Hillary Rodham Clinton was arrested on 2 March 2021 and charged with a multitude of crimes too long and horrendous to list here. The charges include treason, conspiring with the enemy, destruction of government property, money laundering and conspiracy to commit murder. Her trial started last week (on the 8th April, 2021) at Guantanamo Bay and once the news gets out (the MSM is not reporting this) there will be massive delight to so many when she is finally shot. It’s perfectly natural to think that should this happen that she got her just deserts (“deserts” is an old-English word for the punishment that we deserve), but having explained much about evil thus far, in this post I put this into proper biblical context. Execution sure, and forgiveness too, but revenge, no. This post is really worth the read.

One the most high profile of the Deep State political operatives, Hillary Rodham Clinton had been held at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center, Camp Delta since March 5, 2021, (Source) and faces a Military trial as an “enemy combatant”, having already been stripped of her US citizenship.
According to the quoted source she elected to represent herself and has suffered Adrenochrome withdrawal symptoms, as well as a breakdown which delayed the trial over the last weekend. Apart from the deafening silence in the MSM over these matters the stories presented by Michael Baxter in his small alternative news website Real Raw News pass the sniff test admirably.
Before I post a few of them relating to the witch of US politics, I caution all to avoid the trap of revenge. Remember that justice must be exercised by One who holds ALL the information. Sure, we can be pretty sure that the political leader mentioned here has indeed “sold her soul” but according to the Good Book, all life is precious, even if it doesn’t respect the same views as we may have.
I first gained a full knowledge of her evil/witch status a few decades back from a stunning book:
“TRANCE Formation of America – the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O’Brien is a healed and vocal survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation.”
“Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics.”
Even if only 5% of Cathy’s words were correct, Hillary needs to ‘be whacked’ by law. All of them probably are though. Cathy will be watching this all with baited breath hoping that justice will prevail. It’s way too late for human mercy now, methinks.
I like the way that Michael writes. It is succinct and guarded; it contains value assessments (such as “vile creature”) unlike the supposedly unbiased MSM and Michael offers clear unambiguous attribution of his source. I post five articles now in their entirety so you too can see how the presentation of contentious material has a totally different ‘smell’ to the evil deception of the MSM. Note that by rights all this ‘should be’ front page news and on TV’s across the globe, but it isn’t. It’s crickets!
I’d also note that multiple stories like this each one building on the one before is a sign of credibility. This is clearly not a one-off dump of BS for click-bait. Credibility comes from long-term investment into a brand or a source like this. The only discrepancy I see in this series is the number of military on the panel (a change from six to three) but this is a minor explainable error in a swathe of otherwise apparent integrity.
Navy SEALS Arrest Hillary Clinton
Michael Baxter -March 4, 2021

The chant “lock her up” has finally seen fruition.
US Navy SEALS loyal to Donald Trump raided Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY estate and arrested her on charges of treason, destruction of government property, and aiding and abetting the enemy, Real Raw News has learned.
The arrest happened on Tuesday night, according to a source in Trump’s orbit, only hours after Trump had spoken to Rear Admiral Hugh W. Howard at US Special Operations Command and given him a “mammoth trove” of evidence of Clinton’s criminality dating back to her days at the State Department. The evidence allegedly includes thousands of never-before-seen emails, which Clinton acid washed prior to the 2016 presidential election, as well as documents implicating her in plots to assassinate Republican legislators across the country.
The evidence was so compelling, our source added, that Adm. Howard had trouble believing that Clinton wasn’t arrested years ago.
“Trump’s been wanting to get her, and the rest of the Deep State cabal, ever since he set foot in the White House. It has taken him years to dig up the motherload. Once he had military support, he greenlit the operation. Trump’s team, for lack of a better word, had been surveilling Clinton a long time, and he knew she was always alone on Tuesday nights. That’s when the SEALS nabbed her,” our source said.
