In the last year or so, Private Investigator Wayne Ronald Willott (P) has developed quite a large following online and currently uses the pseudonym ‘Juan O’Savin’ as his cover. In this post I share the consequences of ‘good using evil’ to achieve its goals, basically applying the principle that ‘the end justifies the means’, a value-system that actually runs contrary to the biblical absolutes.

God does not have a problem with mankind having goals. A hypothetical woman’s goal of raising a strong happy healthy & godly family requires faith, forethought AND bloomin’ hard work. Likewise the hypothetical man’s goal of getting out there and providing for his family requires obedience, understanding AND again . . . . just hard work!
But what happens when we use deception to try to achieve a given goal is that we transplant the process, (i.e. the journey), with the goal or the objective. When we consider that by doing this we’re putting the goal greater than God, we err, because it is He who requires the attention and the focus. If He created (and I accept this), it is then He that has the right to set the rules for our living. Regardless of how noble we think a human goal is, NOTHING is more important than our relationship with Him. ANYTHING that gets in the way of that worship due to Him as of right, even if it may seem good or godly to us, becomes an idol.
This idea that the destination is more important than the journey is a deception (sadly quite common) that allows evil to enter into a situation.
I now use the example of the entity Juan O’Savin that Wayne has used to present himself to the increasing numbers of people awakening from their deluded indoctrination from TPTB. I don’t really like labels for their propensity to make complex issues into binary ones, but Americans often call these people “the Patriots”. Those outside the USA seem to prefer the term ‘whitehats’ and there are more phrases used, but the basic concept behind the awakening is that people are either finding out or gaining a greater understanding that there are indeed the elite, who are actually totally Satanic in their worship, who have increased their power and control over the masses with the intention to introduce a New World Order. This NWO has centralised wealth and their power too has increased with this centralising process.
A note here before I get started into the explanation, while Juan O’Savin’s identity can likely be determined publicly by normal due diligence, I do not actually confirm it here as I do not have inside or direct knowledge. I have simply gone to his LinkedIn profile, searched some recent blog posts and followed leads. For those desperate to confirm Wayne’s real identity for whatever reason, I would follow his LinkedIn verification entities and ask them for their personal verification. I have done exactly that. It has been an interesting exercise* to say the least!
So, putting aside short-term commercial sensitivities and the subsequent need for confidentiality (it is clear that Wayne is not now in this position) the issue for me is two fold – a) Do I validate the claims on Social Media and help ‘expose’ him (if that is the right word) or do I let the deception continue? and b) Am I comfortable with deception and the subsequent trauma that will result (actually HAS resulted) from the continued cover-up or do I weigh in to the debate and put my conclusions forward?
Obviously the answer to these questions is that I do not want deception to continue and that therefore confirming that Juan is Wayne is important to me.
In warfare, all cover is temporary. You can NEVER hide forever. Jeffrey Prather makes this clear in his teaching resources. IMHO, as the word gets out that Juan O’Savin is Wayne Willott, truth will be endorsed.
Here now, I list just some of the resources I have used to determine the identity before I conclude describing more of how deception is evil.
Identification posts
LinkedIn – Wayne is from Gig Harbor
I quote one comment here (there are more in the above links):
His real name is Wayne R. Willott from Washington State. He was the person who regularly called in to Field’s radio show. Through Field’s help has mislead all his radio listeners to believe Juan is JFK, JR. After Field’s arrest, Juan/Wayne started calling in to other Q-anon YT creator content call in shows with high subscriber base. Years before Qanon evolved (2017) Wayne was calling in as a guest on Doug Hagmann & V-The Gorilla Economist radio shows. He is a private investigator, particularly working injured employee surveillance in insurance investigations. Evidence is publicly posted online with lawsuits listing him as a witness in Aetna Ins investigation. Also google Marinka Peshmann, investigative journalist, formerly with Canadian Free Press who filed a legal action against Hagman & Steve Quayle, naming Willott as a witness source., then going by “W-THE INTELLIGENCE INSIDER” on radio shows.
Some of Wayne’s recent videos:–hopium/c/
Some Recent Court Cases
Name | Court | Case Number | Judgment Record | Court Information | |
1 | Willott, Wayne Ronald Defendant | Seattle Municipal Ct | 881780722 | 06-26-1988 | |
2 | Willott, Wayne Ronald RESPONDENT | S27 Pierce Co Superior | 02-2-02911-1 | 10-29-2002 | |
3 | Willott, Wayne Ronald Defendant | Sno Co-everett Div | 5Z0379149 | 04-06-2015 | |
4 | Willott, Wayne Ronald Defendant | Skagit County Dist | 9Z0283053 | 02-19-2019 |
The use of an alias for commercial sensitivity reasons is often clearly valid.
