Did you complete the workbook exercise from the previous chapters? Turn there now if you haven’t – it will only take a couple of seconds.
Remember . . . lawyers lie! . . . and, get your evidence!
In 2008 I invested into a company established by a businessman called Daniel Evans. When he asked for a second tranche, I read his prospectus and called his two personal referrals.
One didn’t recall him at first then said that he thought he had exchanged business cards with him in a lift some time previously and another reported serious human relationship problems in the company as a result of employing him.
Daniel has Asperger’s Syndrome. In 2008 I investigated him, interviewed him, wrote a private report for my shareholder colleagues and then published a blog post in 2008 warning the world of my findings and prediction of Ormita’s global terror. It became the most viewed page on my website as Daniel travelled the globe with his international BS story.
Billed as the world’s largest commerce network it was simply a massive conjob by a very talented but deluded ‘fruitloop’. Not only could IRTA’s lawyers not serve him, they could not even find him! I traced him through dozens of countries, found him in South Africa, exposed him in realtime using technology that he did not know about and eventually closed his entire operation down.
The Ormita Report concluded a 6 month fulltime investigation and caught the attention of an entire global industry. In the process I developed contacts in 31 different countries and learned many of the arts of shooting straight especially when dealing with psychiatric issues.
Interestingly some very welcome funding at the time came from those that I would later also investigate and expose as crooks too in their own way. I also exercised commercial pressure through the very people that the conman had buttered up and used to his advantage.
It was a lesson well learned for later situations.
Now, remember to do the workbook!
TIP 4:
Daniel Evans undertook a short nasty campaign of negative press against me which failed spectacularly because I had done my homework; backed myself; was fearless in pursuit of him & determined to bring his scam to an end. It worked. As the scandal opened up, I revealed who was turning Queen’s evidence in realtime, which exerted huge pressure on others to do the honourable thing despite their commercial losses.
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