I share here what I believe is an important missing component to the 2020 US Presidential Election controversy, raising my concerns at our Western worship of democracy and in particular the USA’s utter reliance on (therefore worship of) their Constitution, which inexorably leads to worship of the resulting Democratic Republic. I touch on the evidence of election fraud; explain the complex warfare context in which this fraud occurred and then tackle the entire concept of godliness – starting with our personal faith-filled behaviour then I move up to the American and then global picture. Enjoy this big-picture biblical worldview.

Worship of democracy
The Christian worldview is predicated upon the simple message that there is a God; who is ‘good’ and who created ‘good’; bad things happened which set the world into a tailspin. Jesus came to set the captives free and sort things out. There’s plenty to argue about along the way but let’s keep it simple for here. Apart from personal experience, that there is a Creator is proven logically as design compels the existence of a designer. That things have gone haywire on planet earth is self-evident to all but fools or the blind. It is my assessment that Christ’s identity and redeeming role for mankind (or otherwise) is the greatest question a human being needs to address.
Taken in proper Christian context, the bible (which most Christians consider it to be God’s written ‘Word’) is not only a book of history but it lays out God’s design … like a blueprint for godly living. I hesitate to use the word ‘rules’ because of the usual knee-jerk reaction of rebellion, but this guideline to godliness makes it abundantly clear that He seeks the separation of cleanliness from uncleanliness; good from bad; and godly conduct from evil behaviour.
Democracy is totally condemned in Scripture. There is no instance, not one, where the Lord endorses or supports voting where a majority rules the minority, aka “might is right” – the 51% lording it over the 49%.
Yes there are times that the priests used chance to determine the Lord’s will but this was a mechanism to divine His intent.
Yes, the early apostles all agreed on a specific course of action but this was neither voting nor democracy in principle. It was all of them choosing to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Voting, whereby mankind determines its actions by weight of numbers (i.e. public opinion) commenced with Adam & Eve conspiring to go against the Lord’s clear, unambiguous word; it continued right through the rebellion of the Israelites and their worship of the Golden Calf (because it seemed ‘good’ for their stand-in leaders at the time to go along with the majority); to their voting for the execution of Christ (an acknowledged innocent), instead of a known criminal.
Godliness – personal faith-filled behaviour, American Culture & then globalisation
If faith is required for us to please God and if humility is required for faith, then pride-based rebellion is the precursor to our personal acts of evil.
From the outside of ANY culture, it is easy to see how pride affects the multitude. Pride in America as the “greatest country of all time” may feel great for those living within it, but this pride is an ugly thing to observe from afar. Those far-removed culturally simply speak what they see when they call her, “The Great Satan”.
I experienced this cultural challenge quite deeply when I moved to Samoa. It took me about 18 months of hard graft before I could truly understand the people around me. Yes, I could understand them, and their cultural differences (my children are half Maori/Polynesian so I had a bit of an insight already) but it was when I turned back comparing my own culture after a year or so that I truly became to understand things. The bottom line is that human nature is the same across the globe; cultures though differ.
So pride affects us all in different ways but the end result is always exactly the same – Samoa, New Zealand, China or the USA. Pride causes us to act insensitively or to act aggressively; to err on the side of greed and self-interest; but more most importantly in a manner that is ungodly. Globalisation, where power and wealth is consolidated to the maximum is the ultimate god-usurpation act, something that can be seen much more obvious in the last few decades.
The US Constitution
If there is one document that the USA is proud of; one document that makes the USA different to all other nations out there, it is their ‘founding document’ – The US Constitution.
Supreme and standing head and shoulders above so many other Johnny come lately legal structures, the US Constitution is a marvel of human endeavour. Its aim was to establish a solid framework on which to base a good, sound and godly society.
Whether the US founding fathers were true believers, godly men or not matters not because one has to compare the Constitution with God’s word in order to establish biblical validity. Please listen to me carefully now, this is not an anti-US nor an anti-Constitution post, it is primarily designed to help us see how with the four-yearly cycle of American politics has drawn the attention of the US people back to the importance of the Constitution to them. God does NOT seek a Democratic Republic. He will work through the political reality of the day – be it a corrupted political dictator disguised as a democratically elected Prime Minister (as in Samoa), or a crooked, ideologist, populist Prime Minister (as currently in New Zealand), or a Monarchy, either in name only or in very real terms (as in the UK or the past USSR).
