The USA is currently divided over their recent Presidential Elections, with an increasing number of the population believing that election fraud occurred. Others poo-poo the idea with Big-Tech, the Legacy Media and the Left calling calling it all Fake News and doubling down on their venom for Trump. In this post I show how I apply logic and my life experience to strongly support the Conspiratorial take.

Conspiracy, defined as an attempt by people working together to deceive others for their own benefit simply cannot be denied. It is the essence of the human condition that first mankind conspired (voted) to go against God in the Garden of Eden, then with human nature then corrupted has proceeded to manifest itself in all manner of times, places & cultures since. Globally, people naturally now seek to use others to get ahead. Yes, you too, as well as me! Some of us choose though to live for others, and succeed some of the time.
The Fall in the Garden of Eden was I believe, a sexual sin driven by a grab for power. Eve was tempted by seeking to be like God. She elected to give her body to the deceiver who was punished by being cast down to the earth losing his natural beauty and he spent the rest of his life slithering on his belly. So says the Good Book. The sexual aspect of this “eating of the tree” can be derived from Adam & Eve’s reaction to cover their ‘privates’ when confronted by the Creator, and the high incidence of various sexual immorality in basic ungodliness since.
The nature of conspiracy changes from culture to culture and from generation to generation. In the USA in the last few decades you can see the sexuality issues arising with simple sexual immorality of “sleeping around” and “affairs” morphing into child abuse, pedophilia and ritual murders becoming more and more talked about.
Then the idolisation of the American Dream via the Democratic Republic that the US Constitution establishes allows people to achieve financially but when capitalism loses any natural societal restrictions it gets out of balance and corruption increases.
This series highlights not only that Conspiracy is valid, but that we should be careful not to apply binary thinking into any complex situation. I show here how the US political environment is shaped, as best as I can, drilling in here into the impending inauguration of the so-called “President-elect” Joe Biden and explaining how logically this will never occur [legitimately], and that the Conspiracy ‘nutters’ are much more likely to be right – President Trump will indeed achieve his second term as President of the USA.
The two paradigms that are presented to us are:
a) Joe Biden is the President-elect; He won the election fair-and-square; all legal challenges to the election have failed; his appointment was ratified by those in power. The Democratic party and the MSM believe that Trump and his supporters need to get over it and go away. Big Tech has supported this position vehemently attacking conspiracy theorists, Q and Trump supporters and primarily conservative community primarily through de-platforming them.
The second option is the Conspiracy:
b) Donald Trump won the 2020 Presidential election in a massive landslide (I have recently heard, even flipping California). There was foreign interference in the elections with China, Iran & the Pope attempting to influence the result away from Trump which was achieved by a myriad of ways – vote changing technology, traditional ballot stuffing and all manner of other more traditional fraud. Efforts at legal remedies and undertaking audits have been blocked and stymied by way of bribery and corruption. There is NO WAY that the Military leaders will accept a known crook like Biden as their Commander in Chief and their initial support of Trump will remain as The Plan is outworked. They’ve got the power, the President has signed the papers, the boys are under way and it is now, ‘all on’!
While there is usually a bit of truth in every side of a conflict, my money is firmly on the latter version. There was serious large-scale fraud and yes, it was initiated by one political party with the active support and participation from foreign [to the US] actors.
In order to believe that Joe Biden won fair and square, you have to explain how without even conducting a campaign, he won against one of the most popular Presidents in US history (sure a man who is divisive but who is highly well regarded by those whom he told he would “drain the swamp”) and who even with the fraud is confirmed to have set records with his results. I don’t buy the MSM version of this all for a minute.
Then one has to go through the thousands of affidavits, videos and documents that the Trump campaign has collated of fraud, and explain how that occurred. This copious evidence is stunning in its extent, proving to me even at first glance that the truth is . . . there really was election fraud, and on a massive scale too!
I’ve already mentioned the application of logic. Logic tells me that if you haven’t done anything wrong and you have nothing to hide, then you would be happy for others to see or audit your work, but visa-versa. As I claimed about another blogger who said that there was no fraud . . . he simply hasn’t done the research. I have. Logic rules for me. A stolen election is fact.
Now, knowing that complex things like the politics of running a country are not a binary matter, and knowing human nature, I then look at the President and his achievements over the last 4 years. It strikes me that this is an extraordinary talented man who is loved and appreciated by many, especially those close to him. He is an astute, self-made man who has no need for money, yes he may have an ego, but it appears to me that he genuinely loves his country and believes in it.
He seems to have understood the various relationships that his country has with the other leaders out there and has dealt with the BS he inherited very quickly. Russia, North Korea, EU countries, his neighbours and the Middle East he appears to have gone in quickly and decisively to cement deals that suited him and his country. A real and astute leader, rather than your typical politician.