A Private Investigator has many reasons to protect their identity, but (as Jeffrey Prather constantly teaches) ALL COVER IS TEMPORARY.
Wayne has been an activist for many years calling in to radio shows selectively targeting maximum exposure. I like that and think that this is smart. He has also increased his exposure in the last year or so with his book and support for the recent movie.
In Wayne’s case therefore, it is IMHO that it is probably time that he comes out from under his cover so as to stand tall and to boost his credibility in the process.
Attempting to deceive (hiding behind an alias is indeed that) runs contrary to his core message that the Truth (of Christ) will overcome evil. Those who justify the means by achieving an objective can never win against evil, for that is their strategy, not that demonstrated by the Master.
Thank you for swinging by again today. I trust this has helped you understand reality a little more. Feel free to comment, and while you are here make sure that you also go back to my detailed analysis of Wayne’s book The Kid by the Side of the Road.
* UPDATE 28 March 2021: RDS advises his private membership that Juan O’Savin is happy to be known as Wayne Willott which he says was a “throw away identity”. This concurs with my research on Wayne’s LinkedIn referrals which found that none, (yes, none) of his LinkedIn referrals responded positively i.e. are genuine! My take, RDS is right. Wayne setup a few of his mates to support his alias on LinkedIn who needs to remove his listing forthwith.
Pure BS. You proved nothing.???
Ummm, but you seem to speak BS yourself, ‘Angel’, not only proving nothing but actually contributing nothing to personal or global knowledge or wisdom! As I say in the post, “Those who justify the means by achieving an objective can never win against evil, for that is their strategy, not that demonstrated by the Master.” You disagree? At least I have the b*lls to say it publicly, and showing the evidence I have found and then updating the post when I find more that validates my findings (or otherwise). Do you deny that Wayne Willott is a false name? Do you deny that I have contacted his LinkedIn testimonials and that they all no longer exist or do not validate him? Like you say of me, “You proved nothing”, so I rest my case. Thank you though for bothering to post. Many read but can’t be bothered to do so. I like it (if you are not a bot) that you did.
While I don’t know anything about this Wayne dude, I do know there’s voice modulating software you buy for a grand total of something like $39.95 that you can use to make yourself sound like anything at all – even a robot, most certainly a woman, man or even a child – girl or boy.
I also know that every date for every event this Juan dude has given since at least mid-last year and probably years earlier, has turned out to be false; a lie. Never happened.
If that doesn’t tell the sleeping masses something, nothing ever will.
True! I remember the disappointment that 1 April 2021 brought to many, a date that Juan O’Savin swore black and blue President Trump would return by. I would note that Wayne’s LinkedIn profile is/was all BS. Not one, and I mean not one of them confirmed his identity and then I heard RDS say that the Wayne thing was a throw-away identity and updated this post accordingly. My take on this is that RDS is correct, that 107 is indeed a “white hat presidential advocate” of sorts (if you buy into the white-hat/black-hat dichotomy thing). People who deceive and engage in the politics of getting a ‘win’ regardless of the truth make me sick. IMHO using disinformation in a war always backfires. It shows his lack of faith does it not. Thank you for commenting here CA. Not sure exactly what is happening in all jurisdictions but life will be sure to carry on for most of us no matter.
No..just no. He’s a fraud that doesn’t know anything and keeps giving these lying freaks under Ward more ways to extort money from people. This is sickening and even Dr’s are falling for this utter crap of his. He’s not JFK Jr, has no idea about ANYTHING much less the complete crap he feeds people on all podcasts that are BALONEY.
No What? You may even be largely right but your rant here comes across as an immature, unreasoned, emotional brain fart Lina! Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. This blog posts intelligent reasoned logical arguments. Please engage in this manner, be specific or go away with your hatred. The subject of the post BTW was the use of evil to achieve ‘good’, something I call unbiblical. Got a problem with that?
Well you just blew your reputation. How DARE you belittle a woman who was basically only giving her views. This is a very cabal thing to do to silence people by mocking them. Its hard for some to say how they feel for this VERY reason. However your attack seems to be based on defending your own beliefs but that gives you NO RIGHTS to put someone elses down like that. she wasnt actually even discrediting your blog, just giving her genuine feelings about Juan. SMH
Hi Star
> Well you just blew your reputation.