Under cover of darkness, an eight-man detachment from Naval Special Warfare Group 3 infiltrated the Chappaqua mansion shortly after 2:00am. Mysteriously, Clinton’s two-man Secret Service detail, which normally lives in a guest house on the property, was absent that morning. The SEALS cleared the main building, then silently breached the door to her bedroom, where they found her awake rehearsing a speech before a vanity mirror. They fired a single tranquilizer dart into her neck, our source said, before taping her mouth and sealing a black cloth bag over her head.
The SEALS also seized several laptops and reams of paper, our source said.
“I don’t know where they took her; only Trump knows that. But this is proof that Trump and the military have started taking out the cabal. It took him longer than expected, longer than he wanted, but better late than never. Trump is doing what’s right for America,” our source said.
Trump will soon send her to Guantanamo Bay to face a military tribunal for her crimes against America and its people. GITMO, our source said in closing, is run by the Marine Corps. and the US Navy, both of which have forsaken Joe Biden and instead pledged to help Donald Trump vanquish the forces of darkness that have enshrouded the nation in corruption for decades.
Clinton Shipped to GITMO, Awaiting Military Tribunal
By Michael Baxter -March 7, 2021

A shackled Hillary Clinton was removed from a fortified holding cell in south Florida and flown directly to Guantanamo Bay aboard a Marine CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter, Real Raw News can now report.
The prisoner transfer came only days after Trump and Rear Adm. Hugh W. Howard, commander of Naval Special Warfare Command, greenlit a predawn raid on Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY, estate, resulting in her arrest.
Early Friday morning, a Marine escort brought a bound and gagged Clinton to Rybovich Heliport in West Palm Beach, FL., where the CH-53 sat ready to ferry her to GITMO. The flight lifted off at 4:45 a.m. and landed in Cuba an hour later, according to a Trump source familiar with the incident.
He said Clinton was uncooperative and had to be sedated for the trip.
Asked if Trump personally interrogated her prior to the flight, our source said the following:
“He did not. Trump doesn’t want to be within sight of her. Also, he’s letting the military handle everything. He knows his bias might skew a verdict, and he’s totally confident the evidence is compelling enough to secure a conviction. Whatever scant years Clinton has left will be spent in a dark cell, if she doesn’t face a firing squad.”
Clinton is currently housed in a private cell at GITMO’s Camp Delta and has been assigned the title “detainee 53,” and stripped of American citizenship. Our source was unable to confirm whether 53 referred to the current number of Deep State occupants, or if it was just a random number assignment.
Clinton’s privileges while awaiting a military tribunal will depend on her degree of cooperation. If she behaves, she will get 3 meals a day and be allowed to shower 4 times a week. She will also have access to a recreation yard. If, however, she is disobedient, her privileges will be revoked, and she will be thrown into solitary confinement until her tribunal date.
The military tribunal, our source said, has been tentatively scheduled for April 8, as Trump’s people are still deciding which military authorities will prosecute the case and decide on a proper sentence.
Clinton Suffers Adrenochrome Withdrawal at GITMO
Michael Baxter – March 18, 2021

A disruptive Hillary Clinton was placed in lockdown at GITMO following a series of incidents in which the former Secretary of State spat on guards, defecated on the floor of her cell, assaulted U.S. military personnel, and, in her witch’s cackle, hurled obscenities indefatigably at staff and fellow inmates, said a source familiar with Clinton’s arrest and incarceration at the world’s most infamous detention center.
As reported previously, U.S. Navy SEALs working under Trump’s command raided Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY, estate on March 2, resulting in her arrest. Three days later, she was taken to GITMO’s Camp Delta, former home to Al-Qaeda and ISIS Jihadists.
Citing a March 15 GITMO situation report, our source said Clinton was a model prisoner during her first week in captivity, meaning she kept her mouth shut and didn’t cause a ruckus. But on March 10 her demeanor changed; she underwent what a staff psychiatrist called a behavioral metamorphosis. A once complacent Clinton turned suddenly hostile and uncooperative.