So when I hear information from sources that tell me that he offered to sort out the corruption within the realm of his responsibility at the outset of his career but that he chose to bide his time, and get behind his Generals and their ‘Plan’ then this makes logical sense to me. I have previously called the election a military operation and this is how it seems to me that the President approached things.
- He would have sat down with the top brass of the Military exactly as reported. “What do you think we should do [about the corruption]?” he would have asked. “Do you want me to go in and sort it all out now, or do you have a better idea?” I know this is how things work in politics because the best leaders always work with the ideas that those already there have. You bring leadership and decision-making to the table but unless there is a good reason why not, you are best to work with the people already there and deal with their issues constructively rather than impose your own ideas unilaterally. You can, but it is always better to work with the resources you have. When I emmigrated to Samoa I took an idea from Bev Barlow a Kiwi ex-pat who worked at Aggie Grey’s and (with her permission) rejigged it to present to the PM, Tuila’epa. For years she had attempted to get an international “Samoa Day” but had been rebuffed by the bureaucrats who couldn’t see how to make it work. I presented it to the PM mixing the core idea with Social Media and the Dateline change thing which gained the official nod. It’s not that the idea was good, nor that I had an inside running with my developing relationship with the head man (although they were both factors), the key was that I took the ideas from the local community and [tried to at least] make it happen.
- I am told that the Generals warned Trump that this early action would vacate 70% of the leadership as the bulk of them were on the take to some degree, thus they determined to prepare for a future flushing out of the swamp. Trump would have gone along with that and worked his own solutions into their ideas. This will explain why only a few people have been shunted sideways in his first term and why the whispers of impending mass arrests of the likes of Biden, Pelosi, Roberts and others at the top have increased on the Interwebs! Logic tells me that if this is correct, and the elections were indeed a Military operation designed to garner rock solid evidence of fraud then this (what we have seen with the corrupted legal system passing the buck, and the opposition, big-tech and the MSM lashing out) would be exactly the thing that we would see. Trump would lay low after the critical evidence was gathered . . . deals would be done . . . ducks all in a row and then, BOOM, the job done. Swamp drained with rock solid proof and bad boys all flushed out in the open. That’s the logical theory anyway!
- Interesting pieces of information can be garnered from random sources – we all have our own life experiences, so can observe things from our own angle best. With a technical background I have been very interested in news and reports of the Dominion counting machines and their software, as well as the US government’s own ‘stolen’ (but probably sold) software. I’ve been looking for any clue of false information or claims that don’t pass muster and to my technical ears, it all stacks up – all of it. I’m not 100% about the Vatican’s satellite thing actually storing data but the rest all makes perfect [technical] sense to me. I’m also not so sure that the Washington DC violence was used by opportunistic Special Forces, it seems to me to be a pretty well planned and prepared for operation. They knew what they wanted and got it, although one would have thought that nowadays a physical notebook means little when you can usually get into anything online. That’s a sideshow though, the President has a country to run; he’s just signed an order to activate his ‘boys’ and they’re now being deployed where they are needed. His words are simply, “I warned you, now shape up or ship out!”
So if the world is a crooked place and Trump is about to arrest 200,000 of the bad guys, draining the swamp as he marches back into power for a second term, what does this all mean? Is there a little old man sitting in a black robe and his back turned to the camera stroking a fluffy white cat scheming evil while all his henchmen jump in fear at his command and is this the extent of the conspiracy?
No. As I have said throughout this series . . . things are not always a binary issue. In a recent interview with an informant, I noted this man’s reply about a very high level US individual who was apparently badly corrupted, “No he’s not evil!” was the reply. “But he does have a family and he’s very concerned that he could be exposed . . . “
That’s the true nature of sin. It takes us further, longer and costs far more than we ever think when we engage in it. Who knows how many times he enjoyed a night with a [probably] young Chinese Honey Pot or how long ago it was. [UPDATE: In fact it could be a lot worse of a situation with enforced child abuse & sacrifice a credible suggestion]. What it has done though, whatever it was, or whenever it happened will likely have brought the career of a man at the top of his industry into a very dangerous place. He’ll be lucky not to go to jail for it while others will lose their lives under Military Tribunal for their Treason.
Oh there is a conspiracy all right. Sex, money, power and temptations all over the place. Thank God you are not at the helm of a political cesspit like the President of the USA is, and also thank God that you are not a part of his sorting the system out. If you are then get out of the country fast, if you still can and export yourself to New Zealand! You’ll love it here. Cindy is a really popular leader, but not for the same reasons as the Trump is!
I joke of course. Thank you for swinging by again today.
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