What reputation? I research, think and write and then speak the truth as best as I can. The sun doesn’t shine out of my posterior and I am hated by many for doing this.
> How DARE you belittle a woman …
WTF are you on about?
I thanked her for “responding here”. I actually appreciate people who bother to comment regardless of whether I agree with them or not – just like you too.
She asked me “Who gives a flying f**k” and I answered “I do” and I explained why, alerting her to “the primary point of my post”. I agreed with her that Juan seems intelligent, that he wrote a book, made a movie and I disagreed that he “is entertaining”. I agreed with much then disagreed with a minor matter. So?
She said that people “make a living using fake names everywhere” (as if that justifies the use of deception) to which I agreed that this was so but explained that “the Master called it like it was”. Many people do bad things and justify it by the fact that it is common practice. Is prostitution or homosexuality illegal in your country? It isn’t in mine but it used to be. This is unbiblical and illogical [if you believe that there is a Creator who set the rules otherwise].
When she said that “He never said he was JFK JR” and more. I told her that she was changing the subject. She was. She did.
When she advised me to “Better start figuring out real names in high up places before you go picking at a guy who tells great stories …” I doubted that her knowledge would change anything for her. My post related to Juan’s use of deception to achieve a supposedly godly aim. I abhor this concept. One can argue about Juan until the cows come home but if he simultaneously wishes to hide behind a false identity and claim that he is doing God’s work playing politics then I will call this what it is … as I said “Good using evil …” While I have sought real substance in his words with little real success, I did not blog about Juan in order to attack or bring him down. The title and content of the post uses one man’s example to teach a biblical principle. I posted using Juan as an example.
Now that his face has been seen (today live) – and you are 100%
Wrong !!! Now what
You tell me Jess. You have some new information? What do you reckon?
I saw the Michael Jaco video also where he accidentally showed his face. looked like Wayne to me
Wayne is an alias. I contacted all of Wayne’s Linked In contacts and found not one genuine endorsement and much faleshood thus when RDS told us that Juan was happy to be known as Wayne because it was only a “throw away alias” I updated my post accordingly. While Juan’s identity is important to many it is not the primary emphasis of my post which is the use of deception for so-called godly ends – I use 107 as an example. Think Santa and the tooth fairy are harmless? Think again. The venom and trauma created by finding out that good people do and say wrong/bad things (like this 107 identity thing) is massive. Justifying the means in order to get to a goal is immature & wrong and it’s evil.
I really don’t car wtf his real name is But I do card that you Juan or whoever ur are telling us Americans things that now I do not kniw are true or not and what’s up with the cowboy boots
Cowboy boots, heaps of big cars, money and a big ego. Sounds like the Americans are “in town”.
Guess you didn’t read his book………… he nails ALOT!
No Phil. I DID read his book because I bought it. I agree that he does indeed, “nail ALOT”. This though has nothing to do with the original post.
well in my going down the rabbit hole to try to find out so many things today I ended up here…
seems like good intel and appears like Wayne is Juan …
i’m certainly not going to judge the reasoning Wayne aka juan use to fight the evil Luciferian believes that have controlled the United States of America since 1860 …
our country and our world is completely at risk …. becoming or settling for the new world order of these globalist like George Soros, Rothchilds the pacer family Zuckerberg , Bill and Melinda Gates governor Newsom Nancy Pelosi and biden just to name a few. Who have been trying to rule us and get rid of
The worlds population, so they can live in their pedophile bullshit including sacrificing children trafficking and basically sexually abusing them to get adrenochrome with a needle that they inject though the eye of the child to withdraw the blood from them ….. when the child is completely scared ….because they need the adrenaline Moving through their body to keep them in a scared frighten state, to make Adrenochome …. after the child is used up and tortured then the children are cut into many pieces and eaten by these Luciferian people.
in my research yes humans have been fighting good and evil for years, I do not remember any other times living here as a human but I am here today and today I am here to make a difference … for my children and my grandchildren and the future generations…
This 2021 it is time to think about what will happen to the future generations if we do not protect our sovereignty and our rights as our forefathers wrote in the declaration of independence …
Our ancestors left europe to get away from socialism and have a free life and create their own and establish their selves in a free and souvenir country we call THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
We happen to live here, and the freedom that we have experienced throughout our lifetime has been bullshit anyway because it has been covered up and suppressed from the elite bloodlines, the Roth Childs and the Pacers and the Soros is their puppet CREATING Wars antifa playing our world like it is a chess game throwing money at places in human trafficking rings drug rings anything to dumb down society..
