In 1970 Jeannette & Harvey Crewe were shot at point blank range with a .22 pistol. The late Te Kuiti author John Ingley revealed in his book, ‘I Fed the Baby – Confession & Motives in the Crewe Murders Cold Case‘ how he had solved the case.
Hunting Pam is a short book that gives the public the reasons why I believe that Leslee Sinton (retired teacher of Orakei, Auckland) and Pamela Ann Boroevich (teacher of Te Kuiti) are associated with these crimes.
According to a local lawyer Max Lamb, who says that he has known Pam for 50 years, Pam did not feed the Crewe baby. She was only 16 years at the time, attended Te Kuiti High School and didn’t have a driver’s license. What this all has to do with the specifics mentioned in this book though beats me!
Max has also threatened litigation threatening to sue if even one copy of this book is shared. I included his email in the book, my reply to it telling him that the book and website of the same name will be published as promised, and commentary on his lack of professionalism.
Most lawyers I know don’t appreciate my advice that they need to seek legal advice, but he does!
The naming of a suspect like Pam and her look alike Leslee in a public format like a book and website is a deliberate calculated act that comes in a deliberate sequence of events within an investigation. While Pam’s lawyer hopes, and indeed says, that his legal threat will bring the matters to an end, it is rather just the beginning. Sure, it may help bring matters to a head.
People who know something that can help those who want to know who killed the Crewes and who fed the baby now have more information upon which they too can ask questions. Hopefully Max is a man of his word and will sue for defamation. Sadly however he is likely to get good legal advice and hope that things will die down; nobody will ask his client any questions and the secrets of 1970 remain that – secrets.
TIP 17:
Defamation is widely recognised as a very difficult matter to litigate.
Defamation isn’t just about speaking the truth. It also involves the proof of malice, our [re]actions & honest belief.
The role of a private investigator can cross over into that of an activist at the drop of a hat. For me, I see red when people lie to me. Foolishly, most do.
Pam’s lawyer has advised me that his client doesn’t want me to contact her again – harassment & so on. Got that! This has of course ensured that my simple questions of identity have to be addressed in a more public manner – websites, book and possibly in time, by the authorities and the media.
An own goal, methinks!
Did you publish this in the end?
Book and website is written. Just pausing for political purposes.
Do we have a release date for this book yet Dennis? I have been trying to solve this case for around 50 years.