Taking on power and authority is not for the faint-hearted and it does not always result in a win, nor justice.
I’m a proud man and I hate losing, but while I didn’t lose in a scrap with the Domain Name Commission, I certainly didn’t win an argument against authority.
I didn’t lose in court. In fact I even didn’t withdraw a court case – I simply blogged my thoughts, raised the question of a civil court case, then I approached the authority, got their legal opinion (which of course was that I would lose) then I let the matter ride.
IMHO the crooks won, but them’s the breaks. It is an interesting case study with lessons for social justice warriors in business. Luckily my focus as a Private Investigator has been more on thinking and speaking rather than attempting to be an activist.
From the 1990s, New Zealand established the bulk of its Internet naming with a tiered use of Domain Names. In this industry we call what we used “third level domain naming”. In the case of a domain name say, www.dennis.co.nz, working from the right to the left as the Internet technology works, the .nz is the top level domain, the .co is the second level, and dennis is the third level domain. This differs from some other namespaces which are simpler, like the USA (.com) and Samoa (.ws) that skips the second level (.co, .org or .net).
TIP 35:
It is unusual for someone to just ‘sit down and write a book’. None of us have the capacity to concentrate or focus for the length of time required to prepare a resource that big. So: Q.How do you eat an elephant? A.One bite at a time! Break your big task down into bite-sized pieces.
The organisation that manages the .nz namespace indicated that they wished to include second level domain registrations. They undertook their advertised process for change and duly introduced this new domain name service, but it introduced a conflict that for many people remains to this day. People with say a .co.nz name fight against say, a .org.nz name for the right to register the new .nz name. IMHO this should never have occurred and there were other options available to them.
I saw management bias towards a pre-determined position, greed in that their income would increase substantially as a result of the changes and more.
Because of the logistics of dealing with a large number of low value items however they ‘got away with it’.
I feel like shouting “I told you so!” whenever I see problems arise but you win some, & lose some.
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