for me and my house I am going to be a smart peaceful warrior and I am going to stand up pick a side which is the Whitehat side or what ever you desire to call it and fight my own peaceful war every single day with every single ounce of my heart and my blood sweat and tears to help future generations. This is regardless of the outcome …… it’s the right thing to do. For humanity as a humanitarian as someone who isn’t a self-centered narcissist that cares less about the right thing to do …
Thank you for commenting Loree. I endorse your passion! It is nice to see. RDS explains that Juan is happy to be known as “Wayne” because that is a throw-away identity. I concur, as none of his LinkedIn endorsers stacked up when I asked them – none! Furthermore RDS has recently claimed that he stopped his tour because he was ripped off by many and I believe this will also include Juan’s failure to honour his word (i.e. to come up with the goods). Thus it appears that 107 has been playing a game with him/us. The thrust of my post is that getting a given (even an apparent godly) result by deceptive means is evil itself. I use Juan as an example and if this is true the feeling of being used will result for the millions who trusted him. My takehome (as you put it, “the right thing to do”) is this: We must listen up and do what He alone says. None is godly, except the Master. Worship of man, including man’s best efforts such as trusting democracy or even the Constitution of your country, will always result in disappointment, and worse. Again, I thank you for bothering to comment here Loree.
Don’t we all have bigger fish to fry than what Juan O’Savin’s real name is? Truly. Who gives a flying f**k. The guy seems intelligent. He wrote a book, made a movie and is entertaining. There are people who make a living using fake names everywhere. He never said he was JFK JR and the people who thought so and believed it, are the ones who are no so intelligent. Better start figuring out real names in high up places before you go picking at a guy who tells great stories. The ones in high up places don’t tell great stories. They lie. Go do us all a favor and figure out who they are and how in hell they got to where they are.
Hi Molly and thank you for responding here.
>…bigger fish to fry…Who gives a flying f**k.
I do, not because I want to know who he is but because people who use deception to achieve a given end empower evil. Which was the primary point of my post.
> The guy seems intelligent.
> He wrote a book, made a movie and is entertaining.
Yes, Yes, and No. Much too verbose for me to call it “entertaining”.
> There are people who make a living using fake names everywhere.
Yes, but the Master called it like it was.
> He never said he was JFK JR and the people who thought so and believed it, are the ones who are no so intelligent.
You are changing the subject. Please discuss what I talk about on my blog here. Thank you.
> Better start figuring out real names in high up places before you go picking at a guy who tells great stories. The ones in high up places don’t tell great stories. They lie. Go do us all a favor and figure out who they are and how in hell they got to where they are.
And does that knowledge all change anything for you Molly? I doubt it. Genuine truthseekers always deal with logic applied to fact and deceivers exist across the globe.
Maybe you should attack Biden the way you attack 107. Biden’s not exactly who he claims to be and he’s telling an awful lot of people things that he has no intention of doing. You know like student loan debt securing the country on and on and on. Seems to me that biden’s doing more harm than 107 or Wayne. I never believed he was JFK Jr in fact he has answered questions whether he believed he was alive or not. I don’t know any of the people following him that believe he’s JFK. Somebody’s got hurt ass
Thank you Ray, but Joe Biden is either dead or being kept on life support using deception. Juan O’Savin however is very much alive and affecting people the world over, some who love him or his style and some who don’t. My point is that when good uses evil to achieve its goals it is no longer good. That is a religious/philosophical point that simply requires application and no judgment. Yours (that Biden is doing more harm) is a political value judgment. Please show me one instance where either in history or in scriptures where evil has ever achieved good. Every instance I know of (including 107’s failed predictions) shows me that 100% of godliness in responses has achieved godliness 100% of the time, yet the use of deception has never achieved godliness ever – i.e. an 100% failure. I’m not a betting man but changing the subject, like you appear to be trying to do here, takes away from my message that doing things the right way, always is a sure bet.
Please explain how her comment that Juan never said he was JFK is “changing the subject”?
your blog is based on the evil of deception unmasked where the headline itself is discrediting Juan. So it actually makes her comment extremely valid when you are discussing perceived deception vs intentional perception!
Answered previously
Amen. The best answer yet
So, well done Molly!
I ordered a copy of Kid By the Side of the Road last August. Sent in my $44 and have received nothing. When I tried to use Paypal to track my payment to Gumroad (which apparently is a delivery vehicle like Amazon) to inquire as to what may have happened, the response I received from Gumroad was there is no such account or user. So Wan Oh Satin can reap all the karma he’s entitled to, and it’s bound to be much more than I’d want to deal with in my own life.
