In the previous post in this series General Flynn explained that we are in a War. One of the most important steps in winning a war is to recognise that we are actually in a war. Identifying the enemy (knowing whether someone or some thing is a friend or foe) is also critical. In an information war this requires us to divine truth, but they say that the first casualty in war is the truth. In this post I go through a few more random sources showing divergent thinking before the last post/chapter winding up where I reinforce the important conclusions from this series. Thank you for staying with me on this journey.

There are essentially two different stories regarding the US Presidential Elections in 2020 – a) The official version as issued by the Mainstream Media that Joe Biden won the election fair and square and the other that b) President Trump won by a landslide but the Deep State stole the election and Big-Tech and the MSM have helped covered it all up.
In the latter version, everything that we currently see in the MSM is like a movie (Congress and the Whitehouse are physically closed) and “whitehats” in the Military and “the Alliance” are currently moving behind the scenes, arresting and even executing Traitors. Those who are ‘aware’ and ‘in the know’ are getting ready for a big reveal when Trump ushers in a new financial system, re-establishes the Constitutional Democratic Republic and re-sites the Capitol out of Washington DC, (my guess is probably in Texas).
Timing of the big reveal is currently a matter of contention, some claiming that this will occur sooner rather than later; others vociferously claiming that these people are totally deluded and that it is the aim of the “evil communist” enemy to disillusion us all through inaction until their power takeover is complete. While acknowledging the risk of the latter group, seeing too many clues to think otherwise, I lean towards the former and suspect that there are covert operations underway and that meaningful change is underway. I suspect that this period will be seen as a massively important moment with bigger influence on global affairs than what World War 2 had.
From the Christian perspective, while there has been a cosmic war between Truth and deception since the Fall, this Election Fraud manifests in the exact same manner as the spiritual war – it is a war where truth is set against deception. Both sides claim the upper ground, i.e. the MSM calling claims by Conservatives “baseless” vs the Conspiracy Theorists (a phrase introduced by the authorities of the day in regards to the public’s concerns over the removal of a popular president, JFK by way of assassination) who claim that there was Election Fraud. You can see the authorities of the day concerns over the public perception here:
CIA memo: Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report
In most cases the critics have speculated as to the existence of some kind of conspiracy, and often they have implied that the Commission itself was involved. Presumably as a result of the increasing challenge to the Warren Commission’s report, a public opinion poll recently indicated that 46% of the American public did not think that Oswald acted alone, while more than half of those polled thought that the Commission had left some questions unresolved.
It is my assessment that the MSM and Deep State players are in utter panic and major meltdown as increasing numbers of them know that their days of delusion are up.
In Q4, 2020 White House insider Peter Navarro wrote three reports Navarro Reports which documented the events of 3 November 2020 and his work has helped the public wake up to reality and along with other thought leaders (like Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof) and vast tracts of the Internet’s underbelly of Conspiracy, has pretty much convinced the bulk of the American public that there indeed was a gross travesty of justice. The fraud was essentially found out in realtime as Trump’s margin of victory was so large that it “broke the fraudsters’ algorithms” showing the world what was really going on. The proof is coming out daily as courts are now digesting real cases and finding in Trump’s favour, two out of three BTW, although you won’t hear this in the MSM!
We have the hard evidence! Trump decisively won. This was a digital Pearl Harbour and we know how they did it. A valid vote was tweaked & twisted and the evidence is overwhelming.
There is very good reason to believe that those working with Trump knew long in advance of the impending fraud and that the US Military (called by the Conspiracy Theorists “whitehats”) used the elections as an effective Military sting operation in order to entrap the “blackhats”. The outworking of what Q calls “The Plan” is currently in progress as the bad boys have been and are being arrested and dealt with appropriately. I’m in two minds at the moment whether Donald Trump is so organised to have pre-planned it all in as much detail as his most vociferous supporters say, or whether he simply bumbled his way through a sea of traitors, incompetents and bureaucratic mediocrity around him. It was probably a mixture of both, perhaps leaning more in direction of the former.
Charlie Ward is the ultimate in ‘hopium’ supply. He states emphatically that Trump has though brought the country into military rule but that the Military has the Constitutional responsibility to return to control lawful civilian government once order is restored. FEMA has care of the country day to day while Trump stepped aside. The Biden & Pelosi sideshow is a total sham pantomime permitted to continue only in the short term but is likely to dissolve quickly once the whitehat “Alliance” is ready to return the country to civil rule.
Military took control on midday 20 January 2021. An official announcement of this plus the arrest of 355 from Congress, 109 Senators (including Joe Biden) makes a total of 464 arrested on the 24th & 25th of January 2021.