On March 11, Clinton went on a hunger strike, claiming guards had poisoned her food, and threw serving trays at staff. Then she began hurling pithy aphorisms and insults at the men tasked with guarding her: “I’m Hillary Clinton, you can’t do this to me!” “My people will get me out of here.” “You’re violating my constitutional right.” And so on.
“It’s almost comical to hear Clinton complain about her rights being violated. That woman has violated the rights and freedoms of more Americans than any person in history, except for the criminal Barack Hussein Obama. Her witless banter then turned to threats, veiled at first, then obvious,” our source said.
Clinton threatened guards and their families, admitting she had ordered the deaths of countless people who had slighted her. She told GITMO staff that their loved ones “are not beyond my reach” and demanded to be released. When told she had no rights, and shared the same status as Jihadi inmates, Clinton took a turn for the worse. She stopped using the commode and instead shat on her cell floor. She repeatedly spat in guards’ faces, forcing them to bag and gag her when escorting her to and from the cell.
“She even bit a guard on the arm. The guy had to get a tetanus vaccination,” our source said. “Two days later, though, she had another transmogrification. She all of a sudden became laconic and withdrawn. She sat in a corner of her cell with her knees drawn up against her chest and shook uncontrollably, quaking like an animal and frothing at the mouth.”
Guards sedated Clinton and brought her to the infirmary, where the facility’s sole physician made an alarming discovery: the saggy skin on her left forearm was dotted with pinpricks like one might expect to find on a heroin addict.
The physician did a comprehensive metabolic panel and typed her blood, and lab results revealed inexplicable abnormalities. Her blood, which is AB- according to State Department records, had metalloproteins of two other blood types, A- and O+, a medical impossibility suggesting she had received infusions from incompatible donors. The lab also showed atypical concentrations of adrenochrome, a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline.
Some circles believe that the most potent and purest forms of adrenochrome are harvested from frightened young children, then injected or administered via infusion into a recipient as a euphoric, recreational drug that allegedly has anti-aging properties. It appeared as if Clinton had been a frequent recipient of the pharmacological cocktail.
“The bitch was going through withdrawal. Who knows how long she was shooting that shit into her veins to prolong her unnatural life? It had to be the adrenochrome. They tested her for every known narcotic under the sun—all negative,” our source said.
In closing, our source said Clinton’s withdrawal, for however long it lasts, will have no bearing on her impending military tribunal, which is tentatively scheduled for April 8.
“The traitor will be held to account,” he said.
Clinton Military Tribunal Set for April 8
Michael Baxter -March 30, 2021

Hillary Clinton will have her day in court; more precisely, on April 8 she will face a military tribunal to answer for crimes committed against America and its people.
As reported previously, U.S. Navy SEALs under Trump’s command staged a March 2 raid on Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY, estate, capturing her and seizing laptops that link the former First Lady to countless atrocities. She has been held under military guard at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center Camp Delta since March 5.
In just over a week, the villainous, vile creature will stand before a military tribunal consisting of six U.S. military officers handpicked by Donald J. Trump and his advisory board. A Trump source familiar with the proceedings told RRN that the officers who will serve as both judge and jury cover a broad range of military ranks—from O-3 (captain) to 0-9 (Lt. General)—selected from all branches of U.S. Armed Forces.
“The choice was not done hastily. Trump’s team spent weeks picking the officers. Trump wanted to remove himself from the equation and ensure that the officers picked were not tainted by any bias for Clinton. No matter what, the odds are stacked against her. A tribunal isn’t an ordinary trial, and Clinton is no longer an American citizen,” our source said.
Stripped of her citizenship, Clinton is no longer afforded the protections of the U.S. Constitution and Geneva Convention. She is a detainee, or enemy combatant, which means she has no rights, not even the right to remain silent. In a military tribunal, silence is equated with guilt.
“Clinton was asked if she wanted an advocate to speak on her behalf, but the loon said she would defend herself. She decried the whole idea of a military tribunal as lunacy and has been babbling out how her people are going to free her. It doesn’t look good for her. She’s being charged with treason, sedition, assassinations, assassination attempts—the list goes on,” our source said.
