This post shares the news that a Military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay has sentenced Hillary Clinton to hang on April 26, 2021. According to Real Raw News the decision by a two-man three person panel took only 5 minutes to send her to her death. I share here the two latest reports from Real Raw News and provide commentary. How can you enjoy this Illuminati/Deep State sickness?

UPDATE: Validity alert! Please read the comments for a more detailed analysis of this stories validity, especially if you question it. My take is that this is it – yes, it is true this time!
Hillary Clinton was arrested on 2 April, 2021; flown down to Guantanamo Bay on a military helicopter a couple of days later; and has been on trial at Gitmo since a few days after that. Apparently President Trump vetted the military judges but wanted to keep right out of it for PR purposes. Remember that the Military found on 11 March 2021, that the report handed to President Trump 24 hours before his Presidency was due to expire that advised him that he won in a landslide and that the election was fraudulent was indeed true. They confirmed that he was their Commander in Chief, thus one of his first acts as re-elected President was to put Clinton on trial. He warned her!
I’ve previously warned about deriving pleasure from vengeance, but there will be many across the globe who will gloat when the “wicked witch” is dead. Hillary was, and is a witch, literally but was found guilty of a string of crimes – murder, conspiracy to murder, sedition, treason and more.
She has 10 days in which to prepare to meet her maker. Sadly it is unlikely that the MSM will get this message out.
In this first story Michael Baxter recounts how Podesta ‘sung’ in return for getting out of a death sentence himself. Plea bargains are common in the USA. I have embolden important parts:
Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 4
Wednesday’s proceedings at Guantanamo Bay began with Vice Adm. John G. Hannink showing the three-officer panel a series of email exchanges between Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager, John Podesta, that occurred on September 28, 2016 and October 10, 2016—the evenings after the first and second presidential debates, respectively. The emails, he pointed out, were not sent or received from Clinton’s infamous private email server—which had been long dismantled by then—but rather a public, free email service called Yandex, an alternative to Gmail. The email content, Vice Adm. Hannink opened, would illustrate how Clinton’s arrogance and Hubris—bolstered by her co-conspirators—imbued her with a misguided sense of invulnerability.
“How the military obtained these emails is less important than the content contained here. What’s paramount is digital forensics conclusively proved that these unencrypted messages originated from the detainee’s laptop with an internet protocol address tied to her Chappaqua, NY home,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.
The first email, sent from Clinton to Podesta was timestamped September 28, 2016, 6:45 p.m. In it, Clinton expressed anger at the number of people in the debate audience who seemed to favor Trump’s vision for America over hers.
Vice Adm. Hannink recited the brief message to the tribunal. “He [Trump] is a pompous fool, but his message resonates, dangerously, with his fucking mob of deplorables. The idiot speaks, and they listen. Not worried but we should’ve kept a closer watch. We must keep a closer watch now. Accidents happen.”
“Thirty minutes later, Podesta replied to Clinton,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, reading from a printed copy of Podesta’s response. “They’ve happened before and can happen again. That’s why people must be careful to avoid accidents.”
Vice Adm. Hannink admitted the message, without further context, was nothing more than a mishmash of doublespeak that could be interpreted as nebulously as a daily horoscope. But when taken in context with the October 10, 2016 email swap, Clinton and Podesta’s veiled innuendos suddenly became overt threats against a presidential candidate.“Authored by Clinton, this letter was sent to Podesta the evening after the second presidential debate. And I’ll read: Still can’t believe that fucker said I’d be in prison when he becomes president. Like he could send me to prison, or become president, for that matter. And those idiots giving him a thunderous applause. His money doesn’t make him invincible. I’m giving serious consideration to acid-washing—I love when he uses phrases he doesn’t understand—him out of existence. He doesn’t stand a chance of ever touching me. We can do it. Thoughts?”
Vice Adm. Hannink looked at a handcuffed Clinton, asking if she cared to speak on her behavior. She turned her dark, smoldering eyes on him but said nothing, observing the same reticence she has since the tribunal began.
“Your silence speaks volumes, detainee Clinton, and you do not intimidate this commission,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.
I find this incredibly revealing, at the mind of an entitled woman used to getting her own way. Clinton was stripped of her American Citizenship and was tried as a foreign agent war criminal, thus her silence was incriminating. She has no right to silence.