He is of the opinion that the fact that the MSM failed to report this to the American people means that the news agencies have all committed High Treason and this the start of collapse of the MSM that will end with the government taking ownership of them all under the 2018 Act.
Heavy stuff indeed!
Trusting the Military though is not a binary situation as they too have division within their midst, especially the higher you get in their leadership!
James Grundvig also summarises it all well:
Under the “white hats” in the U.S. Military, they recruited Trump to become president with a half-century Plan developed by the “200 Generals” after the JFK assassination to save the Republic of America. On Christmas Eve 2016, U.S. Military special forces removed the 13 black families of the Cabal under their palaces in Venice, during their Satanic rituals. From there, President Trump and his “200 Generals” of military planners executed the final phase of the Plan to remove the Federal Reserve, clean out the corrupt U.S. agencies, and break the yoke of the British admiralty law system, which includes the BAR Association. Change is coming. It is going to be seismic. At noon tomorrow [20 January 2021] in Washington, DC, the U.S. service corporation will die on the vine. Joe Biden will not be legally inaugurated or sworn into a living entity, which will automatically dissolve at that time. Thus, he will not become president of the United States. What will happen instead—Scenario A: The U.S. Military will take control, including both houses of Congress, providing a “continuity of government” with replacements, who will be sworn in temporarily, for senators and representatives that might be removed. From there, they will run a cleanup operation against the remnants and proxies of the Cabal, and then either inaugurate Donald J. Trump for a second term on March 4 as the 19 th President of the newly restored Republic of the United States, or call for new elections to be controlled and monitored by the military. Most importantly though Trump brought the FED into the care of the Treasury, a massive clue that there will be some major currency/monetary changes. He did say that he will be back “in some form” and that he has “prepared for” better times ahead.
Personally I tend to doubt that things will be as good as many of his supporters hope for. They call this concept of Trump’s return and good thing, “hopium”, and I tend to agree because as I have explained in this series, human nature remains the same, regardless of the time or place or culture. Henry Makow has an essentially negative slant on life [self-confessed BTW] and says to a commenter:
Nothing fundamental will change.
Note here that Jews can ping other Jews without being labelled anti-Semitic BTW!
Jim Stone too gets his teeth viciously into those who expect a Trump return:
People can’t come to grips with the fact that everything really is lost. So they post crap about “what is going to happen” and general blah said blah or my lawyer said blah or Sidney released blah or whatever blah blah blah – none of it has merit. FACT: The communists seized the country. The coup is complete. And it was well planned, where Obama rigged the military to make sure they went along with it. It is OVER. Trump is not secretly being president behind the scenes, no one is waiting for anyone to prove how bad they are before they get arrested and the military is not running the country.
People need to come to grips with this, because hopeful stories are paralyzing them like a frogs under a bright light, preventing them from jumping to action. Sitting still like it is business as usual right now is exactly what the communists want, while they pile more and more and MORE troops into DC to eliminate all danger for them while they shred the country. That is what the military is there for – to support the coup and at the bottom the coup has been enforced by kids that got brainwashed by communists primarily in school. Everyone just sat back and let the kids get their brains washed, and now we have the consequences. Communist soldiers that are America’s own kids, enforcing the death of the country. It really meant something. The schools really were important. And got ignored. No one believed this day would come. Source
Like Henry Makow, Jim is another essentially negative personality. Jim supports strong physical violence and self-preparation with weaponry. With his knowledge and experience at the hands of those out to ‘get him’, I can perfectly understand this, but I do think that there is something afoot that Henry and Jim are missing . . . something big too!
Dave from the X22 Report is one of these people Jim talks about above and he is right behind the Conspiracy:
The Deep State/MSM overlooked the Space Force. They believe it is not important, it is not a threat. This is exactly what the Patriots wanted. The Space Force is the command center for cyber warfare. The Patriots have it all, they already have the evidence, they are now building public opinion. Trump will make his move when the time is right and it’s almost time.
And was there foreign interference as Trump repeatedly warned? For sure:
i. There is clear and definitive evidence that foreign interference, as defined in the above Executive Order, occurred prior to, and during, the General Election on November 3, 2020.
b. In addition, Section 1 (b)(ii) states “if any foreign interference involved activities targeting the infrastructure of, or pertaining to, a political organization, campaign, or candidate, the extent to which such activities materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, including by unauthorized access to, disclosure or threatened disclosure of, or alteration or falsification of, information or data.”
i. There is also clear and definitive evidence that foreign interference and unauthorized access to information and data, as defined in the Executive Order above, occurred prior to, and during, the General Election on November 3, 2020.