Moreover, Trump has held Clinton responsible for the deaths of four Americans in the Benghazi Massacre: Ambassador Chris Stephens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former U.S. Navy SEALs. Clinton’s inaction led to their deaths; therefore, Trump decreed she must be held to account.
Our source said Clinton faces one of three possible outcomes: acquittal, life at GITMO, or a firing squad.
Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 1
Michael Baxter – April 8, 2021

A military tribunal on Thursday morning convened at Guantanamo Bay to decide whether Hillary Rodham Clinton will be exonerated of charges including treason, conspiring with the enemy, destruction of government property, money laundering and conspiracy to commit murder, or if she will ultimately stand before a gallows or a firing squad.
Three U.S. military officers—two males and one female, serving as both judge and jury—listened for two hours as Vice Adm. John G. Hannink of the U.S. Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps listed eighteen specific charges against Clinton and said he would supply compelling and incontrovertible evidence linking her to countless atrocities against the nation and its population.
The most egregious charges implicated Clinton in murder-for-hire plots against politicians and media entities who were critical of her methods and motives while serving as Secretary of State under Barack Hussein Obama.
Vice Adm. Hannink began the inquisition by linking Clinton to the 2016 murder of Seth Rich, a former employee of the Democratic National Committee around whom many conspiracy theories surfaced after an unknown assailant shot him twice in the back in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Hannink’s evidence seemed to prove many of those conspiracy theories were firmly grounded in reality.
He showed the tribunal a decrypted email sent by Clinton to her advisor and political strategist, Huma Abedin. The email had a brief and ominous allusion to Clinton’s goals: “Arranging a dinner for R.S., will know soon.”
Vice Adm. Hannink asserted the innocuous sounding message was an admission of guilt; R.S.—Rich’s initials reversed, and “arranging a dinner” meant Clinton had hired an assassin to take Rich out. The email was dated July 8, 2016, two days prior to Rich’s murder.
Moreover, Vice Adm. Hannink produced financial records showing that Clinton had withdrawn $150,000 from a Clinton Foundation bank account only days before Rich’s tragic demise.
“She’s as arrogant as she is sloppy. When you connect the dots, there is no other explanation—Clinton contracted a paid assassin to end this man. And for what? Because he might have been a whistleblower?” Vice Adm. Hannink argued.
Additionally, Clinton was charged with accessory to murder in the untimely demise of conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who on February 13, 2016 inexplicably suffocated in his bedroom at Cibolo Creek Ranch in Shafter, Texas. The county’s judge, Cinderela Guevara, pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes, but no autopsy was performed.
In an unexpected move, Vice Adm. Hannink produced a surprise witness, former Clinton staffer Jake Sullivan, her senior policy advisor during her 2016 bid for the presidency. In exchange for immunity from prosecution, Sullivan recounted a meeting he had attended with Clinton and former campaign manager Roby Mook. Judge Antonin Scalia was the topic of conversation. Per Sullivan’s testimony, Mook told Clinton that Scalia’s “catalyzing conservative values” were a great threat to progressive liberalism.
“Roby Mook told Hilary it wouldn’t be a bad thing if Justice Scalia ‘went away,’ to which Hillary said she certainly wouldn’t mind if he did go away. She then asked Roby ‘can he go away?’ And Roby told her ‘yes, I think he can go away’,” Sullivan told the tribunal.
Vice Adm. Hannink contended the evidence, though circumstantial, was damning enough to incriminate Clinton, given her wanton disregard for human life.
At that point in the tribunal, Clinton, who had remained oddly silent through the proceedings, began trembling uncontrollably as if gripped by seizure. Shackled at the wrists, she fell from her chair and flopped around on the floor like a fish out of water.
Paramedics escorted her to GITMO’s medical ward, and Vice Adm. Hannink declared the tribunal in recess until 10:00 a.m. Monday.
[…] before concluding with the problem we all have of studying evil. I have already explained that the desire for retribution is […]