Hopium himself, a ‘pom’ living in Spain, Charlie Ward and his QFS – the Quantum Financial System. Again, it is pride that causes us to turn away from the good things of God – His advice; His guidance; His word.

Charlie Ward gives the alternative conservative community what they want to hear – hope. With the rise and progress of the New Age New World Order agenda over the last century or so, the conservatives (led by mainly the Evangelical Christian community but also including a large component of New Agers) have really taken a hammering in confidence. To be honest it is a bit tough to watch the world go mad as the Deep State (or before President Trump it used to be called, the Illuminati) has centralised global power, enslaved and manipulated mankind to the point of George Orwell’s predictions.
Thus Charlie’s rise to fame (and fortune too it appears) has come as a welcome respite to many from the persistent MSM negativity.
I’ve shared previously about Charlie. In some ways I like him. His operational style is to sit and drop nuggets of news ‘intel’ as he talks on video to a range of wannabe reporters many of them seeking fame, themselves. His fatherly, down-to-earth approach to life and living mixes well with the ‘intel’ dropped into his conversations. He is however, for all his bubbly enthusiasm for life, gullible and (as we say downunder, “a weetbix short of a breakfast!” or “a sandwich short of a picnic!” if you want to be pedantic.
Charlie has a string of hangers-on, those who come and go (going generally once they have worked him out) and his products include selling gold bullion, and the QFS funny-money. He’s already “got his” [funny money] of course and you too can get yours through him (yet again) of course. This QFS thing has all the marks of a Ponzi scheme – it sounds too good to be true with ridiculously wild claims of ‘goodness’ (whatever that is defined as); secrecy and exclusivity is key; MLM is the method of distribution; and you can never get back to the principals (unless of course you know an insider).
I want to see things and when I can’t see it (like the wind, spiritual stuff and God), I want to see the evidence of them before I believe in them. So personal attacks and generalisations aside now, let’s analyse the QFS thing a little deeper.
Marketing of the Quantum Financial System taps into the goodwill that exists within the community towards the multitudes of trafficked children. Sadly the trafficked children part is very real, as the recent execution of Hillary Clinton and the ongoing Epstein & Maxwell sagas show. It preys upon this deep human desire for global consciousness change and promises to offer a perfect solution. The blinding power of this desire for good can be seen in a video interview between Charlie Ward and New Age guru Simon Parkes when Simon asks the Hopium peddler some simple basic questions and Charlie responds with the phrase “consciousness”, to which Simon immediately ‘understands’ and accepts. Simon’s desire to achieve something good transcends his instinctive good & honest measure of reality – which is founded in simple logic and mathematics – common sense.
A currency, any currency is always based upon trust. This trust (Our trust) is ultimately invested into the capacity of the issuer to honour the dollar, yen or ruble or whatever it may be that is used – a digital bitcoin, a piece of paper, a shell, or a gold or silver coin, it doesn’t matter. That’s why when we see inflation coming and they start printing money, we buy gold and silver because we trust that others will honour its value, as proven historically.
Trust of the QFS set of currencies comes to Simon (and other suckers) through their trust in Charlie Ward and is justified because we believe in our capacity to spot a fraudster at work over our common sense. For example we rely on the talking heads on the goggle-box so that we do not have to think things through. Another example is the division of labour (a.k.a. siloed learning) where we specialise in one trade and pay others to do what we can’t specifically. This helps us economically and we tend to enjoy our speciality, rather than stretch out and deal with things uncomfortable to us. A broad learning though (mockingly referred to as “a jack of all trades”) is more healthy as it gives us the life wisdom to see a conman at work, and not get sucked in to a con. A farmer, for example, used to raising, growing & trading produce has a lot more common sense and can spot a snakeoil salesman from a mile away!
I have found Charlie’s style to be enjoyable, even mesmerising but trust in his judgment to be unwise. Others have pinged him for letting others down. One video gives 30 reasons why the creator doesn’t trust him. IMHO, a few of these concerns do stack up but most of them are a bit of a stretch. I only need a few seconds though to see and appreciate who the man behind the mask really is, and especially when it comes to analysing in one of my specialty areas – alternative monetary systems!