“Podesta sent her a reply an hour later: I don’t know if you’ve been drinking tonight. Careful with words. He’s not a nobody, and it would require tedious precautions to remove him from the stage. Might need a plumber.”
“I argue they tacitly conspired to murder Donald Trump,” Vice Adm. Hannink continued. “Still, reasonable officers like yourselves probably recognize that verbal and written threats are commonplace in today’s society, especially on social media. The Secret Service in four years investigated over 132,000 threats made against Donald Trump. And those people aren’t here facing a tribunal. Clinton, as Trump’s rival at the time, must be held to a higher standard than the average disgruntled Trump hater. In addition, she had a back and forth with Podesta, and that equals conspiring. Still, there’s more.”
He asked the military police guarding the chamber doors if the military’s witness was ready to testify. The M.P.s left the room a moment and returned with none other than John Podesta, shackled at the wrists and donning a white prison jumpsuit. As reported previously, U.S. Special Forces operating on Trump’s authority had arrested Podesta and his wife, Mary, on Easter Sunday.
The M.P.s seated Podesta directly opposite Clinton. Clinton opened her eyes to narrow slits, like knife cuts, peering intently at her former friend and campaign manager.
Vice Adm. Hannink continued: “Detainee Clinton, this man faces his own tribunal soon, but, unlike you, he is willing to talk. I want yes or no answers, detainee Podesta, so please do not expound on answers unless I tell you to. The emails aside, did Hillary Clinton explicitly tell you, in face and in person, that she intended to have Donald Trump assassinated?”
“Yes,” Podesta said, his voice a tremulous whisper.
That’s damning!
“Please tell this tribunal, and now you may qualify your answer, exactly what Clinton said,” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.
“Hillary and I got together in Chappaqua, it was three days after debate number 2, and she asked me to hire someone to kill Trump. In the end we never did it, too risky, but for days she kept nagging me incessantly to take care of it. She was ready to pay $5,000,000,” Podesta said.
Vice Adm. Hannink asked Podesta whom he had planned to hire.
“She has many ex-agency—CIA—friends. I had a list of four or five,” Podesta said. “I paid one 2.5, wired to an offshore account, and would’ve paid the remainder on completion of the contract.”
“On Hillary Clinton’s instructions,” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.
Did you catch that? Somebody took 2.5 million USD in order to kill President Trump on Hillary Clinton’s orders.
Hannink asked the name of the would-be assassin, and Podesta said he was promised he wouldn’t have to disclose the names of contract killers with whom he and Clinton had associated.
“Was it Hillary Clinton’s idea to call it off?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.
“No, it was mine. In fact, I thought it so risky, I went behind her back to abort it. The guy kept the 2.5, per the arrangement,” Podesta replied.
“And you’re not fabricating testimony because you’ve been guaranteed a sentence less than capital punishment in exchange for your cooperation?” Vice Adm. Hannink said.
“What I’ve said today is the truth. Hillary Clinton is a murderous, narcissistic, vicious woman,” Podesta said, and was escorted from the tribunal chamber.
In closing, Vice Adm. Hannink told the tribunal he would present his final evidence on Thursday afternoon and urged the officers judging the military’s case against Clinton to carefully and meticulously weigh each piece of evidence.
The commission, he said, would resume Thursday at noon (EST.)
According to RRN’s sources, Podesta’s tribunal is slated to begin on Tuesday, May 4.
Many would agree with Podesta, that she is indeed “a murderous, narcissistic, vicious woman”.
The second story from Real Raw News gives the result; guilty as charged. I would note that this is a very large coup for RNN, to have gotten this intel. I am sure that it has come sideways by arrangement and was no surprise to those in power, but all the same RNN deserves a huge shout out.
Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 5 CONVICTION!
A military tribunal on Thursday convicted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, child trafficking, endangering a minor, treason, and sedition.
The two male, one female panel of officers cast a unanimous verdict shortly after Vice Adm. John G. Hannink, who prosecuted the military’s case against Clinton, showcased his final witness for the prosecution, Clinton’s former strategist and lover, Huma Abedin.
