This post is one of a series relating to the 2020 US Presidential Elections. I attempt here to apply wisdom, which I define as “knowing the heart and mind of God in a particular situation”. Enjoy.

It’s easy to learn about God. You just read all about Him, talk to Him, then ask Him to explain things as you seek to know them. Strangely it seems, He does!
The guts of it for me is that He’s created and He’s good. We’re the ones who have stuffed things up, not Him. Pretty simple really – even a child can get that!
To apply His wisdom into specific real life situations though can get a little tricky. Like analysing the 2020 US Presidential Elections for example. What on earth is going on ‘up there’ and how does He look at it all?
The answer to this requires a big-picture view of politics, something that I have attempted to do in this series. My understanding is that from the Christian worldview having created it, the Creator is not bound by matters within time. He is outside of time. He knows the beginning from the end, and influences events by truth, love and persuasion, not by deception, evil and force.
He, the Lord, claims an exclusive lien on the truth and as Creator legitimately requires exclusivity of worship. This subservience naturally feels obnoxious to us, a proud, fallen people but this is a deception. When we humble ourselves and accept this as truth, it is instead an opportunity for ‘good’ to blossom. IMHO, as all will eventually give Him His due worship anyway, far better for us to ‘get with it’ as early as possible.
This understanding then sets the scene.
Understanding God’s guidance for living is also relatively simple – perhaps not easy. He sets out His guidance quite simply in scripture and this involves an individual two step process: a) HEARING and then b) OBEDIENCE. This is the essential message of Scripture, importantly the entire Old Testament from the Garden of Eden to the coming of Christ, best paraphrased by the prophets as, “Listen up people! How about we do what He wants”. The alternative, which is the deception, is best described as, “Let’s give ourselves the permission to do things our way!”
All democratic systems and processes then set mankind against God’s ways at the outset by removing focus from Him to the focus on us – We The People. Sure, we may vote believing that we are doing His will, but the very system of voting runs contrary to His will. If godly conduct is required, then we should not be looking to what others think and submitting to the majority, rather we should be doing what He wants based on that personal relationship and obedience. This is real faith, which pleases Him.
In the recent election, President Trump secured more votes both in numbers and as a percentage of the US population than probably any other President ever. I currently concur with estimates of 3 out of every 4 people (some 75%) which is an incredible landslide. Regardless of the huge international ramifications of his massively popular America First agenda, this is widely seen as a “nationalist, populist” sentiment, arguably even to the point of a welcome revolution. The Deep State are his opposition – the ‘evil’ elite are the target of his activities.
Many believe that the Lord is on Trump’s side and that good things are around the corner for their country. This thinking is not biblical and does not apply biblical wisdom, not the least because it was evil that actively engineered his rise, most likely so that the populist could be in power as the biggest trauma strikes. But there’s more . . .
First, politics primarily involves temporal matters. While we of course live in the world, wisdom requires an understanding of spiritual matters. As an American populist political leader, Trump is naturally more focussed on the here and now, and in the USA.
Secondly politics (as we talk about it today) is all about and deals with power. There are those who compare “bottom up rising with a top down cleansing” but while sounding ‘sexy’ or ‘cool’, both of these options use force. God’s way is different whereby He achieves His purposes without using power. You can see this in Jesus’ Ministry in that His achievements inverted the [political] power structures of the day. It was by sacrifice that He achieved His Father’s objective. Even though his geo-political views are fully mainstream, I’ve found that Ron McKenzie’s writing on the spiritual dynamics surrounding the weaknesses of democracy, power & authority to be the best I have seen. It is IMHO, strong and sound.
Thirdly all politics based on democratic processes are totally flawed – in their foundation. The fruit of the seed of man working with man cannot be godly no matter if the decisions made indeed coincide with God’s plans. It’s not my point of the destination, it is more the journey. If democracy is based upon the voting of mankind then this process is fundamentally wrong. It is upside down and failure is inevitable – eventually.
Fourthly no human being alive today can touch Christ in terms of completeness, innocence or perfection. Human weaknesses can manifest in different ways, and President Trump’s pathological desire to be accepted, liked and even loved equals his incredible achievements as a talented and skilled leader. As the Lord brings His people closer to the inevitable breakdown in human systems, remember that nobody is perfect – nobody.
I believe that based on scripture and observations over my lifetime, that the Lord is in total control of the world. This though does not mean that things will all be perfect today or that it is His will to have trauma. Nor does it mean that He ‘makes’ us obedient so that He gets what He wants. We are NOT robots. But giving us freewill to vote, or make political decisions does not mean that He doesn’t know what is about to occur. Nothing is outside of His knowledge forward or backward because as I said, as Creator of all (including time) He is outside of time.
While there is a little cross-over, my work as a prophet is to speak things forward (forth-telling) as I see them, not so much to be able to predict them (fore-telling). This series speaks a lot from my analysis, projecting events of the future knowing how to analyse information to divine and recognise truth rather than to predict exactly when, who or what will happen in the future.
That said, it is clear to me that any inauguration of Joe Biden will be deception and that mass arrests will be occurring in the USA as President Trump works through what his Military mouthpiece Q calls “The Storm” in the very near future.
This also means that the USA will suffer severely in the short term as the global monetary system is altered (i.e. reset) and massive social challenges occur. The elite who manipulate the global situation will of course control the likes of the American people, as they will the Chinese people so that the planned global conflicts destroy as many as possible. In a godly sense, it matters not who is the top political dog at the time in any particular country or social group. Nor does it matter how much money, gold or assets move in ownership; nor who lives or dies from time to time. The only thing that truly matters is our personal relationship with our Master.
As things unfold remember, that:
- The Lord God knows all, for He is outside of time;
- His way is NOT that of muscling us into submission using His power to get what He wants;
- The democratic process is NOT His ideal – a personal relationship with us all is though, where we each hear Him and obey Him individually; and
- He is seeking His rightful place in our lives (acknowledging His worthiness as a ‘good’ Creator).
That’s applying wisdom into this developing political situation. I trust that it has helped you understand and prepare.
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