My alert sense go into full attention when it comes to ‘quantum’ anything (especially when ET and consciousness is used in the same sentence) because in this sense I am old school. I have found that the word “quantum” is often used in ‘funny’ [funny peculiar, not funny ha ha!] business and it seems to have taken the world by storm especially it seems since the 2020 US Elections. First, this crash-hot, sexy, conscious-driven system is managed by ETs from space. Arrr, right! Secondly, we do not know who issues this currency and who is setting the interest rates. Umm, Charlie, you may trust others in regards to this all but isn’t the charging of interest contrary to the Lord’s specific instructions? Thirdly the amazing ‘good things’ that this currency will support is not defined. I know that you are too busy to read this but tell me please, is it a “good thing” or a “bad thing” to try to help people think independently and therefore see the QFS for the con that it is? Fourthly ‘they’ have been attempting to bring in Gesara for a long time, and you say that EVERY country in the world has signed up to it? Nah! There’s only one organisation that gets global compliance and it’s the one that uses deception to consolidate power and wealth! And it goes on and on . . .
Look, money is a measurement (like a litre, metre or an hour) thus it can never be a commodity and therefore can never be ‘issued’ except by somebody, someone who issues their currency which measures debt. That’s all it ever is. Who issues the litres we all measure our petrol and milk with? Who dishes out the metres that measure the roads and the height of my house? Who issues the hours that I invested into sharing this wisdom with you here?
So who issued the dollar, pound or yen that you used to buy your recent purchases? Who has the right to tell me whether or not I can trade with my neighbour using a unit of measure of my choosing to record the transaction back and forwards? Do I really need to get an inflating USD to trade? Can you see the deception?
Mutual credit is always the basis of a true currency. I trust you; you trust me; goods in, good out; money is simply a record of a half-completed transaction.
Now trust is and will always be the only thing that truly backs a currency – gold, silver, Uncle Sam, land, energy, a formula, whatever . . . it’s always human trust that is behind whoever issues a currency, even though ‘they’ say otherwise.
Conmen use the gullible, like Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes all the time, to suck in others. Bring in the concept of ETs; use the words “quantum” and “consciousness”; talk good things about the poor kids, or the homeless (or whatever tickles their fancy) and ask people to put down their hard-earned pennies in return for a promise of something in the future . . . which never arrives! It’s been going on for millennia!
Charlie Ward admits that he is no financial advisor. He tells people to do their own research. He exaggerates and promotes his own things in his own way and ends up with a bit in his own pocket at the end of the day. Help him as much as you wish, but PLEASE do not expect him to personally back the products he introduces to you. Who knows though – I might be wrong and you might end up with something for nothing or perhaps a little more than you invested which came from . . . umm where did it come from Charlie . . . Simon?
For the rest of those who have already or will invest in the future, take it from me . . . trust yourselves and your own judgment or like those who trusted the crooks who run Bartercard, BBX, Tradecard, Qoin, Ormita and all the others that I’ve accurately warned the public about over the years.
The QFS is a con (a literal Ponzi scheme) and Charlie Ward is either a knowing conman or he is a lovely innocent but gullible old man talking about the QFS because the conmen saw him coming. This doesn’t mean that everything he says is BS – not at all, but be warned: There is no such thing as a free lunch.
So how on earth then do we get ourselves so caught up in this BS? Why do (or did) we get ourselves into this dirty, smelly stuff?
It’s because while the world was created good, the Creator gave us a brain, common-sense and free-will choice (the last thing He wants or needs is a bunch of robots bowing down to Him), then we (humanity) went off on our own way. We fell. We sinned. We got deceived. God said but we didn’t do it His way. We got ourselves tricked in the process. It’s all because we’re up ourselves, putting it a little more tactfully – it’s all about pride.
The solution is simple, maybe not easy though: Humble ourselves; listen up and do what He says.
Hint: Putting your money into the QFS system is unwise, because this is not it (what He says)!
Hi Dennis
I came upon your letter when reading about QFS definitely dodgy especially Charlie ward! … I live in the South Island … and have been pondering this for a few years!