In exchange for leniency and a plea deal, Abedin testified she and Clinton had “shared” underage children with her estranged ex-husband, Anthony Weiner. Pressed to clarify her definition of the word “shared,” Abedin qualified her answer by saying they had “practiced” lewd and lascivious behavior on underprivileged minors Clinton had imported into the United States.
“American children?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.
“Yes, but not primarily. They’re too easy to track. More often than not from poor countries,” Abedin replied.
“Would you tell this tribunal how you appropriated these children?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.
“Hillary used her government credentials. She had carte blanche, as a Secretary of State, former Secretary of State and former First Lady. It was easy for her to bring orphaned children in from places like, say, Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq. No one asked questions. No one to look for them,” Abedin replied callously.
Asked to quantify their exploits, Abedin said she couldn’t count the number of underage boys and girls Clinton had brought to the United States under the pretense of providing them with a fruitful life, but she told the tribunal there had been “many,” most of whom were later “sold or donated” to influential members of the Clinton cabal.
This is just the tip of a massive iceberg of elite pedophilia which will be coming out much more as President Trump returns to power.
“Who are the people?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.
“We never knew, exactly. It’s not like Hillary peddled them herself. She had someone handle that, and I don’t know the person’s name,” Abedin replied.
“And yet she still refuses to speak,” Vice Adm. Hannink observed.
He asked the tribunal whether they had heard enough; that the military had presented overwhelming evidence of Clinton’s atrocities against the United States and humankind. Unlike a conventional criminal trial, he reminded the commission, a unanimous verdict was not needed to convict Clinton on any of the charges. A majority vote, he said, would satisfy justice.
The tribunal arrived at a guilty verdict after deliberating only five minutes. They found Clinton guilty on all charges the military had laid out—the murders of Seth Rich, Vince Foster, and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia; trafficking and abusing minors from Haiti and other third-world nations; conspiring to assassinate a presidential candidate.
Don’t expect to see this except in alternative news sources, though.
As she had throughout the tribunal, Clinton stayed eerily silent as the verdict was read and the officers recommended she receive the death penalty for her crimes. Vice Adm. Hannink asked Clinton if she had preference in how the military carried out her sentence, but still she refused to speak.
“You refused counsel. You refused to defend yourself. This tribunal therefore decides that the defendant, detainee Hillary Rodham Clinton, be hanged by the neck until dead,” Vice Adm. Hannink said flatly. “The sentence will be carried out on April 26, after Taps.”
Huma Abedin will face her own military tribunal, at a date yet to be decided, RRN has learned.
And there you have it . . . the Whitehats got their nemesis!
Of note here is that evil, as personified by Hillary Clinton, does not consider itself evil. There is no way that Hillary either expected to hang, nor even views that she should hang for what she considers only her right. She sold her soul and has a right to exercise power – this is pride, pure and simple.
Remember that I described evil as being “anything South of where we are”. If we kill others (like Hillary did) then she views evil as those agin her or who do worse than she did or is. Pride prevents us from seeing reality – we ALL have sinned (i.e. are proud) and have fallen short of God’s standard of perfection (and thus deserve the same fate of this sad woman). This is the genesis of the saying, “There but for the grace of God, go I!” It’s not a trite saying. It is a deep recognition of reality, as measured by God’s standard.
I suspect that Hillary’s soul will be treated with ultimate justice and then she will cease to exist after 26 April 2021. Where, what or how . . . I do not care to speculate further other than to suggest downwards, not up.
I hope this is true and proof is given to the American people. God bless President Trump for having the courage and the stamina to seek out these evil individuals and bring justice to the ones hurt by their actions.
Truth seems to be coming from this source in the last 3-4 months. Proof will no doubt be visible. Stand by for good things on 4 July at Mt Rushmore! Courage and stamina yes, indeed! Thank you too for commenting here.
Where is the video or photos????
Hi JE. I assume that you don’t believe MB’s story or seek video proof before actual belief. My understanding is that people are releasing limited information and for a good reason. You vote, I assume? If you do then you must trust the system for you have given your god-given sovereignty to that system. Trust is not necessarily ‘blind” JE as MB has proven himself to me to run a 100% ethical operation for years now. If you want more proof of a certain kind may I suggest that you do what MB has done and perhaps better it. I’m sure that you will share your videos for all to analyse after all? I think the point here is that you are not going to see them and are not going to get them in an ever-changing environment.
