This post quotes a far right-wing religious commentator Anthony Grigor-Scott, and gives my supportive commentary. Anthony’s comments indirectly endorse my advice to my readers, friends and family since 2010 to get out of debt and stay out of it.
There are few people in the world who believe what they say and say what they mean. Actually, it’s more the question of whether people will pay the price for their beliefs. Most won’t, or try not to.
Passion, the component of a message that catches our attention, is easily dissolved when there is little substance behind the speaker. This really just describes hypocrisy rather than actually labelling certain people with something ‘nasty’.
Recent organised BLM violence (The French Revolution was similarly motivated by the French Resistance les agents provocateur – H/T The BFD for reminding me of this similarity) is evidence of this. Arrest the perpetrators of violence and separate them from their ego-supporting rabble and you’ll get their cowardly capitulation from 95% inside a second. Talk to any cop or political, military or business leader about how this works and you’ll know what I mean. The hard core 5% (or 1% if you want to be a little more accurate) are the ones that mean it. If they truly believe it, then those are the only ones I ever deign to listen to.
I’ve been part of Anthony Grigor-Scott’s mailing list for years and always read his material. He’s one of the few who have gotten and kept my attention long-term – not because I accept everything he says (in fact I don’t) but because he encourages me to do my own research and to do my own thinking (and praying) which I do. I also keep focussed on his words because he really truly believes it, and it shows.
My take is that if this guy was given a choice between denying what he writes and a bullet, that he’d do what I’d do and tell the ‘goose with the gun’ that he was a dickhead to try to threaten me because I knew exactly where both he and the bully were going and to just “pull the trigger as quickly as he could” so we can both get there right away. Him to jail and me ‘beamed up’ of course!
I like that attitude too, and trust that my few loyal long-term readers enjoy my writing for the same reasons.
I call this style of living VICTUSINAMBITUS – Lat: life (or living) on the edge. Occasionally you fall off, but it is a ‘hell of a lifestyle’ (if you get the reverse pun).
The other thing I like about him is that Anthony not only gathers clips and quotes from around the globe (mainly from mainstream conspiracy or alternative news/opinion sources) but he then sends them to me on a weekly basis with his own commentary intertwined.
Again I like that, for it provides his personal take and his context for sharing them. This is integrity in action. It costs to be real. This dude is exactly that – real. I therefore do what I can, when appropriate, to give him feedback and engage with him, letting him know that I am there; reading most of his work and doing what he wants of his readership ; thinking, praying and being real in return. He’s been gracious to share his time with me in return by answering my questions and responding professionally too. Again I like this. It’s a total package that he, indeed we, aim to provide.
So let’s get into his recent communication and comment on his commentary:
Anthony Grigor-Scott
Sharing about the Corona virus as he was want to do from the outset, he starts with his conspiratorial view of what he (and others) call the plan-demic.
Coronavirus is nothing but a decoy to distract silly people with propaganda of the worldwide media
Oh boy is this guy direct and onto it or not? As with all events designed to distract “silly people”, it was planned. If you don’t buy that one, it’s best you tune out now and go back to Netflix, watching Mickey Mouse cartoons or the local news . . . right . . . now.
Yes, I’m serious. Go!
For the rest of you . . . a dead giveaway for establishing truth is to take the mainstream agenda and invert it. If every media outlet on the planet says “they have weapons of mass destruction” then they won’t have. If a gazillion people will die from [enter your current threat here – Asian Bird Flu, SARS, Aids, Global Warming . . . oops I mean Climate Change] then they won’t. If a shooter killed all those children in Sandy Hook and now “we gotta take those weapons off you” . . . then . . . well don’t read the ‘false flag’ book about it or ask pesky questions about why the crisis actors are still alive and getting killed in the next ‘supposed’ mass murder.
In my experience, most conspiracies (certain of the political & financial kind) stack up when boiled down. Most spooky ones (think ET and so on) don’t, BTW.
One of the really great things that I’ve seen outwork in the last decade or two is the increasing numbers of people who accept that the mainstream media have an agenda. Being labelled a “conspiracy theorist” used to be a put down. Now it’s changing to the other side of things as people come to realise the deep significance of [for example] the fact that there was actually a third building (WTC47) that suddenly imploded, a few minutes after the BBC slipped up and told us all that it had already fallen!
I’m now finding that people are way more open to the opinions of those of us who do ask the questions and can see reality.
It’s also like they actually instinctively trust people who are labelled nutters by people they know regularly lie to them. We are now getting kudos for standing tall in the face of BS.
What’s even more pleasing to me though is the quality of this support. It’s deep and it’s quality. Most of the ex-pat Samoans now know, and believe the facts I (and others) have shared about their crooked political leader. I can take credit for informing them of the identity of his floosie – not everyone knew her name when I wrote the book Corruption in Samoa – but they do now.
But what really tickles my fancy is not that I’ve shamed a political leader who claims to be God’s representative that will jump some woman ready to drop her pants for him. It’s that the people I care about – the ones with brains and leaders with influence OUTSIDE of the corrupt “fortune hunters” as the ex-speaker recently called them*, privately seek me out telling me that I am a national treasure” and encourage me to never give up speaking it out because it gives them hope. Hope that there is somebody out there, a Palagi too, who knows what is happening up there and cares enough to speak about it. These are the ones who matter to me because they think and they care.
It’s actually sort of a bit like the Romans who cocked their heads at people who considered it an honour to sacrifice their lives to the lions rather than deny the One who had given His for theirs. Little wonder then that in the incredibly self-centered culture of that day, such cultural differences caused reality to rear its beautiful head in a sea of ugliness; Truth caught on like wildfire and the Christian religion spread like wildfire.