I too ordered the book from Australia, emailed for a tracking number which i never got-they said it was in the next batch out etc etc. I then sent an email to Jennifer Mac to enquire-said she’d follow up with him. Still no word, so i sent to my bank to get my money back-i had heaps of documentation I’d followed up etc=received my money back via the bank. Very disappointing as he’s always spruking the book
Juan’s a FRAUD
Maybe so! Can do more than three words though Scott, like explain how and why using evidence?
Juan , RDS , (or is he still posing as The Honorable) Scott, M.Jaco , Mel K. Cirsten ,
Nino , Simon P. ,
and last & most definitely least
Charlie W. that whole clique is making a $$ fortune off of the BS they’re lying about. I almost fell over when I found out what Nino “the penny begger” was making what they’re doing is evil coz they’re taking advantage of people who feel robbed and cheated out of an election, would like nothing more than to believe their president is just gonna POP back into into Presidency.
Hi g.blanken and thank you for commenting. Many read but do not bother to contribute.
I agree with your sentiments of profiting from the gullible masses and your serious concerns about the names mentioned but I am not prepared to write them all off entirely let alone all of what they say. You mention too many to speak of them all here in detail and I have a longer post coming shortly. Juan has clearly failed many with his stories and timelines over the last year. He talks too much and has a huge ego. His reputation has taken a hug knock as a result of President Trump not returning by 1 April 2021 and a terminal dive when his 4 July appearance failed. I strongly suspect that he is on the inside and his role is much more than he lets on. He appears to be comfortable with disinformation and deception. I am not. RDS stepped out of his comfort zone and paid the price for being over-zealous, trusting the wrong people for the wrong reasons. He is not a spent force by any means but his association with Juan has and will continue to cost him dearly. Scott seriously concerns me and strikes me as another ‘metoo’ as does Nino. Michael has a truckload of deep life-experience but not in taking the message out the way he has tried to. He has my respect but also caution. MelK speaks the core mainstream conservative conspiracy line very eloquently and with passion so in that regard she has my respect if not whole-hearted endorsement. I have blogged about Simon more than once and I see his public presentation of geo-politics as sound but the rest deeply flawed. I listen hard every time he speaks and respect the way he passes on his US Military intel but see particularly his New Age & ET thinking as fundamentally flawed. Then you have as you say last Mr Hopium himself, Charlie Ward. I like Charlie but what is more interesting than what he says or who he speaks to is what he DOESN’T say and who he no longer talks to and why this is so. His effervescence and positivity is mesmerising but after a while it does get a little too much. A shame we don’t sell gold eh? As Charlie says of himself, he has gotten the timelines wrong. That’s because he is overly gullible and when the QFS is eventually found to be a Ponzi scheme and that the population will be jumping from the firepan into the fire, many will face-palm and say, “If only … !” He will always have supporters but his detractors are increasing and will continue to increase.
I’m a 62 year old private investigator and have been an active truth seeker since I was five. I have found that everybody lies; everybody deceives; without exception. Truth is NOT the default setting. DECEPTION is!
Thank you again for commenting g.blanken.
Thanks for the article. It does make a difference of who Juan O’Savin is or claims to be. Truth is important. The world may be evil but the ends do not justify the means.
Juan and many others in the Q movement help the gullible believe almost anything. People who follow this group will tell you they have lost many friends and family relationships. It is almost impossible to have a rationale conversation with a true Q follower. It is a lonely life for many followers.
Q has become their followers’ religion with Trump, RFK, Jr. and others their prophets. Q has twisted the Christian faith into something that is evil. A true Q follower is always looking for a sign. It can be any sign to confirm they are right. If they can not find a confirmation, then one will be made up (i.e.: its not the real Biden but an actor or clone under Trump’s control). If things do not go the predicted way, it is because there is yet another master plan to be revealed.
The Q religion is ruining many lives. Juan is in the middle of confusing and ruining their lives. Women in particular fall in love with the image of real JFK. Jr and the bigger than life power Juan has given to JFK, Jr. After all, he has come back to life from the dead (or at least almost come back). Juan is almost Jesus’ second coming to the Earth to these people.
Well thank you for the thanks James!