Long overdue justice ⚖ ? I pray for our constitutional republic to be restored with military tribunals for the media and perpetrators to be held accountable for their treasonous crimes against humanity…..
Agreed. My understanding is that President Trump is leaving the media and Israel to last. Many have already been dealt with. Thank you for commenting.
Justice for all, it’s about time.
Hopefully. We’ll know post hanging if this does occur. Thank you for commenting.
Why will the world not see this? She has been killed 2-3 times before died and yet no proof of any of it. This just pops up every few months to hook people in. It is getting old. Please do not imply people could not take it. That is pitiful excuse for not telling truth or not showing it
I have been cautious thus far but the website established by Michael Baxter appears to be legit and I emphasise “appears”. I don’t know but the context in which this story appears gives me more confidence than my normal skepticism allows. There is a degree of detail and an internal consistency that smells right. Let’s go through some of the pros and cons in that order. Michael’s source first reported six on the panel then three in the next story. That’s an inconsistency. It is an incredible story and something that many people wish to believe. Jordan Sather (as do you) write this story and website off as click-bait, he calls it “shit” to be precise. Michael Baxter has not responded to my direct request to communicate – a clue of lacking integrity. All these cons are explainable and are therefore non-conclusive. His source may have been misled or wrong on the first release, or the panel numbers may have changed. Truth can be incredible at times. Jordan uses ad hominem and gives no reason other than moderately high page views as his reason for rubbishing this. MB may indeed be too busy to worry about speaking to a NZ blogger. On the pro side however we look at MANY strong factors that do support it – the timing fits in with President Trump’s official Military endorsement on or about 11 March 2021. Assuming that he waited till then to activate major arrests going after HRC, and her team makes perfect sense to me. The fact that one source has provided Baxter with intel from Gitmo also makes sense as does the official silence which would surely have stepped in if they didn’t want the news getting out. This is called plausible deniability. There’s more as well, suffice to say that in my judgment it is legitimate, hence my republishing and endorsement. If I am wrong, I will of course let the world know and apologise. By my calculations she will hang in a few days however. Now may I please ask you what form of proof you have that this is not true? Past failures to speak truth by others is not a valid criticism. Then what do you seek to believe? Do you need to smell her, touch her and see her being buried yourself? Or is a photo OK? Or do you want to see it on CNN? See, it’s not so easy to divine truth through logic is it?
Well, it is 5:49 PT and we’ve not heard anything about Hillary….Even, like, “she had a heart attack”. She and many others need to be punished. And the sooner, the better.
Hi Sharon. Thanks for commenting here. Yes, according to my calculations she was scheduled to hang on 26 April 2021, and it usually takes 24 hours or more for Michael Baxter to convert his source’s feedback to public knowledge. My understanding is that in a war there is deception as various forces wrestle to ‘kill’ the other dudes. My take is that MB’s reporting is sound and that his source releases info deemed suitable for public dissemination by higher ups when this is ok’ed. Shouting about this all doesn’t seem to be the order of the day. In order to validate the claims MB himself will be sure to want to get this out too, so I would suggest that you and we all exercise patience and await for confirmation when it does come out, no matter how long it takes. I can assure you that I will be the first to share the news if this is proven to be false news as I only want to deal with the truth. I think it is perfectly reasonable to conclude that good things are happening and that evil is taking a severe knock as people within the US Military take firm forceful action. Cheers!
UPDATE: Sorry Sharon I forgot to also mention that there is a strong possibility that Hillary was actually dealt with last year, 2020 and that these events have already happened. The recounting of the trial and those details may be accurate but the delayed timing was deliberate, cf. Joe Biden’s and the Queen’s husband’s previous demise, but news released much later. I have no inside knowledge on this all, I simply apply logic onto facts as I find them.
UPDATE: I note that Ben Fulford states in 2022 that Hillary is older, fatter and a sister, alive of a Rockefeller who visited Japan recently to beg for money. I have a lot of time for Ben but (courtesy of the Rockefeller Archives) and the tip, while there are indeed similarities), may not be entirely accurate. does though contain interesting thoughts about her identity. At the end of the day though, evil will always exist and can never be dealt with once and for all here on earth. It is simplistic in the extreme to view a rich evil man as the anti-Christ!