John Michael Chambers details the Cabal’s intentions, noting that Trump’s depowering of the elite’s financial grip on the USA brought an end to this longterm planning. It’s pretty scary:
The Plan’s end goals:
- Thin the herd
- Control the masses (masks, social distancing, Covid vaccines–going well)
- Obliterate business competition at every level
- Erase human and individual rights (new Congressional bills aim to do this)
- Consolidate power
- Cull resisters (2nd half 2021)
- Enact a global surveillance state (Hello Skynet!)
- Erect consumer/digital/data gatekeepers (more than halfway there)
- Enrich global elites
- Empower global Super State
The goals of their Plan would have been fringe and conspiratorial, even sacrilege just two years ago.
But not anymore.
The Cabal would have pulled off the hat trick if President Trump hadn’t emerged to disrupt The Plan and its implementation.
With the threat of the freedom movement awakening the masses, Millennials and Zoomers are exposing the corruption in banking from the Reddit forum “Wall Street Bets,” while tearing off the façade of the establishment cartel. The old guard system is about to collapse. But before we get there, before we push through the final furlong, before we emerge from the bottleneck that COVID hoax squeezed us through, we will be brought to the brink.
At the edge of the precipice we will peer into the void. It will be a stark warning… to never return to the hellish world the Cabal had planned for the destruction of humanity.
In March of 2020 though there was great news for the USA:
We just restructured the Federal Reserve System. Basically the Federal Reserve will buy out the U.S. debt to the tune of over 2 trillion per month; making the U.S. debt-free by around the 2020 election. Then the Federal Reserve will possibly file for bankruptcy and be gone, along with their privately owned IRS. Possibly no more income tax. No more credit as a debt based monetary system. This will be replaced with perhaps as a first step, a revalued currency back by gold as a series of steps towards a new Quantum Financial System.
I note that according to my research the QFS is an “ET [extra-terrestrial] powered system” so it doesn’t get my vote as likely to happen totally as explained above and while a gold-backed system is more stable than the current currency it is still ‘not quite there’. Anthony Migchells actually calls it “The Devil’s Favourite Money“!
This incredible journey of truth-seeking though is a challenge for those seeking to know and understand reality. Listen to the pain of a follower of one commentator here with another flip flop in his direction:
First you said there is a plan….then you said there’s not a plan….then you said fear not there is a plan again….now you say there is not a plan after all! Wtf man! Just open up and admit you’re F.O.S. [i.e. F.O. Full Of …] It’s a good thing you don’t care if you lose listeners cause you have very little credibility at this point. Now to save face you’re gonna pivot the focus of your show. Smh. After listening to you for a while, I’m convinced you are a member of the DS or your “sources” are. You did a good job though…??….of parroting the wild conspiracy stuff, cleverly intertwined with some scripture which really set the hook in your listeners. Bravo. You misled a lot of folks while the tyrants secured a grasp so strong that, short of revolution, will never be relinquished. Let this be a lesson folks, they will always tickle our ears with what we want to hear…to keep us looking and hoping in one direction while the crime occurs in the other…then as if on cue, they pivot the conversation to placate us in some other new way while the cycle is repeated…to achieve some other well thought out sinister agenda…always smoke and mirrors and we let it happen continually.
It takes time to process change, especially when our worldviews are challenged. The grief process is a cyclic thing, not a lineal matter. We are not machines that simply switch over to a new mindset when we find we’ve been lied to. It also takes us longer to process the stages of grief as we age and the more we burrow down and defend our faulty assumptions. Tell any Englishman who fought in WW2 that their children and grandchildren will be happily living with and playing with the children of the ‘Huns’ or ‘Nips’ that they fought against and you’ll see their anguish manifested. Or to find out that those leaders they cherished actually lied, or took advantage of them, especially when they lost their cobbers and mates in that war. It hurts.
I shared a draft script of this book to a couple of friends recently and asked them to prepare for coming disruptions. I started by explaining that the MSM has an agenda.
So I was then asked, “Does this mean that EVERYTHING we’ve been told is BS?”
No, but it does require us to divine truth ourselves.
“But Trump lost! It’s been proven. The claims are baseless!” the reply.
My response was to ask from where they got that information, “The MSM?”
Silence, as the penny dropped.
So, on what basis was it my assessment then that the MSM lies, and that there actually was Election Fraud?
“I am a professional truth seeker and I have researched from dozens of sources full time for many months. It is my professional conclusion that Election Fraud occurred in November 2020 and my 36th book is in writing online and now in print.”
Silence again, and my friends will respond, doing their own due diligence as it suits them over the coming weeks and months.
