In Samoa I found myself standing up for people around me, those whom we call over there, “the little people”.
I conceptualised the idea of a legal support service for those without a voice facing injustice. Along with a friend, I scouted out a location on the road to the courthouse and developed a business plan which involved a service to take on the high and mighty by getting their story out.
On my return to New Zealand, I took this concept to market with the idea of running a mobile recording studio. This resource is another concept in a stable of services just helping people.
In my experience most people are neutral in their ethics – they will look after themselves at others’ expense when opportunity presents itself (as long as there is little shame or cost associated) but they are neither ratbags, nor goody-goody-two-shoes either. There are however a few who are ahead of (or behind) the curve who operate at the extremes.
On the negative side, these are the crook, crims & crazies who lack a moral conscience (or whose conscience is seared) and on the positive side there are the ones who will never buy a Lotto ticket because it is morally wrong and who will be the one to pick up a hitchhiker, or go out of their way to help a little old lady cross the road in rush hour.
I’m a royal PITA to live with because I’m in the latter category. Being at the upper end of the curve when it comes to shooting straight, has a huge attraction to those in need, but to be avoided when you have something to hide!
Writing the Wrong has a multifaceted approach to helping others. Private Investigative endeavours are only one part of the offering, but is the most interesting. Our sales process includes an aspect that for most people, especially when they are under stress, is exceedingly hard to define. We have to know what a client wants.
Do they really want to know the truth? Most think that they do, but most actually don’t. What do they want to achieve from the investigative, writing or marketing work? Imagine!
Think for example of a woman who suspects that her husband is not being faithful. She knows this of course deep down because of the extra attention she receives when his guilt gets the better of him, but does she really want to lose the breadwinner, father of say, four children and go through the pain of trying to do it all again with her new lover?
Or a businessman who has the potential to bankrupt his opposition and put him in jail over a little indiscretion, when he knows that he too has the potential to ‘go down’. Now what?
TIP 28:
Photography, graphics, design, writing, editing, layout, printing, publication & marketing are all required to put a book together. Web skills too can help get your story out but you don’t have to be a genius in all this to do it. Lean on children, neighbours, friends & professionals.
An opponent with psychiatric issues spun a story that I was only attacking him because I was his ‘jilted lover’. Despite advice that I should defend false claims of homosexuality immediately, I waited. The damage to me was small in comparison to my resulting achievement – two weeks later his international con was over – and for good!
From another, “He loves the sound of his own voice!” I agreed – adversary neutralised!
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