I am a licensed Private Investigator and I know that there are times and places where deception is apparently justified, particularly in warfare, or conflict situations. The concept that you address [of justifying the means by the end] is vitally important and the application of this principle is notoriously difficult. Greater men than I have dealt with this challenge for eons, but the article I wrote attempts to apply it to Juan. I think the gloss fell off Juan’s story when President Trump failed to materialise as RDS expected him to. Fortunately he did have a personal encounter with God before he passed – may he RIP. I saw the devastation that occurred to RDS as a direct result of that betrayal of which I hold Juan personally accountable and I think many (myself included) recognised that the “Q religion” as you put it, along with the “Juan narrative” as I see it has an unrealistic expectation and have characterised evil into a binary situation – us vs them. It’s an age-old trick.
I’m sorry that I have never really gotten into the ‘JFK is alive thing’ so I can’t really respond to you intelligently on that one but the thing that always come back to is that we all will be accountable to our Maker, individually, thus we all must listen up and do that which He asks us to do, individually. It’s so simple to do (Hear and Obey) but so hard to do in a world full of deception.
Thank you again for commenting here James. Good words!
I don’t know how he can still speak so confidently after all the failed predictions. He has to see that less and less people believe in the tales he tells.
He is an incredible story-teller and researcher who knows how to give interviews and pull on heart strings.
I have used many of his speeches and/or words in my videos. While he does speak a lot of truth, imo, much of it is conjecture and assumption-based, leading to inaccuracies.
If you don’t know for certain, I feel that you should not lead people on via deception.
I have been mending my own reputation since April-ish, when he “became the fool.”
I am a Christian and a Marine and feel I was misled.
Today, Juan is claiming that the Q Team is also behind the McAfee Telegram Channel and “is legit”.
Put a fork in him and use the lesson of not deceiving and only trusting Him, as a tool of practice going forward…
Is that what’s going on here? A plan to usher humanity to God thru massive and broad distrust of leaders, celebrities, etc.? That IS certainly what I’ve gained from the entire ordeal.
Thank you for sharing your concerns here CTM. You bring welcome caution and questions to the table. This is my take:
You were misled. We all were and I think that the directness and forcefulness of the Whitehat’s messaging was naive, wrong and indicates the error that I highlight in the post so well. When you play politics (even to achieve a so-called worthy goal) this will come back to bite you. Jesus seeks to build relationship never goals. I lived in Samoa for quite a while – a country supposedly founded upon God. Islamic beliefs claim the same, as do those of the USA. Go figure!
I think that Q, Juan and others actually thought that they would “nail it” thus to accuse them of deliberate deception is wrong. What is IMHO much more likely is that they underestimated the enemy and as Jeffrey Prather always says, planning is good but plans go out the window the moment that the enemy gets to vote. The errors I see in this regard are that they (and therefore we) took too short a timeframe; that they failed to appreciate the extent of evil, its power and its nature; that they gave lip-service to His role but trusted in political and military solutions, and that they didn’t fully appreciate where the people were coming from.
Juan obviously has ultra high insider status as well as an ego (as you say a story-teller extraordinaire). While I’m totally with you on your analysis of the impact of his failures I’m not with you on your recommendations which IMHO throws the baby out with the bathwater. I think if you re-read the post and see that it is the use of politics for good that concerns me.
The big, big picture is that mankind needs to learn to trust in Him (as you say) not the minds of men. I cannot tell you how long this will take but if you said generations (plural) I would not be surprised. Come back in 100 or 200 years and I think you will see the same old same old wars and scraps and power plays, with an increased cycling gap in society. The predicted implosion of Daniel & Revelation is IMHO a long way ahead. Understand that every second generation since the fall of Rome has seen the same traumas unfold and Henny Penny revisits!
Yes, I concur that there is a global consciousness change with Aquarius and New Age rising but this is a cyclic phenomena and a distraction. Yes, I think you are right to conclude that distrust has occurred and YAY! I say to that.
In all of this please answer me why the 1000 generations was not literal. We’ve had 300 thus far. That puts us into a different dispensation to what many Americans believe. Current leaders, including the so-called good guys still worship the US Constitution, endorse usury, and base their thinking on worship of democracy. While there have been pockets of (often noisy) resistance to the NWO plans when I see things return to sanity outside of the cities and the return of responsibility to individuals like mothers and fathers, then I will see genuine change across the globe as TPTB get served their beans! Oops. Did I just say that? I guess I did!
Greg “Bubba” Wade added to the image now (as per my attribution policy).
I Have interesting information about Juan, I put it in my videos. Email me and I will send proof that the Q Team has labeled Juan a pretender.
Interesting word “pretender” that you use. It sure matches the word “ego”!