I gave more advice though because it is not enough for someone who cares to simply tell it like it is. We should be able and willing to prepare for the future intelligently. My advice to all follows:
- Prepare for upcoming trauma including vastly increased societal tension;
- Double your food stocks (i.e. if you shop weekly have 2x weeks supply on hand, or more);
- Diversify investments, for example converting bank balances into precious metals, land or social capital;
- Increase your cash on hand so that you have up to 2 months supply available;
- Expect communications & power breakdowns & other interruptions;
- Become aware of geo-political reality and the fact that we are currently right in the middle of WW4 – an information war – WW3 having been the War on Terror;
- Be observant and alert but do NOT worry, nor panic.
My longterm advice also applies:
- Get out of debt and stay out of it. The Good Book teaches us to “neither a debtor nor a lender be”.
- Avoid usury and usurious practices. The charging and receiving of interest on money is prohibited in scripture. It brings enslavement and this is a curse. This also applies to monetary systems which also incur interest, as do all Legal Tender currencies.
It’s interesting to me to note that all the above advice does not require us to have an overt war either to contain wisdom and benefit to self. Even if nothing ‘bad’ ever happens on our watch we still gain by doing the above.
In 2015, a military insider Juan O Savin predicted that Trump will take the Presidency if he can preside over the bankruptcy of America. Experienced in negotiation, regardless of his backers or motivation, President Trump did both of these things. Juan encourages us to “KEEP THE FAITH” but like the writers above, also explains that things will need to get worse before they get better.
He expects that the world will need to face a “Cuban Missile type of crisis” before the masses awake to reality and encourages is to “hold the line” for those coming out of the shock by being awake. I concur and suggest that the best way to do this awakening is to come close to the Creator, listening and obeying what He asks of us.
Jeffrey Prather is a Military insider, information analyst and teacher. He is emphatic in his consistent preaching that we are in the middle of an information war and in his own style gives succinct and pertinent advice:
Unrestricted Warfare Campaigns
– Jeffrey Prather
A secret told, isn’t;
All security is breachable;
No communications are secure;
All codes are hackable;
Concealment is not cover;
All cover is temporary;
Use a one time pad one time;
Looking is not seeing;
Hearing is not listening;
Moving is not action;
Knowledge is not wisdom;
Perseverance beats trust;
Power is not force;
Hope is not a plan;
Plans are useless;
Planning is invaluable;
Training is essential;
The most committed wins;
Freedom is never given – it is fought for won and taken – So take it.
This series of posts and book is my best efforts to do exactly these.
Thanks for reading.
In the words of a real character of the Conspiracy Scene, Mike King, his take summarises that while the knowledge of who is winning this war is not yet ours to know, there is a war underway, indeed:
Let us not speculate as to timetables, nor as to which side is winning, and nor as to how the “movie” will end. Let’s accept the fact that it is not meant for us to know — just yet.
But here is what we do recognize — from the evidence presented to us by our own eyes — as hard data points which cannot be explained away:
- The Oval Office images of the Imposter-in-Chief at work are NOT from the Oval Office.
- D.C. is still swarming with National Guardsmen — many of them now deputized as Marshals.
- The mouthpieces of Marxism continue to talk and act as if they are afraid of Trump / Q Anon.
- Drunken Nancy suddenly has the smoother appearance and shape of a younger woman.
- The Imposter-in-Chief has yet to meet with a single foreign leader, minister or ambassador.
- Biden did not address the recent “virtual” Davos annual World Economic Forum (Putin & Xi did).
- Biden has not left DC (except, supposedly, for a weekend in his nearby home-state of Delaware)
- [And I, Dennis, would add much more, including the recent Election Fraud]
Conclusions? Predictions? Timetables? We honestly cannot imagine how either the Q-believers or the Q-skeptics can tell for certain which side is running this particular scam or winning the game in general. All that we can say for certain is that the epic covert war between the “White Hats” of Military Intel and “The Blacks Hats” of the Deep State is still raging. The pictures prove it — and that is why the Judenpresse Armada continues to fire away at Trump, Marjorie Greene, Mike Flynn, Q et al.
Touché! That’s sound logic, isn’t it?
“… the epic covert war … is still raging.”
I leave the final words of this post to a US ex-spy, Robert David Steele:
It looks like we are in the middle of an ‘Insurrection Act’ military government and the fake Biden Government and the fake Congress – all of whom were subject to being arrested and some of whom were subjected to being shot by a firing squad for treason. They’re all dancing this fake dance while the military is running military tribunals and making discrete arrests (and doing some other things).
I cannot overstate (for the reassurance of the American public) that the National Security Agency under Admiral Rogers broke with the Deep State, reported to President Trump and during the four years that President Trump was Commander in Chief was weaponised against the bad guys.
So I think we’re about to see the truth.
Let this be so!
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