So the perpetrators of this sea of ugliness, the propaganda propagated by TPTB appear to be becoming [is that the correct grammar, “to be becoming”?] the victim of its own success by revealing their true nature as they gain and consolidate their power. ‘Destruction of evil by its own nature, i.e. implosion’ is the biblical concept that I always try to explain in my blogging and writing as God’s method of dealing to it.
and the “useful idiots” we elect to continue the deception.
Politicians. Well known across the globe and spanning eons of course for their selfless integrity [sarcasm].
More on “the deception” in a minute.
Their purpose is to entrench an unelected oligarchic world government as per Matthew 4:8-9 and Revelation 13:8, 15-18.
Indeed. Anthony of course shares the Christian worldview, albeit a narrow uncommon take but looking at these verses makes perfect sense to most Christians:
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”
Matthew 4:8-9 New International Version (NIV)
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Revelation 13:8 King James Version (KJV)
Revelation 15-18 contains the visions of John, the Disciple most spiritually in tune with the Master. Seven this . . .seven that. To be quite honest it all bamboozles me, but I don’t mind because I know the Master and His nature, so I’ll leave it all for Him to worry about.
Anthony continues, on the money, releasing these gems of truth one after another:
Global population is a mere 7.6 billion souls, 2.5 billion of whom have unexpectedly become unemployed in just the last two months.
Work. Gone and more going. Change.
Without income from employment these people cannot meet their necessities, or contribute to the economy by purchasing.
Income. Gone and more going. Change again.
Before the international criminals sprung their Coronavirus trap most nations were already hopelessly in debt.
Debt. Hopeless debt. Fools borrow to get out of debt. Accountability will come. Change assured.
Since 2008 central banks have been printing counterfeit money to stimulate the economy with more debt while diminishing bank interest rates almost to zero.
Usury; interest – it’s the means of enslavement. There is your root cause of evil – the love of money – and as I have been preaching for years, it is USURY that is that tool of enslavement.
Stock prices are flying high but nothing is being produced in the real economy.
Productivity. Take it away and you can sustain the lifestyle only as long as the deception remains. Watch out when the ‘woke’ awake to reality!
Since 1933 Brother Branham has prophesied the coming depression that will be worse than the Great Depression.
Global Depression. Assured. Is this change or what?
While you have health and a roof over your head, secure and make provision as best you can to feed and provide for your home from your own resources.
Survival wisdom.
- Get out of debt;
- Stay out of it; and
- Prepare practically for the squeeze.
Present circumstances cannot last: that is the plan.
And Anthony ends with this key phrase and the one that triggered me to share and write today. There is absolutely no question in my mind that increased global turmoil and stress is totally and utterly centrally planned. We MUST think outside of the box and prepare for it . . . now.
You have to be stupid or wilfully deceived not to observe the trends towards the increased consolidation of wealth and power. Globalisation is not a natural state of affairs – just look at the attempts at unifying Europe. Take that to a global scale and it is clear that this dream of global political unity is utterly BS.
A tree does NOT worry about some contrived human, medical or political issue on the other side of the world. My dogs are NOT interested in the health and welfare of the residents of Belarus or Sweden, sorry. They want attention and food here, now. A cabbage in New Zealand grows just the same if the US is broke, booming or busting thank you very much. A roof over my head and a warm bed in New Zealand is just the same as one in Uz-bek-istia, Sir-eff-istan or Outer Him-bar-barrey.
Is it common knowledge that the abortion laws were changed in New Zealand while the COVID-19 lockdown distracted us? Why not? Has anyone really worked out to whom the entire world is in debt to? I mean after all if every country in the world is in debt and we are paying interest on this debt . . . umm . . . to whom? What politician would dare stand up to the not-so-subtle influence of the power-base which elected and maintains their political survival?
So the art of deception is employed, just as Anthony says, in order to enslave.
I’m with him – there will be change alright – as the noose tightens more and more and more until the people, in cahoots with the betraying political leadership are sucked dry of everything that they own and treasure.
I was privileged in Samoa to observe the way things worked “up there” through a close relationship with the top political leader Tuila’epa. The words I have used online to share my experiences reached almost 2 million (words, not people!) before I was declared a “prohibited immigrant” and effectively ‘exported’. Corruption in Samoa is the name of the book as well as synonymous to a sound description of an entire country.
The secret to my gaining a solid understanding of human nature for what it is, however, came after some 18 months of living and experiencing this corruption first hand, when I turned my critical eye back onto my own country and culture, viewing the attitude and actions of my own from the eyes of a Samoan. Ah . . . greed, self-interest, pride from my own.
THEN . . . I ‘got it’.
Corruption, people, is a human characteristic. Different cultures simply permit it to manifest in different ways. Oh, the squeeze is coming friends; it is a-coming just as fruit loops, liars and politicians all deny it and exercise that beautifully effective ‘plausible deniability’.
But not with me, or Anthony.
Anthony, keep those words a-coming ‘brother’.
In my next thirty to forty posts I suspend all commentary on current social affairs so that I can dive deeply into a massive conspiracy that surrounds New Zealand’s longest-running; most controversial ‘Cold Case’ when I provide commentary on and release a book that essentially solves a case that has bedevilled New Zealand for exactly 50 years.
David Harvey and Jeannette Lenore Crewe were murdered outside and in their Pukekawa farmhouse on 17 June 1970.
Tune in over the next few days, if you want answers to the questions the Police refuse to discuss fully . . . if you dare.
Great stuff Nisi