US election fraud
The 2020 US Presidential Election has created quite a controversy, and I have been following it quite closely as events have unfolded, from well before the 3 November 2020 election actually. I love watching the blood sport and the way that so many vested interests get involved. For me I guess it’s somewhat akin to what the Caesars did at the Colosseum in Roman times – entertaining the masses. I’m certainly entertained!
I was chatting to a friend a while ago who actually said that he didn’t believe that there was any election fraud in the US presidential elections. His deep disdain for Donald Trump came out at the same time. Sure, this was in November before a lot of facts had come out but I disagreed entirely, noting that he was watching the mainstream TV at the time. It was clear why he thought like he did when the MSM is your primary source of information! Nuff said!
To set the record straight, from where I sit, the essence of Democracy is that it is those who can engender the most support who get the general approval to lead the people. Most of the time this is achieved through the use of money, which, when used intelligently, gains and retains power. I say it all the time, those with power naturally use it.
So while there have always been efforts to game the system, some more successful and some more obvious than others, the extent of corruption in the USA this time sets new records in many regards. The Christian world-view is that corruption is the norm. It takes much effort to do godly things and to live honest lives. It is simple to go the way of the masses. Jordan Peterson acknowledges this too:
Telling the truth (and also seeking it) is definitely an adventure
It is my take that the systems used to game the recent US Presidential election have been developed over some years, but they became of “biblical proportions” with the extent of President Trump’s landslide re-election. Their response, (to win at any cost) appears to me to have lifted the corruption to new levels and it is currently getting out to the American public, who to put it lightly, are largely now, not amused!
The methods of obtaining a false (Biden) election win covered all manner of election fixing and involved a myriad of corrupt conduct – from individual partisans to international players. The cover-ups also show the true colours of the various players.
The complex warfare context
While most people in the United States perceive disputes in American politics (in the current situation the 2020 Presidential Election, where Donald Trump appears to be fighting for power against Joe Biden) in a fight for power as a partisan political conflict, this is actually a deeper thing and part of a much more complex conflict.
There is a multi-dimensional scrap going on – of course it is a fight for political power (personally it is Trump vs Biden or from a party perspective, Republicans vs Democrats). You can see the influence of money – hundreds of millions of funding – being used by big business to influence and sway public opinion.
Trump has also consistently identified the issues he is dealing with to be geo-political in nature naming the Chinese Communist Party as the ‘enemy’. He is undoubtedly correct, with strong evidence of major election interference and what he calls the “China virus” as a weapon used against his country.
It is also though, a philosophical conflict between the value systems of capitalism vs communism and this needs to be seen in the context of a spiritual conflict – good vs bad, godliness vs evil.
My research has established beyond a shadow of doubt in my mind that foreign interests (at least foreign to the US nation) participated in major election interference, but viewing a corrupt democratic process in the 2020 US Presidential elections as a ‘tut-tut; this is warfare’ and/or ‘oh no; shock-horror!’ is naive. Deception and fights for power are the norm in the world today as always.
When you’ve lived a bit with your eyes open, it doesn’t matter whether it is a ‘backward’ little Pacific Island state ruled by a corrupted, greedy politician like Tuila’epa, a supposed corruption-free country like New Zealand, or the two largest and most powerful countries on the planet (China and the USA) fighting for power, the issues are always the same . . . mankind going about its business contrary to the express guidance and instructions from our Maker.
Personal beefs; cultural norms; political values; philosophical takes; power, control and monetary issues all pale into insignificance when we match our conduct against God’s laws. Our use of money founded upon interest-bearing currencies enslaves us. Our worship of democracy, best exemplified by the US elevation of their Constitution over God’s commands to have faith and obedience in Him first, incurs His curse.
Of course, as I have said previously many times, the Creator is outside of time and in His infinite wisdom simply lets evil have its way until it implodes by its own weight. Our job is to have faith, listen up and do what He asks us to do. In my case I believe that a major part of my task is to speak it like I see it. Hopefully my words here closely matches reality.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this important big-picture biblical worldview. Feel free to drop me a note if you think I’m off-kilter somewhere or may have missed something, or whether you think I’m onto it. It’s the correct identification of Jesus Christ and His purpose that I consider to be the most important question in life, followed by a correct understanding of money (the role of prohibited and enslaving interest being central to this topic) and then the idolatrous worship of man, represented by democracy in the last century or two.
Thank you for swinging by today.
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