Why does a grandchild of the Rothschild family live in Akaroa and is buying up land?
Love to hear your comments!
[name withheld]
Thank you so much for making contact. Many read but don’t bother to write, so thanks.
Anyway, I remember someone else saying this but no, I do not have anything specifically about Akaroa nor the Rothschild’s grandchild. It is a credible claim which I am happy to explore if somebody wants me to. I can say with a great deal of confidence though based in a large part on Benjamin Fulford’s updates from earlier this year that the Rothschild’s influence in global affairs is waning substantially and that land purchases (especially large or rapid purchases) are indicative of stressed and distressed capitalism. Thus when other things such as cash, business manipulations such as the stock markets and political intrigues become impossible or less easy, asset protection by way of property, precious metals and core productive business interests become more attractive to the uber-rich. This is all only to be expected in other words. NZ has appeal more than many a remote destination.
Charlie Ward and the others who peddle hopium perform an important role in the awakening process, as do we all. I’m glad that you have seen through his gullibility though. It shows me that you are perceptive as well as clearly intelligent. The QFS can be seen to contain ungodliness in that it is based upon a secret technology; a secret management system and that it is interest-bearing – all major warning signs for the alert among us. Nothing godly is secret and everything secret is ungodly. Usury was condemned by Christendom for more than 1500 years based on total biblical prohibition!
Somebody, somewhere is in control of the QFS. Identify who sets the interest rate and you can see who this is. Identify their source of worship then you will know what the nature is of what they have to offer. If it is evil or self, then you will see the inevitable implosion in due course, even if we have all long gone in the meantime.
True money is simply a measurement of a half-completed transaction and can be issued and controlled only by deception. Telling me that I can only have 100 litres or metres or kgs today is nonsense. It has to be a measurement OF something – water, timber, lead or whatever. The same thing applies when measuring dollars it is always a dollar of debt to and from someone. But when I may have only $100.00 today because that is my bank balance, then this commodity is owned and controlled by somebody, somewhere. When we see money for what it truly is, a form of measurement (of debt) not a commodity (therefore available in limited numbers) then we can live freely as we were designed to do – giving, loving, happy and helpful – if we choose.
It is only the human mind that requires consistency and similarity and uniformity whereas the capacity to work through differences and to be infinitely creative is the mark of the Master. This is why He chose 12x unique individuals to teach and did not seek more than uniformity of values & faith. This is His legacy 2,000 years later. All puppets can all go Home now!
I hope this has at least addressed if not answered your concerns. Feel free to ask away as you so wish!
Dennis .you are full of it.. I do not care for Mr. Ward. My sources are impeccable. Just wait for maybe 10 days and wait and watch. Then you can wipe the egg off your face. So many nay sayers and no real proof . Just waiting and smiling. I can fix stupid…but it;s gonna hurt
Not a good start Shaun saying, “you are full of it.” This claim is actually true because I am indeed up myself. Keep reading Shaun … and be specific, please. I have claimed that the QFS is fraudulent, and that Charlie is gullible, being prepared to lose his reputation for a cause. Not me. How do you “fix stupid”? With a bullet?
Think it is well over 10 days what did I miss.
I was on an assignment in Labradour & we only had sat phones.
You are about to create
Please fill me in.
Thank you for the QFS post. I whole heartily agree with you. Ones trying to promote to me, were on what appears a latter version of the scam, qfsglobals.com, they appear to have created their own bitcoin trade portal now, but this is still very dangerous investment. [not bitcoin, but the portal is unsafe] Seeing their technological errors, and their lack of comprehension to cryptography, I tried to warn these people, but its recommended by Trump they said. Oh boy… all scams are easy to detect, when the narrative is viewed with no ambition. So your website looks awesome, will click about. blessings
Thanks Graeme
I am developing a new website over Christmas called www,scamquestions.com and I will be looking at cryptos as one of the first topics. When we understand what money is (as opposed to what it does) we are liberated from the controls that TPTB maintain. Your feedback is appreciated. I like Charlie and his endless enthusiasm (naysayers call it hopium”) but he does appear to be quite gullible.
Trump hasn’t recommended crypto,bitcoin or anything similar,
I’d say anyone who says so has either not heard what Trump has said correctly,or they’ve misunderstood what he has said.
Renee appreciate your answer but if I may for some that just might not get it;
anyone that say Trump anything of the sort is a liar & is trying to scam you. These scum are all the same.
I would not trust Charlie Ward as far as I could throw him. He is an MI6 shill blethering BS and making a shed load of money out of leading people on. This morally bankrupt shill is trying to teach people about finding their moral compass and using God as a tool Ha ha ha. The nerve of this man is staggering – how does he get away with it ! My compass is dialled right up and I can see right through that man.
Thank you for bothering to comment here Rachel. I wouldn’t go as far as you [but] I do not write Charlie off totally. Gullible – yes. Dishonest, and deliberately, no.
I have a tendency to agree with Rachel! Charlie seems more like a shyster than a gullible guy to me!
Obviously, I don’t know him personally so I could always be wrong!
The motive is different. The results are the same!
After reading all your negative comments on the QFS, I would guess you would be someone to promote the CBDC? If so you are not to be believed either.
Thank you for bothering to comment here Cathy. Many don’t bother so it’s nice to see you do this.
> I would guess you would be someone to promote the CBDC?
No. Your guess is wrong. Read my book free online, “Mistakes of the Monetary Reformers” and you will see that I show that any crypto is built upon faulty logic. We need to INCREASE trust, not DECREASE it.
> … you are not to be believed either.
It is a logical fallacy to believe something (or not) because of another belief system. It is more sound (although it takes more work) to research each topic one-by-one and believe what you will based on your findings.
QFS is also known by another name apparently.
Whether it’s BRICS or not,I’m not sure,however,QFS isn’t Charlies’ baby or invention.
From what i understand,he doesn’t get anything out of QFS or anything he does,unless people sign up to his insiders or locals channels,so I’m not sure how QFS is described as a ponzi scheme.
I don’t believe the QFS is a ‘God’ thing though.
I’m sure God could quite happily do without money lol!
The PONZI aspect is not spoken about much but the same as any monetary system with interest included, it only works if there is growth, and this is always unsustainable.
From what I heard today, Charlie announced (to his followers??) that there is NO QFS. That the “White Hats” used that as a “distraction”. I quit listening to Charlie a LONG time ago but some people I know still follow him. I decided today to do a quick search on Charlie Ward to see if anything was posted that backs up this claim about the “White Hats” and the distraction. This is how I found your blog. Now I wonder if the ponzi scheme was recently busted and that is why he is backtracking on everything?
Thanks for that update Linda. I did not know that all, as I do not follow Charlie closely. A couple of things concerned me – 1) He once mentioned that he was happy to be used if it meant that he was to achieve his goal in the end, and 2) I noted a high degree of gullibility. I guess that the fall (assuming that there is one) will be worth it for him. I value truth a little more however.
I agree with your two points. I also remember when Charlie first came onto the scene, he was called out for having a small picture of a white rabbit tucked in the corner of the large picture that was behind him in his videos. That rabbit picture disappeared and replaced by a small Q. I found him likeable and I wanted to believe what he said but after just a short time I moved away from him because his “intel” seemed off.
I truly feel sorry for you in not believing in Charlie Ward! You are in for an incredibly rude awakening! It’s right in front of your face, what the deep state and evil cabal has and is doing to this world! You should really listen to what this brilliant man, Charlie Ward and many others are speaking up about! It’s for real! QFS system, the lies we’ve been told for many, many years, and the manipulation the cabal and deep state have continuously done to us! God bless all mankind! We need him more than ever!🙏👼❤
Feel sorry ‘away’ Tiffany. I have explained that the QFS system is fraudulent. It is. Deception is a part and parcel of life and living, sad to say, since the Fall. I am assuming that the ‘him’ you refer to is ‘Him’ in which case I agree.
Charlie Ward said ages ago – it’s coming SOON! When is soon? 2099?
Agreed. Soon means soon, I guess! He’s also suggested that he’s made mistakes and has been happy to be used. Not me! I’d prefer to remain independent and poor.